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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Letting go and pressing forward in 2009

There are two words that are beating in my spirit that I believe God wants me to grasp and live out for 2009.

Embrace = 1 a: to clasp in the arms : hug b: cherish , love 2: encircle , enclose 3 a: to take up especially readily or gladly b: to avail oneself of : welcome

Synonyms for embrace: adopt, include

Mercy = 1 : compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power ; also : lenient or compassionate treatment 2 a: a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion b: a fortunate circumstance 3: compassionate treatment of those in distress

Synonyms for mercy: charity , clemency , grace , leniency

These definitions and synonyms come from the Merriam-Webster On-line dictionary.

I love that we are coming into a new time and season and I found the word EMBRACE in this very set of scriptures from Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
A Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

And even though the words are not in these 8 scriptures, I still sense MERCY in them as well as GRACE.

I pray that I will be found embracing Jesus Christ like never before in 2009. That I will be found embracing others by loving them, giving them mercy and that grace would be found evident in me. I cherish this new year, and yes I'm going into it with what I have on my mind, in my heart from December 31, 2008! BUT....I'm walking into January 1, 2009 striving to be more like Christ than the Yolanda of 2008. I believe this is the desire that the Holy Spirit has been gently telling me for the past few weeks, perhaps the past month or so.

Perhaps, this has given you something to ponder as to what exactly the Holy Spirit is speaking ever so gently to your own heart. And that you desire to be accomplishing and living out in your lives for 2009.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Passing On A Legacy

Thanksgiving and Christmas were both extra special times in my life this year as we traveled to see both of our children and their families. Two children as different as night and day. One wants absolutely nothing to do with God, NOTHING; and the other, well the other is not opposed to God. At this point, it is more about religion instead of a relationship. But I'm so believing, that given some time, it'll be a deep rich walk! I've been involved in their lives for 20 years come 2009 in a personal way. Sisters, for the first 6 years I was so far from God that it is no wonder that our lives took the turn that they did, our lives meaning theirs as well as mine. I've repented to God and to them that I made some very unhealthy, un-wise choices and while this is no excuse, I certainly did not walk with God at that time. I find myself holding, more like CLINGING to Jeremiah 32:17 TODAY for my step-children and I pray daily for them.

Jeremiah 32:17 NIV "Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." Why can I pray that for them? Because I have seen in my own personal life, how God truly did a miracle work in me, and if He can do that for me, I KNOW He can do that for them! too hard for Him, Sisters, if you are in between a rock and hard place and this scripture is speaking to you right now, then I challenge you to stand on it with me!

Before we go any farther, I must make clear to you that I'm not knocking our precious children one bit, I'm just trying to set the tone for wanting to pass on a legacy. I love these two adult kids like crazy and I love their children like I've been created to to love them....OVER THE TOP! I also believe whole-heartedly that our children are excellent parents, EXCELLENT!

Legacy: is a noun according to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary; something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. Then I did a search of the bible looking at two words: grandchildren and Grandmothers.

Look what I found that is so very precious in the Word of God:

Proverbs 17:6 Message "Old people are distinguished by grandchildren; children take pride in their parents." **I'm not sure that I am classified as old, but I will tell you that my grandchildren are the apple of my eye!**

Psalm 128:5 Message "Enjoy the good life in Jerusalem every day of your life. And enjoy your grandchildren. Peace to Israel!" **Oh, I enjoy our grandchildren like no other!! I totally go bonkers over them and they capture my attention, and how refreshing that God's Word commands to ENJOY THEM! Now that is an easy command for me to obey. **

2 Timothy 1:5 Message "That precious memory triggers another: your honest faith—and what a rich faith it is, handed down from your grandmother Lois to your mother Eunice, and now to you! And the special gift of ministry you received when I laid hands on you and prayed—keep that ablaze! God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible."

I can't help but think of this beautiful legacy that is being passed down from myself to our Grandchildren. Especially Abigail as she learns that Jesus loves her and that Jesus loves the little children. She was quick to show me this past weekend a snap-shot of her being in the Christmas story at her pre-school. She said to me, "Grandma there I am, I am Mary." I ask her about baby Jesus and Joseph and her eyes just light up.

I am ever so thankful that God is allowing me a "do-over" and that I can show our little one's Jesus! I failed miserably with my step-children in their "learning" years, but I will not do so with where God has placed me today. I will shout it from the mountain tops, "Our God IS an AWESOME GOD!"

Proverbs 22:6 NIV "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

Father God, Thank You for giving me a second chance to make a difference in a little one's life. To share with them of Your love, and just how much You have redeemed me. Thank You for pouring Your love into me that I can then turn around and spill it out. It is not meant to be kept, it is meant to be poured lavishly upon others. I pray that You find me doing so....and that I would be passing on a legacy. In Your Son's Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Are you leaving a legacy? If so, care to share?

My bff is, and here is her son in their Christmas pageant:

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

To Us A Child Is Born

I am enjoying the excitement that I am sensing all around me and causing me to be ever so thankful that God chose to place me in the plains of Kansas. Wide open spaces, and in my small community where I can share Jesus.

Over 2,000 years ago God intended for our Savior to be born in human flesh. He already was, because He was in the very beginning, He was THE BEGINNING. The excitement continues to flame in my heart this morning, Christmas eve, because God's intentions included a plan for OUR REDEMPTION! I am choosing to celebrate with other Believers in the next 12-36 hours of His birth. The vision that comes so easily to me because I was raised with animals, living on a farm.

We do not know the exact hour or day of His birth because I believe God knew we would make an idol out of that. And in many ways I believe we have with over spending and many that participate without even knowing what Christmas really is all about. This then causes you and I to have an opening to share with others just what His birth truly birthed for us. It causes me to reflect upon my King and Lord and rejoice that His plans included me and they include YOU. To give Him honor, to praise His Name, and not only on Christmas the day we celebrate Jesus' birth, but every day.

And with that, I have been reflecting upon just that....His Name. Isaiah 9:6 is the verse that my husband and I have placed in our local paper the past few years the week of Christmas. I didn't do that this year because of my own conviction, but I want to share that scripture with you now:

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

I wander just who or what you are pursuing these days?

