Call for
Call for verb - Express the need or desire for; ask for.
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Synonyms for Call for
Expect is a synonym for call for in demand topic. In some cases you can use "Expect" instead a verb "Call for", when it comes to topics like necessitate.
Expect verb - To believe in the future occurrence of (something).
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Synonyms for Expect
Call for is a synonym for expect in require topic. You can use "Call for" instead a verb "Expect", if it concerns topics such as want, necessitate.
Mutual synonyms
Both terms in one sentence
However, they only say their names instead of everyone getting a personal In the Name of the Moon phrase; don't expect a "full" roll call for a few seasons yet.
Source: Series / Battle Fever J - A character displays uncertainty in a situation that you wouldn't expect to call for it.
Source: I'm Thinking It Over! - Expect this if you Aggro a Zombie Pigman, also recent updates now allow for Zombies to call for backup if they are injured.
Source: Cycle of Hurting
Cite this Source
Expect and Call for. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 10, from
Call for & Expect. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2025. <>.
Expect or Call for. 2016. Accessed March 10, 2025.
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