Last Previous Highest Lowest
Currency 35.63 35.75 38.62 2.67 Mar/25
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.5 2.4 10.8 -16 percent Dec/23
Unemployment Rate 8 8.2 17.3 6.6 percent Dec/23
Inflation Rate 9.8 10.1 586 -11.68 percent Jan/25
Interest Rate 10 10 18 4 percent Feb/25
Balance of Trade 285 217 367 -129 USD Million Dec/24
Current Account -10.8 24.6 248 -225 USD Million Dec/24
Current Account to GDP 3.9 2.1 53.23 -30.44 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Debt to GDP 90.3 117 146 16.86 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -1.7 -0.9 5.7 -18.4 percent of GDP Dec/23
Corporate Tax Rate 36 36 36 34.5 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 38 38 38 38 percent Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.5 2.4 10.8 -16 percent Dec/23
GDP 3.46 3.79 5.24 0.1 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP per Capita 7195 7081 9303 3940 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 19044 18743 24624 16184 USD Dec/23
GDP Constant Prices 15456 15081 17959 7669 SRD Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Unemployment Rate 8 8.2 17.3 6.6 percent Dec/23
Population 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.29 Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Inflation Rate 9.8 10.1 586 -11.68 percent Jan/25
Consumer Price Index CPI 841 836 841 94.3 points Jan/25
Food Inflation 0.6 0.1 72.6 -1.14 percent Jan/25
Inflation Rate MoM 0.6 0.5 15.6 -1.7 percent Jan/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Interest Rate 10 10 18 4 percent Feb/25
Interbank Rate 45 45 85 0 percent Apr/24
Deposit Interest Rate 6.8 7.5 11.6 6.2 percent Jan/25
Lending Rate 14.6 14.7 16.2 11.5 percent Jan/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Balance of Trade 285 217 367 -129 USD Million Dec/24
Current Account -10.8 24.6 248 -225 USD Million Dec/24
Current Account to GDP 3.9 2.1 53.23 -30.44 percent of GDP Dec/23
Exports 672 652 739 265 USD Million Dec/24
Imports 387 435 594 221 USD Million Dec/24
Gold Reserves 1.21 1.21 8.75 0.56 Tonnes Dec/24
External Debt to GDP 108 132 132 7 percent of GDP Dec/23
Capital Flows -94.5 -30.9 384 -224 USD Million Dec/24
Crude Oil Production 12 13 16.48 5 BBL/D/1K Nov/24
Foreign Direct Investment 38.9 17.6 148 -83.2 USD Million Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Government Debt to GDP 90.3 117 146 16.86 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -1.7 -0.9 5.7 -18.4 percent of GDP Dec/23
Corruption Index 40 40 45 30 Points Dec/24
Corruption Rank 88 87 100 49 Dec/24
Credit Rating 16 Mar/25
Fiscal Expenditure 36818 25149 36818 1772 SRD Million Dec/23
Government Budget Value -2338 -767 1015 -5843 SRD Million Dec/23
Government Debt 125456 104556 125456 953 SRD Million Dec/23
Government Revenues 34480 24350 34480 1740 SRD Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Corporate Tax Rate 36 36 36 34.5 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 38 38 38 38 percent Dec/25
Sales Tax Rate 10 10 10 10 percent Dec/25