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Approach of the Second Sun

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Approach of the Second Sun


If this spell was cast from your hand and you've cast another spell named Approach of the Second Sun this game, you win the game. Otherwise, put this card into this owner's library seventh from the top and you gain 7 life.

Icbrgr on Remand of the Second Sun

2 months ago

Approach of the Second Sun I think will always be my favorite Win the Game card +1 this looks really fun!

turkinaa on Arcades, goes to Wallmart

5 months ago

I made a deck like this one, but I have a few ideas I want to suggest. Fog Bank won't do any damage if it attacks so it really is just a wall for defense. I threw an Isochron Scepter in mine since there are a lot of really good 1/2 drop instants that can be used in this deck or should I say reused. Lastly in mine I put an Approach of the Second Sun with tutors. This deck is super easy to turn into Pillow Fort as well.

Mine is a bit out of date with the changes I made to it recently, but it should give you a general idea.

hootsnag on Glarb Black Green Blue Creatureless Control

6 months ago

I've tried cards like Spreading Plague and The Abyss, etc in past iterations. The amount of anti-creature cards is very balanced currently and I just need to hold off creatures long enough to play my main accelerated win condition Approach of the Second Sun. The anti-creature cards I have are some of the most powerful and mana efficient ones in magic. I added an extra win condition or two to keep people from outright shutting down my very few win conditions. The last thing I need is someone casting Dissipate or something similar on Approach of the Second Sun and me not having a backup win condition or two. If i streamline any further, the deck will be too easily countered. I wished there were more good 1 card win conditions for Esper colors, but there aren't.

Necramus on Enchantress Lockdown

6 months ago

Mirri's Guile - great card selection at the cheap rate we want to keep churning through the deck with the engine in the CZ.

Swift Reconfiguration - instant speed enchantment removal that also removes from combat.

All That Glitters - wins games.

Blind Obedience - plays to the game plan and offers an alternate win condition.

Kenrith's Transformation - Similar to making it a bug, we can turn our friends' commanders into something useless, and it gets us an extra draw.

Hallowed Haunting - a better win condition than Approach of the Second Sun for an enchantress deck, imo.

Privileged Position - pair with Greater Auramancy for some fun.

Sigil of the Empty Throne - also a better win con than Approach, imo.

Sythis was the very first deck I ever built in Selesnya and I absolutely love her! She's one of my favorite decks. Feel free to check mine out, if you'd like- Hand of Sythis

JackNavi on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem ~{FOILED}~

8 months ago

Heyo, love the deck and theme. Quick additions from a fellow Angel Beats player: Sigarda's Aid will help out with all of your awesome Equipment. Serra's Emissary can protect your Platinum Angel from Instants and you from Creatures. And I would suggest running Helm of the Host or Blade of Selves for multiples of Giada and for fun! Also, I would run Reprieve in the deck as well, since you have Approach of the Second Sun to really lock in that win! Have fun and I hope to see more!!!!

scottbaker91 on Zur the Enchanter Stax

10 months ago

Some of my favorite Zur Combos are: Teferi, Hero of Dominaria + Stasis // Solitary Confinement + Necropotence // Rest in Peace + Energy Field // Stasis + Azor's Elocutors // Basalt Monolith + Power Artifact // Winter Orb + Mind Over Matter

Sunder, Armageddon, Death Cloud will send your opponents back to the stone age while you fish out more enchants and punch them to death with Zur

Mana Breach, Mana Vortex, Oppression, Overburden are must have stax cards for Zur. The enchantments / creatures that keep your opponents from drawing or casting more than 1 spell per turn are really solid for stax ex: Arcane Laboratory, Spirit of the Labyrinth. Notion Thief + wheels will leave your opponent with 0 cards

Spellskite, Vanishing, Diplomatic Immunity, Steel of the Godhead, Mind Over Matter are all S tier for Zur

Approach of the Second Sun for another easy win con

Have fun crushing your opponents soul

Neotrup on Remand vs. Approach

11 months ago

The text to put Approach of the Second Sun into it's owners library is part of the resolution of the spell, so if the spell is countered or otherwise fails to resolve it will not be applied and go to the appropriate zone (in this case the hand). Compare to a card like Nexus of Fate which is a replacement effect that applies when it tries to go to the graveyard, or Gaea's Blessing which is a triggered ability that triggers when it is put into the graveyard (though only from library, not from the stack). Nexus of Fate will shuffle in if it's countered by something like Counterspell.

thar_b_dragons on Remand vs. Approach

11 months ago

Someone told me a first-of-the-game Approach of the Second Sun will put itself in the library from the stack even if I Remand it. This seems wrong to me because Approach never resolved, so how does it get to apply its text? Remand already told it to go somewhere else...these both appear to be replacement effects and I'm a little shakier on how this work as opposed to triggers and activated abilities but the person did not really explain why they believe Approach's text prevails and it seems to me like if Approach never resolves then it shouldn't get to apply its text (which would be a good thing in this case).

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