Hologram screen of tibia and fibula bone in the human body - loop
Leg bone in the transparent human body, 3d rendering.
Cervical vertebrae anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
Femur bone anatomy for medical Concept 3D animation
Humerus bone anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
Human skeleton rib cage anatomy 3D animation for medical concept
Human skeleton hip or pelvic bone anatomy 3D animation for medical concept
Clavicle bones anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
Human skeleton Tibia bone anatomy 3D animation for medical concept
Human skeleton sacral bone anatomy 3D animation for medical concept
Human skeleton fibula bone anatomy 3D animation for medical concept
Lumbar vertebrae anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
Lion skeleton vertebra anatomy for medical concept 3D Illustration
Human skeleton costal cartilage anatomy for medical concept 3d animation
Hip joint pain Anatomy For Medical Concept 3D Animation
Illustration showcases the human skeleton with a focus on the pelvis and lower body structure. This anatomical representation highlights critical bones and their connections clearly.
Lion skull skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D Illustration
Lion rib cage skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D Illustration
Human skeleton Axis Bone Anatomy 3D animation For Medical Concept
Ankle joint pain Anatomy For Medical Concept 3D Animation
Human skeleton Atlas Bone Anatomy 3D animation For Medical Concept
Knee joint pain Anatomy For Medical Concept 3D Animation
Human skeleton Sacrum spine Anatomy 3D animation For Medical Concept
Human skeleton Thoracic spine Anatomy 3D animation For Medical Concept
Lion limbs skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D Illustration
Human skeleton patella bone anatomy for medical concept 3d animation
Human skeleton Skull Mandible Bone Anatomy 3D animation For Medical Concept
Human skeleton Cervical spine Anatomy 3D animation For Medical Concept
Human skeleton Lumbar spine Anatomy 3D animation For Medical Concept
Mandible bone horse skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
thoracic vertebrae horse skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
Wrist or Carpal joint pain Anatomy For Medical Concept 3D animation
Scapula bone horse skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
Lion skeleton vertebrae anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
horse skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
Lion skeleton rib cage anatomy for Medical concept 3D animation
Skull bone horse skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
Cervical vertebrae horse skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
lumbar vertebrae horse skeleton anatomy for medical concept 3D animation
3D rendered Medical Animation of Male bones Anatomy
Lion skeleton hind legs anatomy for Medical concept 3D animation
Doctor securing an x ray of a human leg to a medical board with small round magnets aids in examination and diagnosis within a healthcare environment
Cervical spine neck joint pain Anatomy For Medical Concept 3D Animation
Lion skeleton forelegs anatomy for Medical concept 3D animation
Knee joint pain Anatomy For Medical Concept 3D Animation sitting position
Human Knee Joint Model with Ligaments
Connective tissue of vertebral column
Human skeleton Shoulder joint ligaments anatomy 3D animation
Human skeleton synovial joint anatomy 3D animation
Sixth thoracic vertebra (T6) Edit. The thoracic spinal nerve 6 (T6) passes out underneath it
The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body
Ligaments Of sternocostal joints
The greater omentum is a two-leaflet hammock
Three of the more important ligaments in the spine are the ligamentum flavum, anterior longitudinal ligament
Meta tar sal bones of right ankle and foot
The first rib is the most superior of the twelve ribs
In vertebrates, thoracic vertebrae compose the middle segment of the vertebral column, between the cervical vertebrae and the lumbar vertebrae
The 11th rib has a single facet on its head for articulation with the T11 vertebra
Twelfth thoracic vertebra
Ligaments of the head and neck
The visceral pelvic fascia is a condensation of connective tissue that arises from the parietal fascia laterally
The coccyx is a triangular arrangement of bone that makes up the very bottom portion of the spine below the sacrum
The cervical spine (neck region) consists of seven bones (C1-C7 vertebrae), which are separated from one another by intervertebral discs
The ninth rib has a frontal part at the same level as the first lumbar vertebra
The palatine bone is a paired, L-shaped facial bone that makes up a portion of the nasal cavity and palate
The occipital bone is the most posterior cranial bone and the main bone of the occiput
The false ribs are the ribs that indirectly articulate with the sternum
The first thoracic vertebra (T-1) has a whole costal facet superiorly and a half costal facet inferiorly
The T4 vertebra is the fourth thoracic vertebra that makes up the middle segment of spinal column of the human body
The vertebral column surrounds the spinal cord which travels within the spinal canal,
Bones of right ankle and foot
Bones of right thigh and leg