Wealth...or the Wonderful Counselor
Man...or the Mighty God
Everything but God...or the Everlasting Father
Power & praise...or the Prince of Peace

Father, I pray that those I know and those that I don't know will bow the knee this week to YOUR SON that was given for us and to us. Our eyes placed on Jesus the One and Only! THE GIFT more precious than gold or silver, the GIFT of Eternal Life. That we would be found sharing "To Us A Child Is Born". Thank You Father for the birth of Christ as well as the Cross at Calvary. I ask that we would not seek stuff but that we would be found seeking The Savior. Amen.

Reaching for Higher Grounds,
Lovingly and a VERY MERRY CHRISTmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

White as snow

Girlfriends, how is spreading the love of Christ coming along? Has the fragrance been sweet the past few days, or pretty dad gum stinky?

I sat down this morning and read the whole book of James. Now don't go thinking that it took me hours, there are only 5 short chapters in James and you can do it if I can. My attention span is not that great, but I'm praying that God does a miracle in that department for 2009!

Coming away from this time in God's Word, I'm reflecting upon situations that I have been involved with this year as well as my friends. I have a family situation that is nearing two full years of rejection to me, complete rejection. But I choose to love them, I choose to pray for them, and I am BELIEVING GOD THAT THERE WILL COME A TIME OF RESTORATION. I read an awesome quote this morning that I absolutely love: There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness. -Josh Billings

With that, I challenge you to look at the offenses of others as being blanketed with snow. We can't even begin to see what lies underneath, and honestly we aren't supposed to. LET IT GO!! Their sins and OURS are covered and you need only to see the white, pure, covering that Jesus provides.

Psalm 51:7 NIV "Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow." Isaiah 1:18 NIV ""Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."

Now just oblige me here, but let's look at Isaiah 1:17-19 The Message: "Come. Sit down. Let's argue this out." This is God's Message: "If your sins are blood-red, they'll be snow-white. If they're red like crimson, they'll be like wool. If you'll willingly obey, you'll feast like kings. But if you're willful and stubborn, you'll die like dogs." That's right. God says so."

Forgiveness in my thoughts this morning is just that....a beautiful covering of snow. And by choosing this you and I will feast like kings, not die like dogs.

Lord, let it be!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spreading an extra dose of love

Girlfriends, I was wondering the past couple of days how many of you are feeling some extra stress as we are now just 9 days away from Christmas! Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Especially, thinking we have to have that perfect gift, the perfect tree, the perfect food, and/or the perfect wardrobe? Stress of our own making!! Those of us IN CHRIST know that Christmas is not about the gifts but The Gift. Not about our tree but the Tree at Calvary. The food is The Bread of Life and the Wardrobe, well isn't it Christ's righteousness?

If you are feeling a little out of sorts, I pray that after spending a little time with me this morning, you will come away with a breath of fresh air. Why? Because I need the very same thing!

You see my fall has been a rat race. The really fast pace is just now starting to calm down and I can feel it is way past time to be doing so. This past spring a group of ladies here in my community went through, Loving Well A Retreat In A Box. We learned that we place a lot of expectations on others to love us the way we need to be loved but if they don't have the love of God in them, then they can't pour that back out upon and over us.

1 John 4:7-21 is a great place to spend some time this morning, but I especially want to touch on a verse or two. Verse 8: "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." Verse 16: "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."

You may find yourself currently in a relationship of some sorts with one who is just down right MEAN. Verse 8 tells me, that if I am, they can't even begin to love me because love isn't even in them. I love how God tells you and I right up front that we KNOW and we RELY on the love God has for us. I pray that when we are in the midst of turmoil and unloving people that we will rest in the fact that we are to RELY upon the love of God. He loves YOU and He loves me. That should be more than enough!

This past weekend I was so incredibly blessed and humbled by an awesome young teenager. My Man has had back surgery 9 years ago and at that time the surgeon told us that he was to never, EVER, lift anything heavier than a 6 pack of soda pop. As a man that is a hard bill to fill, to not ever cross the line and when Bill chooses to do so he is very tender for days. We had 6 bags, 40 pounds each, of salt pellets to be placed in our water softener. Normally, I carry it from the bed of the pickup through the house, down the stairs and to the container. I just didn't feel like I could do that right now and Bill asked this young man to help. He did so willingly and even joyfully. I knew the night before that Bill had this time set up for Saturday morning so I had fresh home made cinnamon rolls ready to pull out of the oven when the two of them arrived after Bill went into town to pick him up, he is young enough to not have a driving permit yet. :-)

To make a very long story short, I wanted to set the tone of how precious this teenager is, as he would take absolutely no money from us. We had all intentions of paying him for his time and muscles. I sent him home with cinnamon rolls after a lovely long visit with him. I'm a hugger and I love to love on others, I just do. So it isn't out of the ordinary for he and I to hug one another and share our week each Sunday morning. For some reason, the past couple of times I've started calling him, Buddy. I asked him if that offended him and here is where I got my socks knocked off with a HUGE blessing! "Nope, I think of you as my 2nd Mother". Girlfriends, I do not take that lightly! I welled up and my heart was so tender each time I thought/talked about it through out the day. I thanked his Mom for raising such a delightful boy and that I didn't want to take any love away from her. She is very secure in her relationship with her two children and she welled up with me as I shared just how much that hit my very tender heart.

I received far more than I believe I ever gave out to him. But we both were spreading an extra dose of love, how? Because Jesus lives on the inside of both of us. We both apply the rule, "UB4ME = LOVE". I came across that about a year ago listening to an on-line sermon from James McDonald. If we apply this to our lives how can we be accused of being a narcissist? If we apply this, aren't we being a servant, and spreading the love of Christ? Believe me, by doing so, the stress & worries & fear seem to diminish. May we be reminded from verse 18: "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears in not made perfect in love. "

Father God, I pray that my Sisters in Christ and I, be found spreading an extra dose of love in this season and the year ahead of us. That those we come into contact with realize and recognize that You are the reason for our love and joy. That Your fragrance emitting from us would draw them into the Family of Christ. Amen.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Proof of Life

When you hear that term, Proof of Life, what do you think of?

