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The International Team games
Simulation Games Serie

last news
   11. june 2006: Price list updated, a puzzle added: 9022 In Poltrona / En Fauteuil and a new game base 4
   18. april 2007: A new page: Rommel in Italian (thank you very much Andrea)
   7. may 2007: A new page: The main page in Italian (thank you very much Andrea)
   september 2007, several jigsaw puzzles added. November 2007: "Single Game" added in the boardgame page.
Some news from Enea Riboldi
   Enea Riboldi, who was the illustrator of most of the International Team wargames, just published a beautiful comic strip called "cap horn" in French. You can see the pictures on
The catalogue:


Role playing games:


Jigsaw puzzles: <



Jeux et Stratégie:

My garage:

Why this site ?   
      There is only few information available on International Team games on Internet. The company disappeared in the late 80's. It was a pioneer in the area of wargames, simulation games, boargames in Europe.
      Interesting themes, simple rules, fast play. Sometime the translations were not easy to understand, the game not enough tested. The wargames were somehow far from an historic simulations. But in Europe, several players, beginners or not, kept good memory of these games.
I would like to include in this site:
   - a tribute to the beautifulness of these games including the covers ( I especially like Rommel by Enea Riboldi: please take a look to the small details) and to the large panel of subjects from around 2000 BC (Troy's war) to year 2896 (Millenium)
   - an information source for these games (including links to other sites)
   - Some counters scan to help to rebuild incomplete games
   - Some idea on the price (from Ebay)

Which language ?   
      I am French (nobody's perfect). I do not speak well German and I do not speak at all Italian. I build this site in English (as much as I can) and French. It is also partially in German and Italian, as I copied some information written on the games. If you identify any error, please E-Mail me so I can update the site.
Site future ?   
      I am step by step adding one page per game with some info. It will take time and this site will slowly grow during year 2005-2006. My basic information is coming from the games I have and this is today an incomplete collection.
You can help me   
      I am looking for any historical information (pictures, newspaper article etc) on International team company and people, especially during the early years.
      I am looking for scans of articles on International Team games, from magazines published in Italy, USA, England, Germany etc

Links - top of the top   
THE CATALOGUE publihed by Gianni Cottognis on "Web-grognards"
The International Team page on Wikipedia Italy
The International Team page on wikipedia France
The International Team page on wikipedia USA

International team on the Italian site Enciclopedia Del Gioco Da Tavolo
International Team in the Italian Snyke Encyclopedia

The International Team geeklist on boardgamegeek
The International Team game list on boardgamegeek
The "ITALIAN STYLE" page of Gianni Cottognis on boardgamegeek

ZARGO'S LORDS (french) on le site du club de Stratégie de Moissy
Some boardgame review (french) on JEUXSOC

EBAY is still the easiest way to find International Team games

MARCO DONADONI created the International Team company, designed several games and is still a game designer. Please support him in buying Tuchulcha for instance here . He also has a web site.

   ENEA RIBOLDI, who was the illustrator of most of the International Team wargames, just published a beautiful comic strip called "cap horn" in French. You can see the pictures on

Forums ?   
      I do not intend to build a forum for such a specialized subject. Please use the following forums:

Copyright etc ?   
      Most of the information available on this site was copyrighted by International team. The copyrights on the wargames were sold to Rexton, Eurogames and are still owned today by Duccio Vitale. At least one game (Le gang des tractions avant) has been bought by Schmidt. At least one game (Roma) and several puzzles have been bought by Editrice Giochi.
      This site is a tribute. It's not a pillage of copyrights. I am a fan, I do not get any financial benefit from this site. This site is made for other Wargame's and Boardgame's fan.
Small history
   This site started in January 2005. The Wargames pages were finished the 8th of October, 2005
   13 nov: a new page on the Role Playing Games - 27 nov: a new page on the jigsaw puzzles
   January 2006: Begining of the boardgame page, February 2006: a new page on the successors (Eurogames etc) and on the illustrators.
Your comments ?                                                                                                      Visitors: