Last Previous Highest Lowest
Currency 148 148 358 75.55 Mar/25
Stock Market 36575 37028 42438 1020 points Mar/25
GDP Growth Rate 0.6 0.4 5.3 -7.6 percent Dec/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 1.2 0.6 9.4 -9.7 percent Dec/24
GDP Growth Annualized 2.2 1.4 23.2 -27.1 percent Dec/24
Unemployment Rate 2.5 2.4 5.5 1 percent Jan/25
Inflation Rate 4 3.6 24.9 -2.5 percent Jan/25
Inflation Rate MoM 0.5 0.6 4.1 -1.1 percent Jan/25
Interest Rate 0.5 0.5 9 -0.1 percent Feb/25
Balance of Trade -2759 132 1609 -3506 JPY Billion Jan/25
Current Account -258 1077 3966 -2001 JPY Billion Jan/25
Current Account to GDP 4.7 3.8 4.7 -1 percent of GDP Dec/24
Government Debt to GDP 255 260 260 50.6 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -5.5 -5.8 2.58 -8.8 percent of GDP Dec/22
Business Confidence 14 13 53 -58 points Dec/24
Manufacturing PMI 49 48.7 56.2 29.6 points Feb/25
Services PMI 53.7 53 55.9 21.5 points Feb/25
Consumer Confidence 35 35.2 50.8 21.6 points Feb/25
Retail Sales MoM 0.5 -0.8 11.6 -13.7 percent Jan/25
Corporate Tax Rate 30.62 30.62 52.4 30.62 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 55.95 55.95 55.95 50 percent Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Growth Rate 0.6 0.4 5.3 -7.6 percent Dec/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 1.2 0.6 9.4 -9.7 percent Dec/24
GDP Growth Annualized 2.2 1.4 23.2 -27.1 percent Dec/24
GDP 4204 4256 6272 47.42 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP Constant Prices 562477 558673 562477 268522 JPY Billion Dec/24
Gross National Product 590596 588151 590596 272555 JPY Billion Dec/24
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 137624 137332 156744 71463 JPY Billion Dec/24
GDP per Capita 36990 36203 36990 6389 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 45949 44970 45949 35306 USD Dec/23
Full Year GDP Growth 0.1 1.9 4.1 -5.7 percent Dec/24
GDP External Demand Contribution 0.7 -0.1 2.9 -2.8 percentage points Dec/24
GDP from Agriculture 5370 5312 8016 4809 JPY Billion Dec/23
GDP from Construction 28722 28160 43400 24493 JPY Billion Dec/23
GDP from Manufacturing 121800 120607 121800 84669 JPY Billion Dec/23
GDP from Mining 278 296 1124 278 JPY Billion Dec/23
GDP from Public Administration 27058 27568 27568 22401 JPY Billion Dec/23
GDP from Services 19914 19906 27926 19563 JPY Billion Dec/23
GDP from Transport 25797 23681 29287 20404 JPY Billion Dec/23
GDP from Utilities 17822 17070 20080 13847 JPY Billion Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Unemployment Rate 2.5 2.4 5.5 1 percent Jan/25
Employed Persons 68270 68220 68270 38370 Thousand Jan/25
Unemployed Persons 1740 1700 3680 490 Thousand Jan/25
Full Time Employment 23336 23346 23503 19397 Thousand Jan/25
Part Time Employment 7749 7834 7834 1988 Thousand Jan/25
Employment Rate 61.7 62 65.4 55.9 percent Jan/25
Labor Force Participation Rate 63.2 63.4 74 58.5 percent Jan/25
Youth Unemployment Rate 3.7 3.3 10.8 1.6 percent Jan/25
Productivity 104 98.5 122 68.8 points Dec/24
Job Vacancies 837 819 1000 266 Thousand Dec/24
Wages 332594 741317 883791 52914 JPY/Month Jan/25
Minimum Wages 1054 1002 1054 663 JPY/Hour Oct/24
Wage Growth 2.8 4.4 35.02 -7.1 percent Jan/25
Wages in Manufacturing 359246 889663 889663 9785 JPY/Month Jan/25
Population 124 124 128 83.2 Million Dec/24
Retirement Age Women 65 64 65 60 Years Dec/25
Retirement Age Men 65 64 65 60 Years Dec/25
Overtime Pay YoY 3.1 0.8 19.9 -26.3 percent Jan/25
Real Earnings Excluding Bonuses -1.8 0.3 3.1 -5.2 Percent Jan/25
Real Earnings Including Bonuses -1.8 0.6 6.59 -5.46 Percent Jan/25
Jobs To Applications Ratio 1.26 1.25 1.93 0.42 Jan/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Inflation Rate 4 3.6 24.9 -2.5 percent Jan/25
