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The development of the Semantic Web, with machine-readable content, has the potential to revolutionize the World Wide Web and its uses. A Semantic Web Primer provides an introduction and guide to this continuously evolving field, describing its key ideas, languages, and technologies. Suitable for use as a textbook or for independent study by professionals, it concentrates on undergraduate-level fundamental concepts and techniques that will enable readers to proceed with building applications on their own and includes exercises, project descriptions, and annotated references to relevant online materials.The third edition of this widely used text has been thoroughly updated, with significant new material that reflects a rapidly developing field. Treatment of the different languages (OWL2, rules) expands the coverage of RDF and OWL, defining the data model independently of XML and including coverage of N3/Turtle and RDFa. A chapter is devoted to OWL2, the new W3C standard. This edition also features additional coverage of the query language SPARQL, the rule language RIF and the possibility of interaction between rules and ontology languages and applications. The chapter on Semantic Web applications reflects the rapid developments of the past few years. A new chapter offers ideas for term projects. Additional material, including updates on the technological trends and research directions, can be found at http://www.semanticwebprimer.org.
Cited By
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- Morais G, Bork D and Adda M Towards an Ontology-driven Approach to Model and Analyze Microservices Architectures Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems, (79-86)
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- Ilievski F, Beek W, Erp M, Rietveld L and Schlobach S LOTUS Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains - Volume 9678, (470-485)
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- Wlodarczyk T, Rong C and Thorsen K Industrial Cloud Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing, (460-471)
Index Terms
- A Semantic Web Primer
Semantic web reasoners and languages
Semantic web reasoners and languages enable the semantic web to function. Some of the latest reasoning models developed in the last few years are: DLP, FaCT, RACER, Pellet, MSPASS, CEL, Cerebra Engine, QuOnto, KAON2, HermiT and others. Some software ...