Ill adjective - Causing or capable of causing harm.
Usage example: one of the ill effects of winter weather is the rapid spread of germs as people spend more time together indoors
Noxious is a synonym for ill in bad topic. In some cases you can use "Noxious" instead an adjective "Ill", when it comes to topics like unhealthy, harmful.
Nearby Word: illness
Mutual synonyms
Both words in one sentence
- Yonah, NieR's Ill Daughter, has tendencies of this and Cordon Bleugh Chef, mixing the most diverse ingredients into noxious meals that only her father would willingly (and lovingly) consume —even if he's thinking to himself how they "taste like death."
Source: Lethal Chef / Video Games
Cite this Source
Noxious and Ill. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 05, from
Ill & Noxious. N.p., 2016. Web. 05 Mar. 2025. <>.
Noxious or Ill. 2016. Accessed March 05, 2025.
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