Perhaps, like me, you think of proving that something or someone is still living, drawing breath, not dead. How do we go about that, proving that they are living? If it is something, generally making sure it is still ATTACHED. If it is someone, making sure their hearts are beating? In a hostage situation, it generally requires a picture or "live feed" of the person showing the current days newspaper. The reason for a hostage situation to begin with is because the captor knows they are valuable, meaning that the individual(s) is (are) being held for a ransom.

Now let me humor you by looking at this as a Believer. When someone express' to us that they are a Believer what do we generally start looking for? Isn't it PROOF OF LIFE?

That there was been a change. That their hearts are beating for Jesus Christ and that His truth emulates from with-in. That there is unspeakable joy because of the abundant life they are now living. The choices that they make are consistent to God's word. Sister's don't get me wrong, we are NOT perfect and yes there is grace, and with that, we as humans will not ALWAYS make right choices, but we will much more consistently make those right choices.

Proof of Life, won't we see that individual walking in FREEDOM! Why? Because they are ATTACHED to God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and The Holy Spirit. John 15: 5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

PROOF OF LIFE means that we are applying God's Word to our very own lives. That others can see and hear a change in us. That the old has died and our heart beats to a new rhythm. Cor 5:17 NIV “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

Now I want to touch upon, being held for a ransom. Non believer's are truly held captive in their sins that they aren't even aware of, but we as Believer's can be held in bondage as well. We can even be in sin when we are in the world, walking way from God, correct? What freed you and I? His ransom, HIS! We recognize that Someone loves and cares about us so much, more than our brains can even begin to fathom. Pure sovereignty! Oh, Father, God thank YOU, thank You, thank YOU!

Psalm 49:7-8 NIV "No man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for him- the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough-"

Matthew 20:28 NIV “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

1 Timothy 2:5-6 NIV “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time. “

Hebrews 9:15 NIV “For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.”

These scriptures are PROOF from the LIVING WORD OF GOD, totally trust worthy and pointing us to TRUTHS! We must BELIEVE GOD. Matthew 1:21. Romans 6:23. Seek it out, you will NOT be disappointed! I'm also seeing that PROOF OF LIFE then becomes our testimony.

Sisters, can others recognize that there is “Proof of Life” in you?

**If you happen to be reading this, and the term Believer is new to you and your wondering, what does that mean? I think of one that has accepted that they are a sinner in need of a savior. That Savior can only be Jesus Christ! He died for me, you and for all others, but WE have to come to Him. Upon receiving Christ, the Holy Spirit then INSTANTLY comes to reside, LIVE, in us. It is FREE, never EVER costing the receiver one penny nor a “work”. It is all because of GRACE! It cost the giver all....His very life!

Romans 5:8 NIV “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Monday, December 8, 2008

Through the eyes of a child

I have one more "Grandma" story coming from our trip to Florida for Thanksgiving and Sister's, I'm so VERY thankful for Thanksgiving '08 that holds RICH memories for me. Memories are important to me because stuff can be taken away in a nano-second but not a memory.

Friday evening as we were enjoying our meal at Rumrunners, out of the clear blue, Bryan asks the four of us, "What is marriage?" Earlier over the course of the past 48 hours, there was a moment that Heather shared with Bill and I that she doesn't know how to answer some of Bryan's questions. I could tell from her expression looking into my eyes that this was one of those very times. Why? The three of them live under the same roof, but are not married. Perhaps you might recall from an earlier post that Bill and I are Lighthouses in our families.

I spoke these very words to the table but especially to the one asking the question, "Bryan, Grandma and Grandpa are married.". That should be enough for a 4 1/2 year old's thought process and what he said back was not only absolutely priceless but confirmed to me that my response was enough. "Grandpa loves Grandma". My heart was once again being stirred to the fact of God using this precious boy to speak volumes. I'm not sure that Bryan ever heard the two of us telling one another that we loved the other. It was a busy 72 hours for the 5 of us. Yet, we say it many times through out each day to one another, with tenderness and affection. I spoke my love to Bryan many times and he always touched my face and said, "Grandma, I know that." He knows, and that is more than enough for me!

What I recognized as soon as Bryan said "Grandpa loves Grandma" is the fact of what he SEES. He sees Bill being tender towards me, gentleness, kindness, helping along with many other actions, but doesn't all of that equate to LOVE? We hear many times that we may be the only bible the world ever reads. Our actions speak loud and clear. Genesis 2:18 ESV "Then the LORD God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.'"

I'm am so THANKFUL that God saw fit, for me to be Bill's helper. Another scripture that I have come across since our return that is simply perfect, as our God is perfect.

"Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him" 1 John 3:18-19 ESV.

Father, I pray that the days we spent with our family in Florida will draw them to You. That our grandson will grow into a fine young man pouring himself out for his wife. That the woman You are preparing for him, will reciprocate giving 110 percent. That we realize others are watching and through the eyes of a child we learn much. Thank You Father God for children! What an awesome miracle that we can witness day in and day out as You are a MIRACLE God. Thank You Father for the gift of Life. Amen.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

No Sissies Here

Remember from my last post that I mentioned there was MORE that I would share with you from spending Thanksgiving with our son and his family? I saw two quotes that I want to share with you right now, the authors are unknown. "The enemy of faith is selfishness." And "Love that doesn't understand the language of sacrifice is not love."

Being a parent and/or a grandparent SHOULD NOT BE about being selfish, especially when it comes to giving of self. I really hadn't stopped to think about what God was teaching me until we got back to Kansas. I was journaling about our time together, when BOOM....God showed me such an awesome visual.

Thanksgiving morning found Bryan and I alone for maybe an hour or so when all of a sudden he asked, "Grandma, will you catch a frog with me?" Remember, a request doesn't remain a request for long with this Grandma and her precious Grandson...especially with-in reason. Now, for those that wouldn't know this, I'm not a hands on, feely, touchy type of an animal person. Yet, I love God's creation, and how majestic He created animals. I love them in a unique way, but, BUT....from a distance.

