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Magma Hellion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Magma Hellion

Creature — Hellion

Assist (Another player can pay up to of this spell's cost.)

Trample, haste

legendofa on Dead Metal II: Rage

1 year ago


  • Bribe opponent into sacrificing their creatures and casting two Infernal Plunges. Take their mana and cast Magma Hellion. Politely thank them and attack.

Balaam__ on Dead Metal II: Rage

1 year ago

You forgot the secret 4th way: Your opponent assisting Magma Hellion into play. Jk, but great Reanimator build here. +1

Max_Hammer on Mathas, King of Politics

2 years ago

I had nothing to do this morning in class, so here you go, too many card suggestions.

This section is for giving your best friend a reward for being awesome. While, y’know, giving yourself something too.

-Incarnation Technique, Creative Technique, and Excavation Technique all give you and a buddy a powerful effect. Of course, you’re getting the better end of the deal, but they can have cool stuff too.

-Benevolent Offering kind of goes along with that, too.

-Tempting Contract and Master of Ceremonies both give everyone good loot, but give you more.

-Flumph is great. It’ll trigger some of the effects in the section below when people attack you for a card, and it’ll make everyone your friend.

-Tenuous Truce is Flumph for two.

-Smuggler's Share is nice, since you’ll get just a little more out of giving everyone extra card draw.

-Jailbreak is excellent for only two mana and basically no money.

This section is for discouraging opponents from messing with your effects.

-Revenge of Ravens and Oath of Kaya both do the same thing, more or less. You can see why they’d be nice, especially with goad.

-Cunning Rhetoric and Mangara, the Diplomat both give you extra card draw for your opponents’ hubris.

-Sivriss, Nightmare Speaker gives you extra draw every turn. Like, three cards worth. That, or it’ll be a lightning bolt to the face for someone, so you win either way.

-Sword-Point Diplomacy is kind of the vibe I’m going for here.

-Emberwilde Captain is more goad and works with your pre-existing Monarch card.

-Leyline of Combustion is always pretty fun, along with all of the leylines. Just super annoying, is all.

This section is for cards that benefit you solely, but using the other two sections for leverage, you can get the most out of them.

-Magma Hellion and Lava-Field Overlord give you a big bad creature. That’s all, really. Not super scary, but they’re here.

-Bring Down, Gang Up, Deadly Designs, and Play of the Game are all good removal that other people can pay for and when there’s some big Emrakul threat on the board, people are usually pretty willing to spend to get rid of it.

-Mogg Assassin and Council's Judgment are both more removal, but less shaky ones. Just remember that Judgment can exile more than just one thing.

-Wake to Slaughter and Dredge the Mire are both resurrection spells and both very nice. Only problem is that an opponent has to pick for you. Just make sure that anyone willing to help will be given a high five and a 5/5 angel or something.

Mortlocke on EDH Deck based on Voting

5 years ago

Queen of Curses ala Queen Marchesa (Long May She Reign) is a awesome commander who brings the Monarch mechanic into the deck. To accompany your previously mentioned subthemes you could utilize Curses - which are a typical sub-theme of the Queen 's. Since she is mardu, you can also include the previously mentioned Ballot Broker for your voting/politics cards. Speaking of which, if you choose the queen you will have 15 of the previously mentioned cards to choose from - mentioned below:

For wincons, you have some very exciting options in the form of Captive Audience , Generous Gift + Demonic Pact , and Approach of the Second Sun . And, if you were to ever be in a 1v1 scenario Overwhelming Splendor outright cripples your opponent's combat damage based strategies. So, what do you think?