Expect verb - Consider obligatory; request and expect.
Usage example: I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons
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Synonyms for Expect
Demand is a synonym for expect in want topic. You can use "Demand" instead a verb "Expect", if it concerns topics such as require, insist on.
Common collocations
Both words in one sentence
However, his allies Val and Doyle both expect and demand that he be a One-Man Army on a regular basis.
Source: Video Game / Far Cry - You earn the right to things, you don't demand and expect them, especially not in love!
You can expect to see a lot of people who demand that you buy wards or give them potions, then won't tell you where to place the wards.
Cite this Source
Expect and Demand. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 09, from
Demand & Expect. N.p., 2016. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. <>.
Expect or Demand. 2016. Accessed March 09, 2025.
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