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CatAR: A Novel Stereoscopic Augmented Reality Cataract Surgery Training System with Dexterous Instruments Tracking Technology

Published: 21 April 2018 Publication History


We propose CatAR, a novel stereoscopic augmented reality (AR) cataract surgery training system. It provides dexterous instrument tracking ability using a specially designed infrared optical system with 2 cameras and 1 reflective marker. The tracking accuracy on the instrument tip is 20 µm, much higher than previous simulators. Moreover, our system allows trainees to use and to see real surgical instruments while practicing. Five training modules with 31 parameters were designed and 28 participants were enrolled to conduct efficacy and validity tests. The results revealed significant differences between novice and experienced surgeons. Improvements in surgical skills after practicing with CatAR were also significant.

Supplementary Material (pn3812-file3.mp4)
Supplemental video (pn3812-file5.mp4)
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MP4 File (pn3812.mp4)


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    CHI '18: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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    Published: 21 April 2018


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    1. augmented reality
    2. cataract
    3. dexterous input
    4. instrument tracking
    5. microsurgery
    6. surgical simulator
    7. surgical training


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    • (2023)Image-based recognition of surgical instruments by means of convolutional neural networksInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery10.1007/s11548-023-02885-318:11(2043-2049)Online publication date: 18-May-2023
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