This side of heaven, we will ALWAYS have choices to make, decisions to walk this way or that, Kingdom minded or the world.
Oh yes, I'm still contemplating the setting of
Queen Vashti & Esther. They each had choices to make, and we are NO DIFFERENT!
A few days ago, I shared some things that I saw as far as Esther and her area to be submissive and obedient. Today, I want to ponder and take a gander towards Queen Vashti. Some might say that her refusal of the King's command is just what he deserved. That he was controlling and perverse, what I do know for a fact was that he was king and that role placed him in authority. Oh YES, those in authority can abuse that position and take advantage, they have a choice in that powerful position! We can dig into other world history at this time, and find out things about the customs of these 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia (Cush), but the actual writing God intended for us through His word does not tell us other than what is obvious from the text.
When you and I walk against authority there is always a price to pay, and Queen Vashti did pay a price. "But when the attendants delivered the king's command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger." Vs 12 of Chapter One, NIV. The price of her husband being furious, angry, ultimately loosing her place as Queen as well as the favor of King Xerxes. The price in her eyes perhaps was a small price to pray for her dignity.
I see Esther being placed in the role of a beauty pageant contestant and while I'm not a pageant person, I find myself leaning more towards Esther than I do Queen Vashti. I am going to open up a big part of my heart and share with you that there was a time that I was similar to Queen Vashti. No, I wasn't beautiful in the eyes of the world nor was I a Queen, but I WAS independent, over bearing and I wanted my way. NO ONE was going to tell me what to do, no one was going to hurt me if I could help it and I was very bold in letting others know that. Before Christ entered into my heart to dwell, I was this type of a woman. I was extremely independent. Today, I hunger to walk in dependence upon my Savior and so my heart is tendered more towards the response of Esther.
You, on the other hand, may be more like Queen Vashti. As Believers, I honestly believe we can have strong tendencies towards one or the other in our personalities. Do you see Vashti as a Women's Libber? She is strong in her convictions as she put her foot down and would not come to the beck and call of King Xerxes. As far as God's written Word, once again, the only thing we know for certain is that He has been drinking for 7 days, he is king of a PAGAN nation and that he wanted to show her outward beauty to the MEN in attendance. Makes me think of a stock show, drooling and bidding on the best of what ever seems to be on display! A car, art, an animal, and yes, even women.
If my husband was drinking for days and placed a demand on me that went against my own convictions, I too, no doubt, would rise up. While I've been trying to look at both women and see good in them, something I see this morning strong in both Esther and Vashti is that they had a choice to make. That both of their choices took TONS OF COURAGE and affected the leadership of their time. One made the king angry, the other pleased him. One was no longer Queen, and the other elevated. Two totally different personalities.
Esther 1:12 NIV "But when the attendants delivered the king's command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger." Vashti chose to not come at his demand.
Esther 2:10 NIV "Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so.?" Esther chose to keep her nationality and family background hidden.
If there is another in authority over us, that is asking something of us that goes against our own convictions or our safety we must seek God. Our decision or choice comes about due to those in authority causing us to go against God's Word. And ESPECIALLY if we are placed in harms way. To not have a personal agenda, but to weigh the cost. Will we walk out of our flesh or of God's wisdom?
Esther was not written to pivot us against Esther or Vashti, it was written to encourage us. To show us a picture, once again, of God's perpetual love for His Chosen people.
Father, I come before You asking for wisdom to walk the decisions that are laid out before me in my community, my country and my world. May I choose the right way to go, to live, and simply to be. To live to please YOU! Thank You Abba. Amen.