Here comes Bryan with his catching net and a gallon size Ziploc bag. I'm thankful that one of us was prepared, and believe me, it was NOT me. I had no idea what I was in for, but I just knew that I was going to step up to the plate and not leave my Pure Sugar grandson thinking less of his Grandma Rogers. Out we went to his fort play ground equipment when I was informed to move the shutters. As I did so, there had to have been at least 6 to 8 tree frogs leaping right at me. I HAD NO IDEA, but what I did know was that I would fill the request.

Aren't we to be like Bryan....prepared? Putting on the Armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-20).

On Friday morning, Bryan came again saying to me, "Grandma, my froggie needs a friend." I just cracked up and away we went, but this time I knew what to expect and so I added much more emphasis on being scared. As we were walking to the back yard I shared with Bryan, that I was only doing this for him, that he was getting me way out of my comfort zone.

So as I was journaling on Sunday morning about our frog catching expedition, I couldn't help but think that being a Grandma is NOT FOR SISSIES! And I would guarantee you that if Bryan was asked the question, "Is your Grandma Rogers a Sissie?" He would answer with a firm loud NO.

Don't you think that being a Christian is not for sissies? That God wants us to not leave His request as a request for long. To simply trust Him and be obedient to what He asks of us?

I was thinking about how being a Grandma has brought much joy to my heart, but it also has brought much joy to my Grandchildren as well. A scripture that confirms this to me is Luke 6:38 from the ESV "give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Psalm 8:3-5 ESV "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,what is man that you are mindful of him,and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."

God created me, as well as Bryan and yes those tree frogs. Why? For us to bring Him Glory and Honor and that He cares so much for me that He gave me Grandchildren that are a true delight to my heart. You see, I'm not a Mother in the sense of having birthed my own children, yet I am blessed to be able to mother other's. What a blessing it is to be a Grandmother, and to not be a Sissie.

**Do you have your own story to share with me?**

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Licking my spoon

Girlfriends, have you ever heard the statement, "I could just scoop you up with a spoon and eat you?" Why would one say that you may be asking? Because they are PURE SUGAR! That's exactly how I feel about my grand kids. There is nothing that tugs on my heart like the words, "Grandma, ......"

Way back mid-summer we booked our flight for Florida to spend Thanksgiving with our son and his family. For those that at this point have a grandchild, then you know there just isn't anything much better that is touchable this side of heaven. My Grandson, Bryan, called a few weeks back to sing to us "5 Little Pumpkins Sitting On a Gate", and just talk story. Our church was having a revival and the evening that Bryan called was our last night so Bill & I really didn't want to miss it. As I said my good-byes to Bryan to give Bill just a few minutes alone with him, I literally heard the softest sweetest words I may have ever heard in my life time. "I love you sweet love" came from this precious little boy of 4 1/2 years of age. Pure, gentle & un-solicited words that carried deep meaning to my heart. Words I've used to soothe my soul since they were spoken to me to remind me of God's love for me.

These very words were also a wink from God to stir with-in me a longing to travel & to get outside of my comfort zone. You see, we live in a dark world and as our Pastor shares with us, we are the Light. I will tell you that our grand-children, three total, cause me to not only pick up my spoon, but to lick it clean, savoring every tasty morsel that comes from their hearts.

It had been 18 months since we had traveled to Florida the last time. Yes, that is a long time...but they live thousands of miles from us and the rest of their families. Bryan is no different towards us than the day we left to travel back to Kansas, 18 months ago. In less than a minute, he is holding my hand, giving out many hugs and kisses to both Bill and I. For three days, we spent some great quality time with him and his parents. Any time that there was a space beside me, there was Bryan, cuddled up and soaking up my love for him.

Any time Bryan would say, "Grandma,..." whether it was a statement or a question my hearing was well tuned to his precious little voice. A request didn't stay as a request for long.

I really want to stop here for the time being, but there is much more to this that I will touch upon, but I feel the Lord saying, here is what I want you to share.

Sisters....we are told over and over to come to Him as the little children, to receive the little children and to love like the children. Can you imagine how much we would change our immediate world around us by loving like Bryan loves me? Or your grandchildren loving YOU? No amount of time or distance changes his love for me. No amount of money can buy his love for he always loves me and I love him. He told me that he had the "bestest" present for me for my birthday. A HUG! But you know what, the "bestest" present is his unconditional love that he pours out onto me reminding me of My Father's LOVE for me. I wonder if He ever feels such compassion that He desires to lick His spoon? I may have to ask Him just that, when I see Him face to face.

Until the next time, I'm relishing fond memories!

Luke 18:15-17 The Message: People brought babies to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. When the disciples saw it, they shooed them off. Jesus called them back. "Let these children alone. Don't get between them and me. These children are the kingdom's pride and joy. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in."

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Thanksgiving Psalm

On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence.

Know this: God is God, and God, God. He made us; we didn't make him. We're his people, his well-tended sheep.

Enter with the password: "Thank you!" Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him.

For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever.

Psalm 100 The Message

**May your hearts be over-flowing with gratitude this week as you spend time reflecting with your God, family and friends. I love each one of you, and pray special blessings upon you and your families. May our hearts be found applauding GOD, simply because He is God. I would love to hear what you are thankful for, sharing our joys with one another.

Friday, November 21, 2008

May you keep the SON in your eyes

Bill and I have been blessed that we both enjoy traveling, we both love visiting with people, and we aren't afraid to share Jesus. I honestly can't remember who, but one of the ladies from the bible study group that I attend when we are on Maui, signed her email, "Keeping the Son in my eyes" a few years back. I haven't forgotten that because it spoke so deeply to me. Maui is very SUN friendly, and yet heavy in pagan gods. I'm not attacking for there are many places all over the world that are steeped in false gods, even right here in Ulysses.

I was spending some time in Psalm 19 this morning when out of the blue, that phrase was so heavy on my heart. Keep the Son in your eyes, Yolanda. Verse 1 reads:


I took this picture in June of 2005 early one morning as I was leaving for the office. I believe it shows the GLORY OF GOD! How can one not look to the skies and DECLARE His majesty?

Another favorite sunrise picture I have taken and I've titled it Psalm 57:11.


