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Frilled Deathspitter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Frilled Deathspitter

Creature — Dinosaur

Enrage - Whenever Frilled Deathspitter is dealt damage, it deals 2 damage to target opponent.

legendofa on The Spiteful Professor and the Penitent Dinosaur

1 year ago

psionictemplar Frilled Deathspitter is interchangeable with Spiteful Shadows on an opponent's creature as the damage loop with Guilty Conscience, so there's a little more redundancy. I'll give Deathspitter #4 a try, though. I missed that Gut Shot is Pauper legal, so that's definitely going in. I think the mana fixing part of Ash Barrens is more valuable than the minor deck fixing, but that's worth considering. I'll slot a couple in.

king-saproling on Hit Me Baby! | Akiri Damage Ricochet | V-DSK

3 years ago

Great minds think alike! Here's my list with essentially the same strategy in mind, if you care to take a look:

You might consider these: Justice, Gratuitous Violence, Frilled Deathspitter, Shifting Shadow

BrassLord on Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs

3 years ago

Howdy! Gishath is a fun choice for dinosaur tribal, can't go too wrong!

In terms of general advice for cuts, I'd try to evaluate the cards in terms of if it wins the game or furthers your gameplan for the deck. For example, in your current decklist, Slayer's Cleaver doesn't seem to gel with either your ramp or dino matters themes, and it strikes me as a dead draw.

Also, while cool, Morophon, the Boundless unfortunately has the color identity of all 5 colors, so you can't "legally" run it with your current commander.

All in all though, I'd recommend focusing on cards that you enjoy playing, even if it's not "optimal!"

So with that out of the way, here are some cards I'd recommend cutting hahaha XD Frilled Deathspitter Thrash of Raptors Territorial Hammerskull Ravenous Daggertooth Frenzied Raptor Bonded Horncrest Rallying Roar Huatli's Spurring Slayer's Cleaver Overgrowth (There are cheaper cmc options that will both ramp AND color fix for you), Strength of the Pack .

Those are all cards that strike me as cool, but maybe worth cutting.

As for suggestions, Ikoria brought about a LOT of cool dinosaurs! Quartzwood Crasher can put in some work! I'd play Titanoth Rex over Ancient Brontodon as you can still cycle it for less mana, both are just big dumb creatures! It would take some cuts, but I've seen some people run Kaheera, the Orphanguard as a companion for your commander, so that could help you make some cuts as well? And for flavor Zilortha, Strength Incarnate is a flavor win!

I'd also recommend Kinjalli's Sunwing . It's a "hate dinosaur" that has evasion and can stall opponents enough that you can summon your big boy dinosaur! Speaking of, Apex Altisaur and Zacama, Primal Calamity are the biggest.

The thing I'd probably recommend adding over anything is Pyrohemia . It's a board wipe in a pinch (something that is needed to get to late game) and allows for some cheeky interactions that can be frustrating to deal with. It turns Siegehorn Ceratops Snapping Sailback and Bellowing Aegisaur into creatures that keep getting bigger or pump your entire team all while clearing the board for bigger attacks. Not to mention it also is a handy source for one ping damage for enrage triggers.

Hope these suggestions help! Happy hunting!

Daedalus19876 on Avacyn's Angelic Justice

4 years ago

Oh man, Archangel Avacyn is the commander deck I've had for the longest! I was the original person building her, I had great success... This is my deck, for context:

Judgment Day: Avacyn the Purifier EDH [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Daedalus19876

SCORE: 766 | 599 COMMENTS | 85037 VIEWS | IN 263 FOLDERS

Have you considered including some of the lower-cost angels which also act as hatebears? Such as Archangel of Tithes and Angel of Jubilation? I've noticed that you're running a lot of the "whenever this takes damage, it deals that much elsewhere" cards, have you considered Repercussion?

I'd highly recommend Blasphemous Act (you can drop Avacyn, give indestructible, then blow up the field for a single red mana), Flawless Maneuver/Teferi's Protection (they work great to dodge one of your own board wipes), andd Wear / Tear over Disenchant. Frilled Deathspitter seems like the most natural cut. Hope this helps! :D

gavriel1136 on Mana Burn 2.7

4 years ago

Remove-> Replace

Circle of Flame- Cindervines

Upwelling-Ruric Thar, the Unbowed

Guttersnipe-Setessan Champion

Frilled Deathspitter-Eidolon of Blossoms

Underworld Dreams-Read the Bones (3 black pips is a LOT)

Blazing Volley- Electrickery

These cards should help with your draw. Also, some of the cards i took out have little impact on the game.

Red_X on Dumpster Dad

4 years ago

I think you may be better served by either using stuffy doll/boros reckoner/mogg maniac or the enrage creatures. Reckoner is often played with Blasphemous Act and Volcano Hellion because they do a lot of damage at once and act as combo pieces. With that deck you generally want to run prison cards like Blood Moon and Chalice of the Void to slow your opponent down, but that gets pretty pricey. Your current damage suit seems to more favor the enrage creatures, since it pings creatures and then lets them live. If you do decide to go that way, I'd go all in. Marauding Raptor and Forerunner of the Empire are good enablers, and Frilled Deathspitter gives you reach.

I'd also consider adding some good red and white cards. Things like Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile, or cheaper options like Lightning Strike, Galvanic Bombardment, Wild Slash, or Oust. Things like Blood Moon, Sunbaked Canyon, and Sacred Foundry are definite upgrades, but they are all a bit pricey and may not be worth it to you. There's also plenty of opportunity for a good sideboard, but I'm guessing you don't play sideboarded games and don't want to drop $60 on a playset of Grand Abolisher.

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