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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice Justice unless you pay (White)(White).
Whenever a red creature or spell deals damage, Justice deals that much damage to that creature's or spell's controller.
FormOverFunction on I wanna be the evil …
6 months ago
A true villain cuts straight to the colors. If you play cards like Deathgrip and Justice (HINT: which have words like “red” and “green” in their text) its impossible for you not to be seen as the archenemy. Maybe even in the parking lot outside.
[evil voice]: Embrace the old ways. The dark ways.
Band of Kjeldor
1 year ago
DreadKhan how is this? I thought about Kjeldoran Escort but settle on Kjeldoran Skycaptain. I was also thinking about Drought Royal Decree or Justice
king-saproling on
I'm Rubber, You're Dead
2 years ago
You might like these: Martyrdom, Sunforger, Repercussion, Justice, Wave of Reckoning
FormOverFunction on
2 years ago
Yeah, MagicMarc, I’m afraid rule of law’s form just won’t be able to outweigh its function in this circumstance. It was an auto-include before I even had a commander selected... but it will have to go. The times I’ve held off on justice have been when it’s only going to hit 1/3 of my opponents, and one of those times I should have cast it because he won two turns later. Recently since New Cappena, it seems like 2/3s of the decks have red in them now anyways so I’ll see how Justice goes for the next few weeks. Gaining life for each mountain with Sanctimony isn’t nearly as big a deal, since (again - post new cappena) the number of basics in play is wildly low. Where is Primal Order when you need it? ;p
FormOverFunction on
2 years ago
I’ve played a number of games now and the deck is a lot of fun! This is the first deck (basically) of mine that has counter-magic in it, so I’ve had to reassess my playing habits, but otherwise it’s loaded with weird interactions that sort of pilot themselves. The commander is really important to get out there, as it will build you a 2/2 Army pretty promptly, and you need to draw a lot in order to get a good amount of theme on the table. Confessor matches up nicely with the draw/discard effects, and your first clue on your turn will get you two cards each turn. The color-hate (like Justice and Sanctimony) can be sort of feels-bad so a few of the games I’ve just sat on them (only justice, come to think of it). Library of Leng and Ivory Tower are always a great team, and Island Sanctuary is buttressed well by drawing on other people’s turns. The downside I hadn’t considered with that, though, is you’re still pretty weak to flying. I managed to use Abbey Matron in the best (only?) way, blocking and then pumping, which sort of felt like unlocking an achievement. Restore the Peace is great both against tokens that are beating you up AND against big baddies that block your 2/2s. Martial Law is one of the best answers to fliers and other trouble, almost like an Oblivion Ring that you can re-target every turn. This post is getting pretty long, so I’m going to wrap it up... but I think you get the notion ;p Thanks for asking MagicMarc!!
freezerboy on Is a color changing strategy …
2 years ago
I've got 2 decks in development at the moment utilizing the abilities of color/land changing effects like Whim of Volrath. I'm wondering if this strategy is viable in magic since I've always been curious about the mechanic, it's been around a long time, and EDH seems like a good format to try something creative with it.
These are the 2 decks so far:
I'm tempted to try a 5 color option to capture white's color hate strategies as well like Northern Paladin or Justice.
king-saproling on
Sadomasochist Surprise
3 years ago
Thoughts on these? Arcbond, Justice, Mogg Maniac, Frilled Deathspitter, Sun-Crowned Hunters, Fiendlash
Beebles on
Hit Me Baby! | Akiri Damage Ricochet | V-DSK
3 years ago
Thanks for stopping by king-saproling! Will look at your list soon. I like Justice and Shifting Shadow but I don’t understand the relevance of Gratuitous Violence. Is it because of the combo with an indestructible Boros Reckoner?
Frilled Deathspitter seems more at home in Pyrohemia-type decks. Or is there a synergy I’m glancing over?
Thanks again!