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Darksteel Myr

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Darksteel Myr

Artifact Creature — Myr

Darksteel Myr is indestructible. (Lethal damage and effects that say "destroy" don't destroy it. If its toughness is 0 or less, it's still put into its owner's graveyard.)

GutterbonesMan on The Thousandth Gnome [$50 Anim Pakal Budget]

7 months ago

Crow_Umbra I still need more rounds with this deck to decide, but Mirror-Style Master, Contractual Safeguard and Darksteel Myr were considerations.

nbarry223 on Sideboard Tech vs. Scam

2 years ago

What's some good sideboard tech vs. the Scam Deck? (R/B aggro with discard/moon and MH2 elementals)

Asking for a mainly green deck with access to splashing any color(s).

I've been toying around with the idea of Darksteel Myr as a blocker that they can't remove because Sanctifier en-Vec is a little too much commitment to to come down early. A more realistic option to help out is Veil of Summer since it has other uses.

Is there any other options that would help improve matchups vs. this deck, don't worry about colors when suggesting.

SilencedDax on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …

2 years ago

Hi DreadKhan!

Than you for the ideas! I really like the ones you mentioned, seems great Vorthos targets for the Lich, a so much valuable object like the Crown it's perfect target haha Following the "empire" cycle you mentioned: Hand of Vecna, Eye of Vecna and The Book of Vile Darkness seem great and flavour objectives.

I like all the indestructible artifacts: Stuffy Doll, Creepy Doll, Darksteel Axe, Darksteel Citadel, Darksteel Forge, Darksteel Ingot, Darksteel Juggernaut, Darksteel Pendant, Darksteel Plate, Colossus of Akros, Darksteel Colossus, Darksteel Myr, Darksteel Relic, Kaldra Compleat, Shield of Kaldra, Necron Monolith, That Which Was Taken. I do not note the worse indestructible cards

The arficat lands as you say it would be great, at least I can be use the mono-black artifact lands (maybe there's only one).

If it was dimir or golgari I could use more liches but I can't, it's a pitty

Thank you for the ideas!

wallisface on Myr Loops of Doom

2 years ago

some thoughts:

  • The game is never lasting long enough for you to get 20 counters onto Darksteel Reactor - I would ditch this card.

  • 4 copies of Panoptic Mirror feels excessive when you only have Time Warp to imprint onto it. It means a lot of the time you're going to have a Panoptic Mirror and have nothing to do with it. I would suggest going down to only 2 copies to reduce your odds of having a useless card in hand.

  • Quietus Spike feels really suboptimal as a card, imo. Same goes for Lodestone Myr, Coretapper, and Darksteel Myr

  • I think you need something like Expedition Map to help maximize your odds of getting Tron online. At the moment your deck feels like it'll be a bit clumsy without Tron, so increasing your odds of assembling it is probably a good thing.

wallisface on Art-Infect

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • As has already been said before, infect decks generally want to be just running creatures that can deal infect damage - you currently have a LOT of cards that have no place in an infect deck, namely Alloy Myr, Coretapper, Darksteel Myr, Evolution Sage, Obelisk Spider, Shimmer Myr, Titan Forge and Myr Matrix are all creatures (or make creatures) that are completely useless for an infect strategy.

  • You seem to have a lot of cards that are just 1-ofs and 2-ofs here. That's going to lead to a really inconsistent (and so weaker) deck. Aim to mostly play playsets of cards if you can.

  • You seem to have a bunch of cards that have no real place in either Infect or Modern in general. Mana rocks like Dimir Signet, Coalition Relic, Myr Reservoir certainly have no real place in an Infect deck, and don't really make it into any Modern deck unless they're doing something particularly janky. Leyline of Abundance, Force of Vigor, and Dimir Charm are all also really weird spell choices.

  • You have nothing to do one turn 1. Infect decks are known for being fast and reliably threatening lethal on turn-2 or turn-3. Not being able to cast something on turn-1 reliably is going to put you ages behind and put your opponent at a huge advantage. You should have at least 8-12 cards you can cast on turn-1 (so far you have 0, meaning you're always starting a turn behind your opponent). Furthermore, sooo many of your lands enter play tapped that you won't even be able to reliably do something on turn 2... fix that landbase!

  • Your mana curve goes waaay too high. I would suggest ditching all of your 4 and 5 mana cards, and at least halving your amount of 3-mana cards (if not removing them entirely).

  • You're running waaay too many creatures for infect, and you don't have nearly enough ways to pump them. This is going to cause you all sorts of problems. Infect creatures are generally weak, so you want to aim to end a game quickly, and going-wide doesn't help you achieve that.

An example of where to start with infect is here - this page lists 3 infect decks of various budgets, and should give you a good idea of the direction the deck should head in.

carpecanum on Red Dragon's Disciple (Goro-Goro)

2 years ago

Brash Taunter, Darksteel Myr and Utvara Hellkite. Having a creature that can attack without worrying about death could help. The hellkite doubles your dragons.

LittleMy on Myr Tokens Budget

3 years ago

Since it seems like you have a splash of white, you might want to consider switching out a card or two for Gold Myr

Hovermyr is also a great addition that you can switch out Darksteel Myr for. Gives you not only the ability to attack uncontested but also block other flying creatures.

I'd recommend switching out 1 or 2 Myr Servitor's for Myr Retrievers, gives you a choice in what you return, especially if someone removes Myr Battlesphere before you can use it. Although I understand the argument that Myr Reservoir does the same thing, personal preference.

Since you are in white still, Myrsmith makes basically your entire deck cheaper and gives you extra 1/1 Myr tokens to continue building your army.

Your deck currently is very solid, I love the inclusion of Tomb of the Spirit Dragon and Dispatch, very choice. I hope my suggestions helped and happy myr-ing!

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