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Drogskol Captain

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Drogskol Captain

Creature — Spirit Soldier


Other Spirit creatures you control get +1/+1 and have hexproof. (They can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)

Balaam__ on Azorius aggro spirits

1 year ago

As far as I’m aware, Drogskol Captain isn’t Pioneer legal so that will need to be swapped out. Otherwise, you may want to reconsider running Temple of Enlightenment. Scry, while useful, comes at the cost of the land entering tapped which puts you at a disadvantage regarding speed. Ideally you want to tap the land for use the very turn it enters play.

Since fetchlands or shocklands aren’t legal in Pioneer, I’d recommend doubling down on Glacial Fortress-type lands, such as Prairie Stream or maybe Seachrome Coast. The requirements to enter play untapped can be easily met (minor adjustments to your mana base may be necessary), and you’ll gain the benefit of a dual land without putting yourself behind the curve.

VitsEco on UW Spirits

1 year ago

Reynan Unfortunately I don't think Drogskol Captain is Pioneer legal.

Reynan on UW Spirits

1 year ago

I would suggest Drogskol Captain replacing Empyrean Eagle.

VensersJournalist on Commander without the Legendary Rule

2 years ago

I agree that Drogskol Captain is a solid non-legendary commander. Along those lines, I’ve wondered how a deck built around Lord of the Unreal would play.

Other fun build arounds would be:

Lorescale Coatl

Vizkopa Guildmage

Creeping Trailblazer

Side question: I know Pauper EDH is a fairly popular format, but is there some format that allows both commons and uncommons in the 99 and you’re only allowed a single rare (as the commander)? Would it be called something like “Merchant EDH” or “Peasant EDH?”

_Moonie_ on Commander without the Legendary Rule

2 years ago

A fun and interesting thought popped into my head earlier and felt it might make for a good conversation...

If EDH didn't require a commander to be a Legendary creature, are there any non-Legendary creatures that you would love to play with and build a deck around. I immediately thought about Drogskol Captain and Corpsejack Menace being some fun choices but I'm interested to hear who others might choose.

The_Acid_Drip on Ferngully (Help Wanted!)

3 years ago

Hey Balaam, have you thought of making this more like wizard tribal with a tiny-bit less emphasis fairy theme?

If so you could run it two ways.

1) Value wizards like Snapcaster Mage and Nimble Obstructionist are useful to tempo them out along with an upgraded counter package like Wizard's Retort. Support also expands to include Naban, Dean of Iteration and Naru Meha, Master Wizard who pumps your wizards and faeries. You'de likely have to swap out your scions for this. However, Cavern of souls makes your wizards uncounterable and you gain access to a wider tribe.

Also swapping out for snow lands so you can run Ascendant Spirit seems useful and holds a low opportunity cost.

2) The alternative is to force tribal matches with Arcane Adaptation. If you go this route you're basically running the best low cost blue value creatures, lots of cantrips and the 4x scions. You're using 'real' faeries less but all your creatures gain shroud. This is kinda like the Drogskol Captain combo used in Bant spirits, splashing green for collected company.

Which ever you go with 4x of Curious Obsession will likely help you tempo them out.

Great thematic deck. Kudos to you for trying to build something competitive around a fun theme. It's easy and derivative to just try and formulate "the best deck." Also those decks tend to have repetitive lines of play. Something slightly less competitive is going to be more challenging to pilot but it will also be significantly more rewarding and interactive.

That's how I lean when I tend to build my commander decks. Find and use the best enablers for an underpowered theme/tribe to bring it to a competitive level. Games are more surprising this way and people will be on the back foot, unable to write you off as a crude underestimation will lead to their elimination from the game.

Oof_Magic on Incorporeal Zombies (Modern Spirits)

3 years ago

Revan0287 I don’t update my SB as much as I do my MB. I have Geist of Saint Traft and Kira, Great Glass-Spinner because at the time Grixis Shadow and W/U/r Control were topping the format. Sanctifier is moderately okay against Shadow and utterly useless against Control. Perhaps the format is in a different place. I haven’t gotten out to play in quite a while but I adjust my sideboard when I do. I find discussing SB slots to be hit or miss as that is more targeted to a local meta. I’ll consider Sanctifier but will wait to play in my local meta before I make any change.

I will note that Damping Sphere is probably more effective against Tron than Void Mirror. Just because Tron runs a lot of colorless cards doesn’t mean they can’t just use colored mana while playing those spells so Void Mirror is easier for Tron to play around. Mirror is great for the MH2 Evoke Incarnations. Considering Grief and Solitude are by far the most played, an evoked Grief is probably coming out quicker than Void Mirror and I think spirits have enough resiliency between Rattlechains, Drogskol Captain, Kira, Great Glass-Spinner, and to a lesser extent Glasspool Mimic  Flip as well as Geist of Saint Traft. I think including Solitude becomes a weak argument for Mirror. But to reiterate what I said earlier about SB slots, your local meta may warrant it.

HarleyP on Ranar, Guardian of Exile

3 years ago

Ya got 2 copies of Drogskol Captain

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