Last Previous Highest Lowest
Currency 70.84 70.69 124 40 Mar/25
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.7 -6.2 17.2 -20.7 percent Dec/23
Unemployment Rate 15.4 14.1 15.4 7.9 percent Dec/23
Inflation Rate -0.8 -1.8 47.83 -18.37 percent Jan/25
Balance of Trade -6798 -5169 -1661 -8518 USD Million Dec/23
Government Debt to GDP 10.9 11.5 23 6.13 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -4.8 -3.1 -0.4 -26.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Corporate Tax Rate 20 20 20 0 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 20 20 20 20 percent Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.7 -6.2 17.2 -20.7 percent Dec/23
GDP 17.23 14.5 20.5 0.54 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP per Capita 380 378 581 338 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 1992 1982 3047 1454 USD Dec/23
GDP Constant Prices 1060708 1032712 1418882 202528 AFN Million Dec/23
GDP from Agriculture 380744 373056 442548 77324 AFN Million Dec/23
GDP from Construction 21108 21297 68077 8700 AFN Million Dec/23
GDP from Manufacturing 83686 82304 109873 34287 AFN Million Dec/23
GDP from Mining 24260 22704 24260 256 AFN Million Dec/23
GDP from Services 471268 460482 737499 69162 AFN Million Dec/23
GDP from Transport 44880 42382 136478 20274 AFN Million Dec/23
GDP from Utilities 24902 23723 26852 121 AFN Million Dec/23
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 205645 213930 239843 22875 AFN Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Unemployment Rate 15.4 14.1 15.4 7.9 percent Dec/23
Population 35.7 34.9 35.7 8.77 Million Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Inflation Rate -0.8 -1.8 47.83 -18.37 percent Jan/25
Core Inflation Rate 1.3 1 16.26 -5.1 percent Jan/25
Consumer Price Index CPI 128 128 149 104 points Jan/25
CPI Housing Utilities 111 112 112 99.6 points Jan/25
CPI Transportation 128 128 192 96.3 points Jan/25
Food Inflation -3 -4.5 72.77 -27.46 percent Jan/25
Inflation Rate MoM 0.1 1.3 7.27 -42.98 percent Jan/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Balance of Trade -6798 -5169 -1661 -8518 USD Million Dec/23
Exports 1778 1838 1838 69.1 USD Million Dec/23
Imports 8576 7007 8932 1966 USD Million Dec/23
Gold Reserves 21.87 21.87 21.87 21.87 Tonnes Mar/24
Terrorism Index 7.83 8.82 9.12 5.7 Points Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Government Debt to GDP 10.9 11.5 23 6.13 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -4.8 -3.1 -0.4 -26.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Corruption Index 17 20 25 8 Points Dec/24
Corruption Rank 165 162 180 117 Dec/24
Government Budget Value -64413 -40337 -6124 -177410 AFN Million Dec/23
Government Spending 287609 280374 339369 15514 AFN Million Dec/23
Government Spending to GDP 21.2 21.8 24.1 7.7 percent of GDP Dec/23
Military Expenditure 278 280 326 2.9 USD Million Dec/21
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Corporate Tax Rate 20 20 20 0 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 20 20 20 20 percent Dec/25
Sales Tax Rate 10 10 10 10 percent Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Electricity Production 972 967 1286 827 Gigawatt-hour Dec/23
Mining Production 41 15 82.5 -11.8 percent Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Consumer Spending 1298013 1228076 1378386 225164 AFN Million Dec/23