Inflation Rate MoM 0.5 0.6 4.1 -1.1 percent Jan/25
Consumer Price Index CPI 111 111 111 17.1 points Jan/25
Core Consumer Prices 110 110 110 30.5 points Jan/25
Core Inflation Rate 3.2 3 24.7 -2.4 percent Jan/25
GDP Deflator 113 108 116 87.8 points Dec/24
Producer Prices 125 125 125 47.3 points Jan/25
Export Prices 141 140 206 93.3 points Jan/25
Import Prices 166 164 198 47.7 points Jan/25
Food Inflation 7.8 6.4 31.6 -3.7 percent Jan/25
Goods Inflation 6.3 5.4 30 -4.4 percent Jan/25
Producer Price Inflation MoM 0 0.3 7.4 -1.9 percent Feb/25
Rent Inflation 0.3 0.4 11.9 -0.4 percent Jan/25
Services Inflation 1.4 1.6 20.7 -2.7 percent Jan/25
Tokyo Core CPI 2.2 2.5 23.3 -2.2 percent Feb/25
Tokyo CPI Ex Food and Energy 0.9 1 19.6 -1.8 percent Feb/25
CPI Core Core 2.5 2.4 23.9 -1.7 percent Jan/25
CPI Housing Utilities 104 104 104 25.4 points Jan/25
CPI Transportation 99.1 98.1 106 39 points Jan/25
Inflation Expectations 2.4 2.4 2.8 0.3 percent Dec/24
Producer Prices Change 4 4.2 33.9 -8.6 percent Feb/25
Tokyo CPI 2.9 3.4 24 -2.4 percent Feb/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Interest Rate 0.5 0.5 9 -0.1 percent Feb/25
Interbank Rate 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.05 percent Mar/25
Money Supply M0 112340 113493 116926 2130 JPY Billion Feb/25
Money Supply M1 1091734 1097440 1108544 3921 JPY Billion Feb/25
Money Supply M2 1253104 1259442 1260000 8404 JPY Billion Feb/25
Money Supply M3 1603476 1610833 1612580 1010646 JPY Billion Feb/25
Central Bank Balance Sheet 747052 744346 764812 4864 JPY Billion Feb/25
Foreign Exchange Reserves 1253300 1240600 1424284 455 USD Million Feb/25
Loans to Private Sector 557569 554859 557569 375949 JPY Billion Jan/25
Deposit Interest Rate 0.12 0.12 0.12 0 percent Feb/25
Foreign Stock Investment -708 -1038 2369 -3026 JPY Billion Mar/25
Foreign Bond Investment 1514 -197 6790 -7827 JPY Billion Mar/25
Purchases of Government Bonds 43838 43847 48782 -264 JPY Billion Feb/25
Loan Growth 3.1 2.9 6.7 -5 percent Feb/25
Private Debt to GDP 246 242 286 215 percent Dec/22
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Balance of Trade -2759 132 1609 -3506 JPY Billion Jan/25
Current Account -258 1077 3966 -2001 JPY Billion Jan/25
Current Account to GDP 4.7 3.8 4.7 -1 percent of GDP Dec/24
Exports 7864 9911 9911 105 JPY Billion Jan/25
Imports 10623 9780 11173 162 JPY Billion Jan/25
External Debt 678638 663482 678638 141743 JPY Billion Dec/24
Terms of Trade 85 85.2 263 69.8 points Jan/25
Capital Flows 810 24107 51996 -26928 JPY Hundred Million Jan/25
Foreign Direct Investment 13320 30929 70638 -20639 JPY Hundred Million Jan/25
Tourism Revenues 15084333 22053820 29067000 39000 JPY Thousand Dec/24
Tourist Arrivals 3781200 3489800 3781200 1700 Jan/25
Gold Reserves 846 846 846 754 Tonnes Dec/24
Exports YoY 7.2 2.8 89.2 -49.4 percent Jan/25
Imports YoY 16.7 1.7 106 -42.7 percent Jan/25
Terrorism Index 1.19 2.4 2.54 0 Points Dec/23
Weapons Sales 13 3 167 1 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Government Debt to GDP 255 260 260 50.6 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -5.5 -5.8 2.58 -8.8 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget Value -43638 -90303 92145 -347513 JPY Hundred Million Dec/23
Government Spending 119943 119605 119943 44079 JPY Billion Dec/24
Corruption Index 71 73 80 58 Points Dec/24
Corruption Rank 20 16 25 14 Dec/24
Credit Rating 77 Mar/25
Government Spending to GDP 44.5 47.2 47.2 34.6 percent of GDP Dec/21
Military Expenditure 50161 46880 60762 356 USD Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Corporate Tax Rate 30.62 30.62 52.4 30.62 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 55.95 55.95 55.95 50 percent Dec/25
