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Pathway Arrows

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pathway Arrows

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature has ", : This creature deals 1 damage to target creature. If a colorless creature is dealt damage this way, tap it."


Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 months ago

@legendofa I looked through Battle For Zendikar and Oath of the Gatewatch last night. I found one or two good ones, and a bunch of questionables. I’ll list everything I found, but you’ll have to decide how far you want to take the first person ideology. With the eldrazi it’s tough sometimes to distinguish what’s what—do tentacles count? What about other tendril type appendages? Are looking sure we’re looking through their eyes? Do they even have eyes?? You have your work cut out for you, ha.

Complete Disregard I think this one’s close enough to normal to include.

Turn Against should be exactly what you’re looking for

Questionable Cards:

Demon's Grasp angle is pretty wide, a little too wide

Munda, Ambush Leader are we looking from the perspective of the Eldrazi that’s getting its tentacles lopped off? I can’t tell

Pathway Arrows I don’t think this is 1st person, but you decide

Reckless Cohort is a lot like Munda. I don’t really know if we’re seeing this from the monster’s eyes or not.

Serpentine Spike I’m in favor of this one. It’s a long tentacle and not a hand, but otherwise I feel it fits your criteria well.

Spawning Bed can’t tell if the camera is from the viewpoint of one of the skittering little guys or just a low action shot.

Crush of Tentacles Borderline, but I think it’s suitable. Up to you, of course.

Shoulder to Shoulder a lot like Munda and Reckless Cohort. Hard to distinguish body parts and perspectives.

Spatial Contortion I don’t think it counts but I’m not 100%. The big hands coming from offscreen are positioned so that we would see the torso/head of whatever they belong to, but we don’t. So idk what’s going on here.

Edit—forgot to check against your list, ignore any duplicates please.

Breakaway on

2 months ago

Nice deck! I would recommend Pathway Arrows and/or Chariot of Victory to provide some inevitability. I find that they make it so that you can't get beat later in the game if your opponent draws more cards than you.

Breakaway on

1 year ago

Might I interest you in picking up archery as well? Pathway Arrows, Viridian Longbow and Thornbite Staff look like fun additions.

BioProfDude on B/G Fun with deathtouch

2 years ago

daverix Early iterations of this deck in Standard used Pathway Arrows but it turns out it's not that great unless you can protect the creature that has been equipped. to equip, then to activate makes this more mana intensive. For that same 4 mana I can use two Ram Throughs and not have to tap my creature.

Thank you for the suggestion, though!

Zarthalius on B/G Fun with deathtouch

2 years ago

Love the deck Idea!

I have an older deck similar to this. I use Glissa, the Traitor (first strike & deathtouch is a crazy defense wall), deathtouch triggers her ability really well. I use her to recurse Implement of Ferocity for some pump and draw. I then included 1 copy of Viridian Longbow so I can snipe creatures (3 equip cost is hard sometimes when drawing multiple of these so maybe Pathway Arrows is better?). To end games, I enjoy top decking Revenge of the Hunted; it either kills them or wipes their board. Final note, deathtouch crumbles to indestructible so I have 2 copies of Bonds of Mortality; can remove hexproof and indestructible while minimally replacing itself for 2 mana if its not needed.

TypicalTimmy on Master Uzo Maroshi

3 years ago

Master Uzo Maroshi

Slight rework from my submission for the custom card challenge, which was to make a Mardu Samurai.

  • Reduced from 1/5 to 1/4.
  • Remove all peace counters to exile, rather than just one
  • Yes, any lethal damage counts; Not just combat damage. So yes, pinging with Pathway Arrows - with his deathtouch - can trigger the exile effect if you are willing to remove the peace counters.

Stardragon on Caldrama World at War

4 years ago

So i made a custom set as for some friends a long while back it features 3 main factions all Share one color which is Red there are the Paladins which have been at war with the Occult Knights for Centuries. And the Rangers which have trying to keep the damage to both nature and people to minimum. They each have there own Unique mechanic with their leaders have different unique mechanic (minus the rangers). These was some of my first cards I ever made so they bound to unbalanced, broken or just plain bad

The Paladins mechanic is Brotherhood which activates if you control another creature with Brotherhood

The Occult Knights mechanic is Dark Power which is was based off of threshold but it goes off if you 4 black cads in your graveyard.

And the Rangers mechanic is Full Quiver which always you to discard a card in search for an artifact with the sub type Arrow making sort of a toolbox build before i knew that existed. Funny enough this was based off of comics like the Green Arrow and others that always seemed to have the right arrow for the right situation even if was a completely wacky and bs thing to pull out of a quiver. with this subtyping the three artifact arrows already made would be retrofitted with the arrow subtype as well so they could be search for if you wish they are Infused Arrows, Serrated Arrows and Pathway Arrows

There are also two sub factions within the Paladins and the Occult nights each are the two main colors of the main faction

The Inquisitor's are the sub faction within the paladins and are and are focus less on fighting the Occult knights themselves though they are fully capable of doing so and more focused and wiping out there supporters in cites and in the countrysides and forest they mechanic is Holy Fervor which activates when they attack

The Elder Cultist are the sub faction within the Occult Knights and they are and they focus and channeling dark forces from an unknown plane to empower the Knights so that they may conquer the plane they break conventional thoughts and many think they may not even exist within the fabric of this reality as such they mechanic is Mind Break which I'll just let you read.

Mind Break (Whenever you sacrifice a creature add an Insanity Counter to target creature, if target creature has six or more counters on it, that creature’s owner must roll a six sided dice on their turn if the dice rolls even the creature attacks you, if the dice rolls an odd the creature attacks it's owner and is unblockable)

The 5 leaders are

Paladins- Grand Master Albus

Inquisitor-Grand Inquisitor Michaelis

Occult Knights- Grand Prince Beelzebub

Elder Cultists- High Priest Nyarlathotep

Rangers- Godrick, Head Ranger

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