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Evil and Ill


Evil adjective - Not conforming to a high moral standard; morally unacceptable.
Usage example: their evil deeds rank among the worst in history

Ill is a synonym for evil in characteristic topic. In some cases you can use "Ill" instead the word "Evil" as a noun or an adjective, when it comes to topics like behaviour, help, matter, luck. popular alternative

Nearby Word: evilly


Ill adjective - Causing or capable of causing harm.
Usage example: one of the ill effects of winter weather is the rapid spread of germs as people spend more time together indoors

Evil is a synonym for ill in behaviour topic. You can use "Evil" instead the word "Ill" as a noun or an adjective, if it concerns topics such as help, matter, luck, misfortune. popular alternative

Nearby Word: illness

How words are described

good good evil good ill
big big evil big ill
committed committed evil committed ill

Both words in one sentence

  • It assumes that anyone who doesn't share the views of the user's worldview must be stupid/brainwashed/mentally ill/evil/a sellout/etc.
  • Dump Stat The stat is an ill-defined "flavor" stat that doesn't help your character survive the frozen wasteland or kill the evil troll king.
    Source: Dump Stat
  • Eldritch Abomination / Video Games Skullgirls has the Skullgirl itself, the result of an evil artifact known as the Skull Heart transforming women who use it to make ill-considered wishesnote The Skull Heart will transform women no matter what they wish for, because it considers wishes ill-considered by nature.
Cite this Source
Ill and Evil. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 05, from
Evil & Ill. N.p., 2016. Web. 05 Mar. 2025. <>.
Ill or Evil. 2016. Accessed March 05, 2025.
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