Sales Tax Rate 10 10 10 5 percent Dec/25
Social Security Rate 32.09 30.51 32.09 18.39 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate For Companies 16.55 15.76 16.55 6.8 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate For Employees 15.54 14.75 15.54 11.59 percent Dec/24
Withholding Tax Rate 20 20 20 20 percent Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Business Confidence 14 13 53 -58 points Dec/24
Manufacturing PMI 49 48.7 56.2 29.6 points Feb/25
Services PMI 53.7 53 55.9 21.5 points Feb/25
Industrial Production 2.6 -1.6 30 -37.2 percent Jan/25
Industrial Production Mom -1.1 -0.2 6.8 -16.5 percent Jan/25
Manufacturing Production 2.6 -1.6 29.3 -37.2 percent Jan/25
Capacity Utilization 102 103 159 79.9 points Dec/24
New Orders 951 1040 1624 700 JPY Billion Dec/24
Machinery Orders -1.2 3.4 25.5 -16.1 percent Dec/24
Changes in Inventories 95.2 1340 7116 -6338 JPY Billion Dec/24
Bankruptcies 764 840 1965 6 Companies Feb/25
Corporate Profits 28692 23012 35768 43.24 JPY Billion Dec/24
Coincident Index 116 116 126 83.6 points Jan/25
Economy Watchers Survey 45.6 48.6 58.3 8.3 points Feb/25
Car Production 592453 648851 961994 249772 Units Dec/24
Car Registrations 234257 216664 585449 83044 Units Feb/25
Leading Economic Index 108 108 121 80.9 Points Jan/25
Small Business Sentiment 1 0 46 -60 points Dec/24
Business Survey Index Large Manufacturing Firms -2.4 6.3 21.6 -66 percent Mar/25
Composite Leading Indicator 99.72 99.79 105 95.14 points Feb/25
Economy Watchers Survey Outlook 46.6 48.6 57.7 17.8 points Feb/25
Tankan Large All Industry Capex 11.3 10.6 21.5 -13.8 percent Dec/24
Tankan Large Manufacturing Outlook 13 14 47 -55 points Dec/24
Tankan Non-Manufacturing Outlook 28 28 51 -36 points Dec/24
Cement Production 4168 4110 9368 3335 Thousands of Tonnes Dec/24
Composite PMI 52 51.1 54.3 25.8 points Feb/25
Machine Tool Orders 118125 116146 182860 19037 JPY Million Feb/25
Mining Production 1.7 -1.6 16.2 -16.1 percent Jan/25
Non Manufacturing PMI 33 34 57 -41 points Dec/24
Private Investment -0.2 8.1 16.4 -25.33 percent Dec/24
Reuters Tankan Index 3 2 39 -78 points Feb/25
Steel Production 6800 6900 10775 1177 Thousand Tonnes Jan/25
Tertiary Industry Index 102 102 107 73.2 points Nov/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Consumer Confidence 35 35.2 50.8 21.6 points Feb/25
Retail Sales MoM 0.5 -0.8 11.6 -13.7 percent Jan/25
Retail Sales YoY 3.9 3.5 36.5 -14.3 percent Jan/25
Household Spending 0.8 2.7 13 -16.2 percent Jan/25
Consumer Spending 299620 299525 310530 153291 JPY Billion Dec/24
Disposable Personal Income 975 422 1080 35.36 JPY Thousand Dec/24
Personal Savings 3.4 6.1 23.4 -11 percent Sep/24
Bank Lending Rate 2.2 2 9.9 0.9 percent Feb/25
Household Spending MoM -4.5 2.3 12.7 -13.6 percent Jan/25
Consumer Credit 53923 54793 62768 36371 JPY Billion Sep/24
Gasoline Prices 1.23 1.19 2 0.91 USD/Liter Feb/25
Households Debt to GDP 65.4 65.3 71.1 19.9 percent of GDP Jun/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Housing Starts 56134 62957 195268 19900 Units Jan/25
Construction Orders 12.2 8.1 105 -42.8 percent Jan/25
Housing Index 128 128 194 76.37 points Dec/24
Housing Starts YoY -4.6 -2.5 67.6 -44 Percent Jan/25
Price to Rent Ratio 132 131 188 91.17 points Jun/24
Residential Property Prices 3.46 3.78 38.71 -6.43 Percent Sep/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Hospital Beds 12.59 12.62 15.58 12.59 per 1000 people Dec/22
Hospitals 65.28 65.38 81.82 65.28 per one million people Dec/22
Medical Doctors 2.67 2.5 2.57 1.17 per 1000 people Dec/20
Nurses 13.02 12.85 13.02 8.91 per 1000 people Dec/22