I am praying, asking and believing that today you and I not to be found worshipping creation, but instead The Creator. No big bang theory, not even a what if...but oh that we would be found standing on God's TRUTH.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day." Genesis 1:1-5

Father, thank You that the skies proclaim the work of YOUR hands. I ask that we would be found EXALTING You as we shout from the depths of our souls, LOOK AT WHAT GOD HAS DONE! When I get my eyes lifted up and I see the works that You have created, my breath escapes me and I am in total awe. My mind ponders: Lord, what will heaven look like? How can one say there is no God? Father, I thank You for my physical eye sight to see Your beauty and I thank You that You have opened my spiritual eyes. Lord Jesus Christ, may we keep You, The Son, in our eyes. Amen.

**Sisters and Brothers, if we are found keeping our eyes on Jesus Christ, our eyes will be placed where they need to be. Not on what others are doing or not doing, but on the relationship that is most important.....You and Christ.** 1 John 5:21 NLT "Keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts."

Friday, November 14, 2008

How LOW can you go?

Does that ring a bell with you? How LOW can you go? It has been running in my brain, like a circle, unending for the past 12 hours. I've confessed to God, and now I'm confessing to you.

James 5:16 NIV "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

God doesn't want PERFECT, He is looking for PASSIONATE! I am not perfect, I will never claim to be, and no matter how hard I try I can not keep everything under control or swept so to speak under the rug. Lord, I pray that YOU find me passionate!

By now you are thinking, what did she do? I LOST IT! Fire engine red mad was I upon my arrival home last night.

We have had two young men in our home the past two days laying down wood laminate in our kitchen. They were hours late both mornings, arriving just close to noon. They asked Bill to be here both days to unhook and then re-hook the gas from the stove and the water line to our refrigerator. So the first morning he was here over an hour WAITING on them. Then yesterday he came twice to re-connect our appliances and neither time were they ready. My Man has had back surgery and so there was no way we could move those two appliances on our own, we needed TEAM WORK.

As a business owner myself, I know how word of mouth travels and if one desires to have a good reputation, then you do what you say you are going to do. Being a Christian is absolutely no different. When we are, the big letter H is applied to our chests! (HYPOCRITE)

I honestly don't want the H applied to me, and I'm positive neither do you. So I'm coming clean. And that fire engine red mad bit me in the BUTT! What caused the flame to get hotter was I met them on our 1/4 of a mile road coming home as they were leaving and I waved them down. They did not STOP! I was furious because I simply wanted to have them wait for Bill to get here to have the TEAM WORK to move the appliances back. I flagged them down out on the highway and told them, DEMANDED that they come back. Oh yeah, I was angry, can you tell?

I came on up to the house, came inside and just wanted to bawl. This is what I found:

They had moved back the appliances and hooked them up themselves. There will be a time that I can laugh about this, but for the moment I can't tell you how many times similar situations have happened to me.

I marched myself right out side and up to these two men and humbly apologized. I have asked God to forgive me and I know that He has, and now it takes just some time for me to forgive myself. LOW...low is where I went....lower than a snake, clear to the ground.

My scripture this morning just confirmed for me to share this with you:

1 Corinthians 10:12-13 "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

This was my prayer yesterday morning and this is my prayer today:

Dear God, please help me today to be the woman You created me to be. I trust You to replace my brokenness with beauty and power in every area of my life. Amen. And today I add, Father thank You for being a FORGIVING God, wrapping me in Your Love.

Sisters, be careful and don't think that you can't fall or get low. God is FAITHFUL and He will provide a way out. I'm wondering, what temptation has seized you lately that is common to man?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What are you standing for?

Good morning! If you are reading this and you are a United States Veteran or serving this moment in the Armed Forces, I personally want to THANK YOU. Thank you for my freedom, thank you for protecting me, and thank you for serving our country!

It has been a full 7 days since many of us went to the voting polls. And I would imagine that you have been no different than me in the fact that the past 7 days you have found yourself seeking God more than ever before.

In this wonderful country that I live in, we have freedom. Freedom means that we have choices, and that we are allowed to make choices. God's economy is no different. We have choices: good/evil, right/wrong, narrow path/wide path, God/Satan and even God/self.

Honestly, when Tuesday 10:00 p.m. rolled around here in my own home, I was shell-shocked. STUNNED. I turned to my Man and said, in the morning when we awake, God could allow the people to over-rule the electoral votes. Sisters, He could have, but He chose not to. Why?

I think we all are having confirmed to us what we as BELIEVERS already knew. That God is on the throne. He is in control. He is sovereign. He and He alone knows. WE CAN STAND ON THIS!

I have personally had women that go to church and attend bible studies tell me that they voted for Barak Obama. They had a choice, just like I had, but our choice doesn't match. I wonder what we are standing for? Traditional Marriage, cloning, promoting homosexuality, human life, protection with the war, abortion? And with those choices, do they align with the Word of God? If not, are we standing for God and His Truths?

I went to God yesterday late afternoon with a heavy heart as once again someone shared their voting choice in a very prideful way. I know that I know that I must be very real, honest, and vulnerable here. But this is what God spoke to the very depths of my soul. "I am separating the goats from the sheep." Voting for either candidate is not a sin, but what we stand for could possibly be.

Ezekiel 34:17 NLT "“And as for you, my flock, this is what the Sovereign Lord says to his people: I will judge between one animal of the flock and another, separating the sheep from the goats."

I wanted to look at this in the NKJ also: "And as for you, O My flock, thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, I shall judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and goats."

Matthew 25:32 NIV "All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats."

I love how what God spoke to me as I questioned, "WHY?". He responded with what He has spoken to us both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, how awesome is that?

Lord, once again, I pray for those that have been elected to run our Nation. That they be found on their knees seeking YOU. And then walking in the path that You direct them to. Lord, speak, for your servant is listening and she desires to be found standing for YOU!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Would you join me?