The fourth cervical vertebra (C4) is centrally located in the cervical (or neck) region of the spinal column
The viscerocranium is a collection of bones that make up the face skeleton
The maxillary first premolar is one of two teeth located in the upper jaw, laterally from both the maxillary canines of the mouth but mesial from both
Interosseous sacroiliac ligament
Fingernail Cross Section of Tendons
Connective tissue of pelvis
The pericardium is a fibrous sac that encloses the heart and great vessels
The eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11) is located near the bottom of the thoracic spine
The inside of your bones are filled with a soft tissue called marrow
The T7 vertebra is the seventh thoracic vertebra, found in the middle of the chest between the seventh and eighth pairs of ribs
The coccyx, or tailbone, is a small triangle-shaped bone derived from the fusion of four coccygeal vertebrae at the
The mandible is the largest and strongest bone of the human skull
The upper pole of the left kidney lies at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra, and the lower pole lies at the level of the third lumbar vertebra
The bones of the skull are 22 bones, organized into a cranial skeleton (8 bones) that surrounds the brain and a facial skeleton (14 bones
The lumbar vertebrae are, in human anatomy, the five vertebrae between the rib cage and the pelvis
Human skeleton Knee and Foot joint ligaments anatomy 3D animation
Cartilage is an important structural component of the body. It is a firm tissue but is softer and much more flexible than bone
Costovertebral joint ligaments
Connective tissue of eye
Connective tissue of costovertebral joints
Fingernail Cross Section of Tissue
The peritoneum is a continuous membrane which lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs
The thoracic spinal vertebrae consist of 12 total vertebrae and are located between the cervical vertebrae
The ethmoid bone is a small unpaired bone, located in the midline of the anterior cranium
The C6 vertebra is found in the inferior end of the neck, just above the thorax
The vertebral column is a series of approximately 33 bones called vertebrae, which are separated by intervertebral discs
Bones of right hand and wrist
The appendicular skeleton is one of two major bone groups in the body
The transverse mesocolon is a broad, meso-fold of peritoneum
Ligaments of interchondral joints
Abdomen Transverse, Rib cage
The axial connective tissue system
Fifth rib movement is the largest among all ribs during bilateral arm elevation
The tenth thoracic vertebra (T10) is one of twelve vertebrae that make up the central section of the vertebral column
The sternum, often called the breast bone, is located at the midpoint of the anterior thorax and is composed of the manubrium
The costovertebral joints describe two groups of synovial plane joints which connect the proximal
The iliolumbar ligament is a strong band of connective tissue and one of the three vertebropelvic ligaments
Abdomen Transverse, Thoracic vertebrae
Auricular cartilage is flexible, connective tissue, sometimes referred to as gristle
Bones of upper limb
axial skeleton is made up of the 80 bones within the central core of your body
Human skeleton Wrist and Hip joint ligaments anatomy 3D animation
The nasal cartilages are made up of a flexible material called hyaline cartilage (packed collagen) in the distal portion of the nose
The lesser omentum is the double layer of peritoneum that extends from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach
There are 6 intervertebral discs in the cervical spine
The obturator muscles work synergistically with surrounding muscles to provide hip mobility
Long posterior sacroiliac ligament
Connective tissue of throat
The parietal pleura covers the internal surface of the thoracic cavity
Metacarpal bones of right hand and wrist
one of the bones forming the human rib cage. rib 8, 8th rib
Fifth cervical vertebra
The hyoid bone is an intermediary between the skull and postcranial skeleton
Connective tissue of jaw
The costal cartilages are bars of hyaline cartilage that serve to prolong the ribs forward
The intervertebral disc (IVD) is important in the normal functioning of the spine
The fifth lumbar spine vertebrae (L5) is part of the greater lumbar region
The lacrimal bone is a paired facial bone located in the medial wall of the orbit
The lower jaw (mandible) supports the bottom row of teeth and gives shape to the lower face and chin
The muscles surrounded by the deep perineal fascia are the bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, and superficial transverse perineal
Ligaments of reproductive System
Abdomen Transverse, Axial skeleton
The radius head is a bone related to the elbow joint. Helps the forearm rotate around its axis
The true ribs include rib pairs 1-7, with each rib articulating posteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae and anteriorly
Although bones are very hard organs, they also have a dense network of blood vessels inside them where the bone marrow
Twelve vertebrae are located in the thoracic spine and are numbered T-1 to T-12
Thoracic Vertebral, T4
The stylomandibular ligament is the thickened posterior portion of the investing cervical fascia around the neck
The talus talus bone, astragalus or ankle bone is one of the group of foot bones known as the tarsus