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Employee empowerment is one crucial aspect for an enterprise development and sustainability especially in SMEs. Using small retailer business context, this paper investigates how empowerment practices have been applied. A hundred... more
Many academics and practitioners have proposed that organizational learning as process of continuous knowledge acquisition, dissemination and exploitation may lead to competitiveness of an organization. The paper is intended to explore... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the partial influence of transformational and transactional leadership styles toward job performance and whether the transformational leadership style has dominant effect than transactional... more
This paper attempts to explore the drivers of green export performance by considering case studies in Indonesian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Conceptually, the uniqueness of green products and export entrepreneurship is proposed... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of family ownership integration in moderating and earnings management in mediating the relationship between CSR and firm value. The population used is all companies listed on the... more
The study aims at investigating public accountability influence on government performance. Public accountability in form of legal accountability, honesty, process, policy, result, program and financial accountability as well as local... more
The research was conducted to analyze the relationship between organizational learning and financial performance of tourism service MSMEs in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. The results were displayed descriptively before testing the... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of family ownership integration in moderating and earnings management in mediating the relationship between CSR and firm value. The population used is all companies listed on the... more
Pada Era digital seperti sekarang ini telah terjadi Perubahan paradigma pemerintah kota Makassar terhadap keberadaan layanan teknologi informasi. Masyarakat dapat memperoleh layanan yang cepat, tepat dan akurat untuk kebutuhan informasi... more
The research was conducted to analyze the relationship between organizational learning and financial performance of tourism service MSMEs in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. The results were displayed descriptively before testing the... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of family ownership integration in moderating and earnings management in mediating the relationship between CSR and firm value. The population used is all companies listed on the... more
The research was conducted to analyze the relationship between organizational learning and financial performance of tourism service MSMEs in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. The results were displayed descriptively before testing the... more
The purpose of this study is to identify human resource management practices and their results in SMEs in Makassar City. Data were collected using a questionnaire. A total of 250 questionnaires were hand-delivered to manager/owner of SMEs... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of family ownership integration in moderating and earnings management in mediating the relationship between CSR and firm value. The population used is all companies listed on the... more
While a comprehensive model for organizational learning (OL) remains elusory, the wide web of scholarly conversation and debate has spurred rich insight into the central questions of how and what people learn in organizational settings.... more
Era disrupsi telah mampu merubah paradigma pemerintah terhadap kontribusi Teknologi Informasi (TI). Tata kelola yang baik dapat memberikan layanan informasi yang cepat, relevan dan akurat kepada masyarakat. Tren Tata kelola kota cerdas... more
This paper attempts to explore the drivers of green export performance by considering case studies in Indonesian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Conceptually, the uniqueness of green products and export entrepreneurship is proposed... more
The application of electronification is an important aspect towards  implementing the smart city concept which is expected to improve the performance of district / city government services to produce a more effective and efficient work... more
Student productivity in higher education is still a problem. In the digital era, technology is increasingly developing and provides convenience for doing various things, including in terms of learning. The purpose of this study will be an... more
This study aims to determine the effect of brand image, product design, and celebrity endorsement on the repurchase intention of consumers of soccer shoes. The object of this research is the consumer of soccer shoes in Pangandaran... more