Your Will! Barak Obama was elected yesterday as our 44th President of the United States of America. The land that was founded on YOUR PRINCIPLES, and for freedom. May we UNITE and bend our knee for this man and his family to lift him in prayer to seek You. Our world has a first as of last night, an African-American; may there be no prejudice found in us. Father, we choose to not live in fear. We have hope, the hope of Jesus Christ. I will be honest, that the fear I do have are for those that have not come to know You....yet! For they are hopeless at this point. Father, I ask that You would humble Barak Obama, that he would be found on his knees before You, seeking Your WISDOM to lead our Nation into God-ly principles more than ever before. That he would give his heart to You and for You. Father, that he would have integrity and truly live for You as You would come to live/dwell deep in his heart. That GOOD fruit would be produced and grown to fruition. A new man as the old would depart. Father, may we be found today on our knees, bathing our Nation and our President-elect Barak Obama in prayers. We humbly beseech You Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Going On A Treasure Hunt

Girlfriends, does this very thought get you excited? Perhaps, you also are thinking, what kind of a treasure hunt can I, myself, go on?

The past 3 times while being on Maui, I have enjoyed some great quality time alone with God early in the morning, hunting treasure. And I also have been blessed on each trip to have one of my mornings shared with a friend or friends helping in the hunt.

I get so excited on these outings, praising Him, thanking Him, and yes, ever so gently sometimes just singing "Jesus, Jesus". Why you might ask? Because there is MUCH POWER IN HIS NAME! Sometimes I even ask Him, for specifics while I am in the ocean searching for these precious gems.

Isn't God's WORD like that, Sisters and Brothers? Every time you spend time and open up the Good Book, you are blessed with "gems"? Little NUGGETS. At times you are searching SOLO and others times you are blessed with the presence of others. Can you get an idea from this picture, of perhaps what the greatest NUGGET might be? What I see, without having meant to do so, was that there are THREE days of searching photographed. THREE! Isn't that just like the God-head? God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. As well from this picture, I also see that the scriptures are beautiful separated, soaking up perhaps just one scripture at the moment.

Then....look what happens when I place all my treasures in ONE container.

The God-head is three in ONE. Aren't the pieces of sea glass beautiful on their own, but even more beautiful all in ONE container? God's word is like that, Friends. It is beautiful!

I pray that this visual encourages you to spend time in God's Word today, tomorrow, and forever. To dive in to the LIVING WATER, seeking out your own treasure, because there are many exciting hidden nuggets with-in.

Did you know:

Luke 19:40 Message "But he said, 'If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.'" THE ROCKS AND STONES WILL PRAISE HIM! Stones...sea glass? you see the corral in the pictures?

Same scripture from the New Living Translation: He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!”

Matthew 13:44 NIV "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."

The NUGGET/TREASURE that I found just this morning from 2 Samuel 22:32 NIV:

For who is God besides the LORD ? And who is the Rock except our God?

Thank YOU for blessing me with such joy when I go on a treasure hunt. Especially the seeking that comes from spending time with You and in Your word. Remind me Father to not just seek out one scripture, but to look at it in the "whole". Lord, YOU are the greatest TREASURE of all TIMES. I love and adore You. Amen.

Let's go on a treasure hunt!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jesus IS THE BEST! 10/22/2008

Sisters, do you ever take a moment or two and just pamper yourself? You might be surprised to find, that even for me that is hard to do on a regular basis. So when I do take the time, it becomes a pure delight to my heart. Yesterday late afternoon while being gone on vacation, I booked both Bill and I for a duo massage.

When we walked into the facility, this is what I had on:

The receptionist jumped up and said something to the effect of, YES GOD. With her hands raised in praise. I'm thinking in my heart that she is no different than the rest of us, that our jobs can be a very dark place and that we are called to be witness' to The Light Of Christ. I asked her what my shirt said, and she truly said, "JESUS IS THE BEST". Her spirit was so evident and her face radiated joy. I knew for however brief, I had a friend and Sister-in-Christ here at the Beauty Salon.

I looked it up on line and found this: "No Ka Oi" Means "is the best" in Hawaiian

I wonder what the unsaved think when they see us? More importantly, what do they see? I was in the book of John, Chapter 1, this morning and this caused me to reflect on the God Stop yesterday with Jade and her words. Verse 6-10 NIV "There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him."

Father, thank YOU for BEING THE BEST. Thank You for opportunities to shine Your Light. Thank You especially for God Stop's through out each and every day we have here on this earth. Father, may we remind our small part of this large world, that You are in control. And as we come upon a very critical election for leadership in the United States, may the man that wins, TRULY LIVE TO SAY, JESUS IS THE BEST! Amen.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Divisions and rivalry

Do you find yourself having fun by yanking some one's chain? Something totally meant to be humorous and not an ounce of meanness?

One morning this past week our friends from home walked in and our "fun" rivalry was evident, between he and I. As you can see, Mr. Ron likes K-state; I just asked my own husband and he said he was probably for UT. Anyway, later in the evening while playing cards, I asked to have our picture taken before we parted ways for the night.

This picture got me to thinking about how we, The Church, have such a rivalry between denominations, between genders, and even between ourselves inside our church building. Total division!

The Church at Corinth was advised on these divisions and Sisters, we are NO different. Yet, we participate in this dysfunction by standing on rib issues as if they were spine issues. Where is our Christian, Brotherly and Sisterly love? Why would someone in the world even begin to want what we have if this is what we are displaying?

1 Corinthians 3 is a great place to spend some time today reflecting on how you and I should be walking as Believers. "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" Verse 16.

Yesterday during our church service the sermon really spoke to me and how I need to be respecting others. Pastor Richard said we would be wise to remember that EVERYONE has an invisible sign around their neck that reads "Do I matter to you?"

My thoughts to myself and those reading are, if we are having divisions and rivalry, doesn't that speak loud and clear that others do not matter to me or to you.

Father God, thank You for convicting me to spend myself. To not keep score, and to honor and value others. Father, today, may You find me stepping this out towards You and the world. I love You deeply! Amen.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Becoming Intentional

Psalm 46:10 " "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

God Stops for me from the past 7 days:

Two very precious girls that are involved in my life here on Maui. It brings joy to my heart when they see me coming....AUNTIE. It is refreshing, miles and miles from my birth family, that God allows each one of us to have family In Christ!

My husband as, TOGETHER, he and I walk to our church service last Sunday morning.

God's power!

