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Loam Dweller

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Loam Dweller

Creature — Spirit

Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may put a land card from your hand into play tapped.

SynergyBuild on Tatyova Landball

6 years ago

Oh, that is fine, if it your challenge to run every card that gives you more land drops <4 mana, even the bad one, you gotta runthe following though if that is your reasoning Walking Atlas, Broken Bond, Swell of Growth, Budoka Gardener, Elvish Pioneer, Krosan Wayfarer, Llanowar Scout, Loam Dweller, Manabond, Skyshroud Ranger, and Swell of Growth.

Mave on Spirited Assault (Pauper)

7 years ago

Glad I could help. I know underdog Decks are more fun to build. Sometimes you find something that hits really hard with something nobody tought about.

Somemore feedback regarding the last changes:Maybe you should go in for one non Arcane Spell that destroys all enchantments like Multani's Decree, Reverent Silence or Tranquility because Bogles are hard to defeat if you don't play counter spells or a Diabolic Edict-like effect.Sandstorm works well against Goblins so that is good as a sideboard (and sometimes against Faeries) while Squall works well against faeries.Nihil Spellbomb is a good card but you will never draw a card of it which makes a uncounterable "exil graveyard" more appealing. Bojuka Bog can work the same purpose but it can't be countered and it can be put into your hand using Elder Pine of Jukai

Oh and I found a nice Aura you could use instead of Leafcrown Dryad: AEther Web. Altough it won't be put into your hand with Lead the Stampede. It also grants reach, only gives +1/+1 but has two advantages:1st it adds another instat speed interaction like oh you want to bolt my Phantom Tiger? To bad I have this. And maybe you get to kill another attacker with it. 2nd blocking creatures with shadow can be a big deal against some combos.

In between I have two Modern Decks build around some Kamigaw Kamis :DOne is listed here Foretold Celestial Wrath (should be at least tier 2 altough it only uses 10 Kamigawa cards in main and 5 in sideboard) the other is a little more casual but works sometimes (about Tier 2.5) because of the green ramp kamis, which is why I'd never say aything against Elder Pine of Jukai or Petalmane Baku I just know how good those two ramp especially with the non pauper legal Loam Dweller.

Oh and I also made a Pauper Arcane Deck maybe you liketo check it out Arcane Dredge Burn. Too bad there aren't more arcane spells like Ideas Unbound.

TheDeckMaker2300 on O-Kagichi, Vengeful Spirits

7 years ago

Here's some spirits I can point out

Reminder of the good old Deadeye Navigator is a spirit and the onnas are etb trigger plus a couple of more

You can also put in spirit avatars in this deck as well

Ore Gorger = have fun removing the opponents stupid powerful non-basic lands.

Karador, Ghost Chieftain ex main spirit tribal commander now can be the Lieutenant for this heck he's basically in a way Gisa and Geralf but for spirits

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner basicly a double dip on Drogskol Captain but problem is you have to shoot your abilities twice on your creatures to buff them.

Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar you choose from 3 chooses from a draw you choose the card for the situation going on and this is for every single dang draw.

You have a nice amount of enchantmentsEidolon of Blossoms feels sadden she's not in this Team

Eidolon of Countless Battles from the number of spirit tokens you make this is cute.

Drogskol Reaver seriously why is this not in the spirit usually have life gain and you can draw like crazy.

Ghostblade Eidolon oh great O-Karachi just has to make contact twice to eliminate someone from the game

Bounteous Kirin talk about life gain.

Infernal Kirin very classy you get to look at there hands and get a butt load of discard if you have the correct spirits

He Who Hungers...why...just why is this not in your deck? This is Coercion on a stick and it recurs a spirit when it dies (to hand) and you got token making.

Hokori, Dust Drinker plus bouncing it with Spectral Shepherd at the end step before you turn then casting it again and other spells and leaving at less 1 and a blue = cute

Elder Pine of Jukai you need lands you can dig to them with this plus combos with Loam Dweller

Last but not least Sekki, Seasons' Guide a huge 8/8 that makes spirits from damage and you can sac eight he's back on the board

MtgBigYiz on Enter Jukai Forest

7 years ago

Thanks dude appreciate the comments! I was running Elder Pine of Jukai but decided to take it out as the Loam Dweller and Petalmane Baku seemed like enough ramp, I see how the combination of the Elder Pine of Jukai and Loam Dweller would be insane for mana ramp though!! Was also running Sekki, Seasons' Guide hes a really cool and strong card, replaced him with Kodama of the Centre Tree but may switch him back in...Unfortunately I dont think Kodama of the centre tree could soul shift Budoka Pupil as once he was in graveyard he would no longer be a spirit if he had flipped during the game, i assume he would return to his base type once in the yard, nice thought though ill have to look it up clarify

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Enter Jukai Forest

7 years ago

I really like, +1'd and foldered.

I've never quite thought about it before, but can kodama of the center tree soulshift a card like budoka pupil?

Elder Pine of Jukai is a strong addition to your Loam Dweller. That ramp, man...

Another very powerful soul shift card (though unfortunately not a spirit itself) is Promised Kannushi. And Sekki, Seasons' Guide seems like another interesting target for your life spinner. And his death trigger even combos nicely with long-forgotten gohei.

Panas on Help with Iname Deck

8 years ago

Oh wow..! that's a whooping 12 mana for the first cast to do nothing (since it is cast from the command zone, not the hand). Also the second ability is not very relevant. You are looking at a G/B spirit tribal, dredge, reanimator; this doesn't allow for a lot of room to work in. I would have opted for a different general in those colours, with my first pick being Meren of Clan Nel Toth followed by Karador, Ghost Chieftain considering that reanimation is what you want to be doing.

If you do insist of going through with Iname as One, then there are a few good spirits: Lifespinner is a good example, so is Kokusho, the Evening Star. Loam Dweller will be decent in such a build. Seedborn Muse fits here just as good as any other green deck...

You've certainly chosen a tough one! >.<

I would pick Karador, to be honest, if you are set on spirit tribal as white has some of the more powerful spirits and spirit related cards. See Celestial Kirin, Eternal Dragon, Hokori, Dust Drinker, Kami of False Hope, Karmic Guide and Selfless Spirit for example.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Smells like Green spirit

8 years ago

I think you might have some problems with fast decks. Although the vine kami is way too expensive. Some creatures you could include are Promised Kannushi, Petalmane Baku, Loam Dweller.

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