If you are into needle work of any kind then I believe this will resonate within your hearts as it does mine.
1. To knit, one has tools. Needles, patterns, yarns, scissors, stitch keeper, charts/graphs, ruler or tape measure.
As God's children, He has given us tools as well. His word is what we are to pattern our very lives after or against. It can cut away the ugly that is in us, it can keep the good as well as being a plumb line to measure against. A great quote that I came across some time ago from Our Daily Bread: Keep your tools ready--God will find work for you. Now will you allow Him to find work for you?
2. There are no two projects alike. We generally will use a different tension each time depending upon the tension that we ourselves are holding on the inside of us. There are different colors of yarn as well as actual patterns.
As God's children there are no two of us alike. God uses a different pattern for each one of us clear down to our DNA. WE ARE DIFFERENT, God intended for us to be! That should cut you and I a lot of slack and allow us freedom to simply be...ME. YOU.
3. As we are knitting a particular project the article continues to grow until it is finished. This article can also be stretched and yet it bounces back to its original shape.
As God's children we continue to grow spiritually (mature spiritually) as well until our completion. That being WHEN Jesus comes to take us to our heavenly home. We too can be stretched but if we stay in obedience to God's word and the Holy Spirit we too will bounce back because His Word does just that. We believe Him and not the world we will bounce back to the "shape" He designed us to be.
4. Knitting is the process of moving the yarn from one needle to the other, the intention is for the process to have a gliding affect from one needle to the other. It is such a smooth craft once it has been mastered. I also have noticed this week that as I continue knitting it calms me. I've also used this opportunity to pray for those on my prayer listing. It is a sweet time for my Abba and I, together we are knitting not only in the physical but the spiritual.
As God's children when we allow Him to move us from one situation to another (trial or test), walking in obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, it has a smooth gliding affect on us as well. When we allow Him to be our guide and to knit us during the situation we too can be calm and cause one another to be calm or softer as well.
What distinguishes being God's children? “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.”- John 1:12-13 NIV
Psalm 139:13-14 NIV "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.".
Father God, thank You once again for speaking truths to my heart and showing me those truths through visuals. May I today, tomorrow and forever be found allowing You the workings of the threads that knit me together as You so desire. To accomplish Your purpose and Your will. Thank You for knitting me together in my mother's womb. For the gift of physical life and the gift of eternal life. Thank You for the promise that I am Your child. I love You Father like crazy and may my actions reflect just that. In Your Son's Saving Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lovingly from Higher Grounds,