**I didn't have the mind set at the moment to take a picture, but an elderly friend we have here on Maui, in our complex is such a joy. I have no idea of his salvation, but he is fun for both of us. Anyway, yesterday morning he stopped in to say goodbye and he started calling me Leona. We have visited with him several years, but he has never called me by my name. When he left my husband said to me, that was so cool. You see, Leona was my Grandmother's name. Brought tears to my eyes that my husband would even reflect upon that, and God showed me just how special my Man is! I love you Sweetie! Father, thank You for my Man!**

God speaking HIS love to me! My husband and two of our friends walked right past this, and I thank God that He had me look down to see what He had just for me! Oh, how I delight in HIM! Psalm 37:4 NIV "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Do we spend time through out our day being INTENTIONAL looking for God? I'm not sure that we are looking with our Spiritual EYES due to the hustle & bustle of day to day life. I want to challenge myself to become more intentional for I have found myself lacking.

My husband and I are enjoying several days of down time, with that I have become so much more aware of the magnificence of God because my life has slowed down for several days. For those of us having been in Beth Moore's "Believing God" study, these moments are called "GOD STOPS".

I had several God Stops yesterday and thought it was time, once again, to BRAG ON GOD!

Lying in the shade in the late afternoon reading the latest Karen Kingsbury book, a delightful family stopped to chat. Their teenage son had noticed that his Mother and I were reading the same book. This lovely woman was keeping her eyes on a narrow path due to her husband being blind. She is HIS EYES! Now how intentional is that? She paused their journey to comment on our reading material which transpired into a delightful long conversation with them. They were headed home in the morning for New Zealand. But even more importantly for me was the fact that she was the most beautiful servant to her husband. Something that God had just spoken to my heart earlier that morning in my own quiet time. To invest in Bill much more than I invest in my friends. God, Bill, family, then my friends, this is God's design Girlfriends. THANK YOU LORD FOR THIS LOVELY VISUAL GOD STOP!

But God didn't just stop there because we were so blessed to enjoy a special birthday celebration. If any of you know me very well, you know my love for children. What a joy it was to be in the presence of LIFE! The one on the right was the birthday girl, isn't this a GOD STOP? Matthew 19:14 NIV "Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

One more thought was that we enjoyed a gorgeous sunset....the magnificence of God. A GOD STOP! Genesis 1:9 NIV "9 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good."

The creator of the world, wants you and I to SLOW DOWN and enjoy His presence. Have you?

Father, Thank You for the delight that You alone bring into my life. Pure joy, pure love, pure GOD. Father, when I get back into my normal day to day routine, I want to be more aware of You and so I thank You right now for each one of the God Stops that cause me to bend my knee and say, ONLY GOD. I love You Lord like crazy, Amen.

**Do you have your own GOD STOP to share with me?

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Saturday led up to seeing a transformation after some major decisions coming about due to choices both Bill and I came into agreement over, but more importantly for me.

Isn't that just how it is with our walk? Our own time of transformation of flesh vs Spirit? Did you know that others are watching and see the transformation being taken place in your own life as you walk with Jesus? YES, it's so true!

This particular writing has been "brewing" over night like coffee and/or tea needs to brew. This brewing is starting to come to fruition for a Higher Grounds along with an awesome change in my home and in our lives.

When we allow that transformation to begin to take place we move from darkness into the Light.

2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation the old has gone, the new has come!"

Then comes the sanctification process or simply allowing ourselves to become more like Christ. The old gets tossed aside more and more, but we need to remember not only for ourselves but especially for others...IT IS A PROCESS! Sisters, allow grace for those that are drawing closer to God. We would be wise to remember our own walk and how much mercy and grace we desired from others when we slipped. Thank YOU Jesus!

And as we allow ourselves to become more like Christ, God smells Christ in us. 2 Corinthians 2:15 NIV "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."

This makes me think that early this morning, prior to Sunday School and church, I fixed Apple Dumplings. This dish made my home have a pleasing aroma to our senses as it baked and enticed my husband to join me in the kitchen.

May you and I, have the aroma of Christ, drawing others to meet us in God's Word!

Father God, thank You for blessing me with visuals. Thank You that Your word comes alive not only for myself, but for others that join me by reading Higher grounds. Father, cause us to smell like Christ and have the attitude of Jesus Christ. Allowing the transformation of the old to the new; taking us from darkness into LIGHT in our lives each and every day. Father, may we extend grace and mercy towards others as they walk out their own transformation with you. Thank You Father! Amen.

**Apple Dumplings

2 cans of crescent rolls
2 large granny smith apples, peeled, cored and cut each into 8 pieces.
1 stick of real butter
3/4 to 1 cup of sugar
12 ounce can of Mountain Dew (I used Diet Mountain Dew, it worked great!)
chopped pecans, if desired.

Melt butter in a sauce pan and add sugar until it is dissolved. Place 1/8 of an apple into a crescent roll and place in a 9x13 baking dish. Pour the "simple syrup" over the dough and apples. Then the can of soda pop. Top with sprinkled cinnamon and nuts. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes, uncovered. Serve warm. I was told this is great in the evening served warm with either cool whip or vanilla ice cream. DELICIOUS!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blessings, Be sure to count them!

The very last day of September and here in my home town we are sitting right at 73 degrees. There is a slight breeze, the sun is shining and it is time for me to brag on God.

You and I haven't done this for some time, but lets pause to appreciate and count our blessings. How about FALL-ing to our knees in THANKFULNESS for the SON that is shining!!

I can't express enough how much my heart enjoys the changes in our seasons. I always think when spring gets here how much I LOVE spring, and then when fall creeps in, I have a new mindset. I LOVE fall! With spring we see new birth and with fall we see the beauty in death. I would not enjoy living on Maui or in Alaska year-round, no sir-ree, I would not, I get the biggest thrill with the changes in the seasons.

I also want to share the most simplest yet largest joys that I saw just this morning. God was, as He always is, ALL OVER OUR STUFF! Can I get an Amen? Not really knowing how each day will play out, but simply learning to roll with the flow and Sisters today was a blessing! At 8:00 this morning in walked my part-time helper, Brittney. She came bearing gifts, fresh baked cookies that are simply the softest most delicious home made morsels ever. To top it off, she also came with a heart-felt gift for my husband. He is in to polishing rocks and has been looking for just the "perfect" container to house them for the young children to walk into our office and pick out their own beautiful rock. For those that might not know, dirt and rock is our business. Brittney found the perfect container and Bill's eyes just lit up.

