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Caves are elective shelters for bat fauna, above all from a climatic point of view. The “buffer effect” on the variability of environmental parameters of cavities, make them a suitable habitat for bats. The choice of roosting sites, the... more
This note describes the preliminary findings of the first campaign conducted in Zubbio (swallow hole) of Cozzo S. Pietro, on Monte Catalfano (Bagheria) which highlighted the potential of the site for the study of western Sicilan... more
This note describes the preliminary findings of the first campaign conducted in Zubbio (swallow hole) of Cozzo S. Pietro, on Monte Catalfano (Bagheria) which highlighted the potential of the site for the study of western Sicilan... more
A breve, sul sito verrà effettuato un saggio di scavo. Sulla base delle osservazioni precedenti, sono stati considerati tutti gli elementi noti sul popolamento umano del territorio indagato, con un approccio mirato alla comprensione delle... more
Background Over the past 20 years, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have raised enormous expectations, passionate political controversies and an ongoing debate on how these technologies should be assessed. Current risk assessment... more
A combined field experiment and modelling approach has been used to provide evidence that ants may be responsible for an observed lower patchiness and higher plant diversity in the neighbourhood of ant nests, within Mediterranean dry... more
The first mention on conceptualisation of what we now term “biodiversity” was given by Federico Cesi about 400 years ago. By the light of the first formulation of this concept, the historical changes in the human approach to... more
After a general outline on the syntaxonomical framework of the class Pegano harmalae-Salsoletea vermiculatae Br.-Bl. & O. Bolos 1958, the occurrence of this vegetation in the Italian territory is examined. In Italy, this vegetation is... more
Orophilous plant communities of the Pino-Juniperetea class, occurring in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean area, are examined. This vegetation is characterized by the dominance of trees and shrubs, mostly represented by conifers... more
The vegetation of mining dumps of SW-Sardinia includes several endemic or rare species, that have been confined to such artificial habitats by a millennial mining activity. The extreme edaphic specialization of these species reflects with... more
A survey about the orophilous shrubby vegetation of the Teide volcano (Tenerife) is provided, based on literature and unpublished data. The investigated communities are dominated by broom-shaped nanophanerophytes, chamaephytes and... more