Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Annual Growth Rate 4.4 10 10 -13.5 percent Dec/23
Unemployment Rate 7.1 7.7 17.9 6.9 percent Sep/24
Inflation Rate 0.4 0.6 11.2 -2.6 percent Oct/24
Interest Rate 2 2 18 2 percent Jan/25
Balance of Trade -231490 -281251 289250 -323654 BBD Thousand Sep/24
Current Account -641 -1026 -294 -1251 BBD Million Dec/24
Current Account to GDP -6.4 -8.6 7.2 -10.9 percent of GDP Dec/24
Government Budget -0.1 -4.8 3.1 -11.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Corporate Tax Rate 5.5 5.5 30 5.5 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 28.5 28.5 40 28.5 percent Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Annual Growth Rate 4.4 10 10 -13.5 percent Dec/23
GDP 6.72 6.26 6.72 0.08 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 19224 18470 20922 15286 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita 19734 18959 21477 12792 USD Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Unemployment Rate 7.1 7.7 17.9 6.9 percent Sep/24
Unemployed Persons 10 10.6 22.8 0 Thousand Sep/24
Employed Persons 131 126 137 89 Thousand Sep/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Inflation Rate 0.4 0.6 11.2 -2.6 percent Oct/24
Consumer Price Index CPI 112 112 113 98.3 points Oct/24
CPI Housing Utilities 108 108 112 98.8 points Oct/24
CPI Transportation 122 123 127 94.5 points Oct/24
Food Inflation 2.29 2.39 17.08 -2.4 percent Oct/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Interest Rate 2 2 18 2 percent Jan/25
Deposit Interest Rate 0.14 0.15 8.83 0.14 percent Dec/23
Foreign Exchange Reserves 2814339 2785371 2922716 127861 BBD Million Jan/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Balance of Trade -231490 -281251 289250 -323654 BBD Thousand Sep/24
Current Account -641 -1026 -294 -1251 BBD Million Dec/24
Current Account to GDP -6.4 -8.6 7.2 -10.9 percent of GDP Dec/24
Exports 96581 60052 175778 12886 BBD Thousand Sep/24
Imports 328070 341303 408635 44472 BBD Thousand Sep/24
Tourist Arrivals 87112 63999 87112 136 Dec/24
External Debt to GDP 43.2 41.1 49.3 26.9 percent of GDP Dec/23
Crude Oil Production 1 1 1.9 0.77 BBL/D/1K Nov/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Government Budget -0.1 -4.8 3.1 -11.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Corruption Index 68 69 78 61 Points Dec/24
Corruption Rank 23 24 31 15 Dec/24
Credit Rating 28 Mar/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Corporate Tax Rate 5.5 5.5 30 5.5 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 28.5 28.5 40 28.5 percent Dec/25
Sales Tax Rate 17.5 17.5 17.5 15 percent Dec/25
Withholding Tax Rate 0 0 0 0 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate 23.85 23.85 23.85 21.35 percent Dec/25
Social Security Rate For Companies 12.75 12.75 12.75 11.25 percent Dec/25
Social Security Rate For Employees 11.1 11.1 11.1 10.1 percent Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Bank Lending Rate 4 4 14.5 0 percent Dec/24