It so tickles me to see someone that is NINETEEN years old and a single parent, that so has her eyes off of herself and onto others. She is absolutely a GEM! Perhaps you will remember her from "God gave me a second chance". I also know she would appreciate your prayers for her as she is getting so close to fulfilling the requirements to receive her High School diploma.

I wanted to take a few moments to evaluate her progress as today she has been part-time in my office a full 60 days. She loves her job, you can see it across her face, her family sees a change in her, as well as my office. Her countenance has changed drastically in the past 60 days. Much more confident, eager to please, and smart as a whip! But what really tickles my heart this afternoon and causes my eyes to well up was her reaction from this evaluation.

My man and I were alone here over the lunch hour and as I was sharing with him the jest of our meeting, I couldn't help but well up. You see, with that evaluation, and just listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit I told her that I wanted to give her a raise. You should have seen the blessing that I received, the most beautiful smile that radiated from deep with-in. As I expressed this to Bill, the tears welled and honestly as I put this to paper, I'm about to choke up, because all I can think of is God's Word. I know that you pray this just as well as I do, that when we face our Savior, we will hear "Well done, good and faithful servant." What will our faces look like to The Master? I can't imagine it being much prettier than the smile I, myself, received just this morning. GLORIOUS!

Now that is a blessing, to be sure to count!

**Matthew 25:21 and 25:23 ""His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'"

Friday, September 26, 2008


This side of heaven, we will ALWAYS have choices to make, decisions to walk this way or that, Kingdom minded or the world.

Oh yes, I'm still contemplating the setting of Queen Vashti & Esther. They each had choices to make, and we are NO DIFFERENT!

A few days ago, I shared some things that I saw as far as Esther and her area to be submissive and obedient. Today, I want to ponder and take a gander towards Queen Vashti. Some might say that her refusal of the King's command is just what he deserved. That he was controlling and perverse, what I do know for a fact was that he was king and that role placed him in authority. Oh YES, those in authority can abuse that position and take advantage, they have a choice in that powerful position! We can dig into other world history at this time, and find out things about the customs of these 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia (Cush), but the actual writing God intended for us through His word does not tell us other than what is obvious from the text.

When you and I walk against authority there is always a price to pay, and Queen Vashti did pay a price. "But when the attendants delivered the king's command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger." Vs 12 of Chapter One, NIV. The price of her husband being furious, angry, ultimately loosing her place as Queen as well as the favor of King Xerxes. The price in her eyes perhaps was a small price to pray for her dignity.

I see Esther being placed in the role of a beauty pageant contestant and while I'm not a pageant person, I find myself leaning more towards Esther than I do Queen Vashti. I am going to open up a big part of my heart and share with you that there was a time that I was similar to Queen Vashti. No, I wasn't beautiful in the eyes of the world nor was I a Queen, but I WAS independent, over bearing and I wanted my way. NO ONE was going to tell me what to do, no one was going to hurt me if I could help it and I was very bold in letting others know that. Before Christ entered into my heart to dwell, I was this type of a woman. I was extremely independent. Today, I hunger to walk in dependence upon my Savior and so my heart is tendered more towards the response of Esther.

You, on the other hand, may be more like Queen Vashti. As Believers, I honestly believe we can have strong tendencies towards one or the other in our personalities. Do you see Vashti as a Women's Libber? She is strong in her convictions as she put her foot down and would not come to the beck and call of King Xerxes. As far as God's written Word, once again, the only thing we know for certain is that He has been drinking for 7 days, he is king of a PAGAN nation and that he wanted to show her outward beauty to the MEN in attendance. Makes me think of a stock show, drooling and bidding on the best of what ever seems to be on display! A car, art, an animal, and yes, even women.

If my husband was drinking for days and placed a demand on me that went against my own convictions, I too, no doubt, would rise up. While I've been trying to look at both women and see good in them, something I see this morning strong in both Esther and Vashti is that they had a choice to make. That both of their choices took TONS OF COURAGE and affected the leadership of their time. One made the king angry, the other pleased him. One was no longer Queen, and the other elevated. Two totally different personalities.

Esther 1:12 NIV "But when the attendants delivered the king's command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger." Vashti chose to not come at his demand.

Esther 2:10 NIV "Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so.?" Esther chose to keep her nationality and family background hidden.

If there is another in authority over us, that is asking something of us that goes against our own convictions or our safety we must seek God. Our decision or choice comes about due to those in authority causing us to go against God's Word. And ESPECIALLY if we are placed in harms way. To not have a personal agenda, but to weigh the cost. Will we walk out of our flesh or of God's wisdom?

Esther was not written to pivot us against Esther or Vashti, it was written to encourage us. To show us a picture, once again, of God's perpetual love for His Chosen people.

Father, I come before You asking for wisdom to walk the decisions that are laid out before me in my community, my country and my world. May I choose the right way to go, to live, and simply to be. To live to please YOU! Thank You Abba. Amen.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Respecting our husbands

God has been placing on my heart to really spend some time in some particular books of the bible, the first one being Esther. I had a Pastor's wife once tell me, that I was going to be an Esther for my generation. New Years Eve evening, both Bill and I were found in front of the television tuned into TBN as they were airing non-stop through the night "One Night With The King". We were also told from Living Proof Ministries and Lifeway that Beth Moore was in the early stages of writing her next bible study for God, and it would be over Esther. HOW EXCITING! This study will be out in November, and our Women's group will then be found digging through the pages of Esther.

If you know me very well then you know that I'm not good at waiting! I want to dig for myself to know from God, instead of waiting for someone to feed me. I tend to get lost & overwhelmed when I don't have some of the back ground information gathered. Crazy, I know, but that is how I am. Like I mentioned earlier, I needed to finish a commitment between God and I before I could move on into Esther. Today....that commitment was fulfilled and I am headed into the 17th book of the Old Testament. ESTHER!

Esther is also known as Hadassah, in the Hebrew it is: Hadaccah pronounced "had-as-saw"; meaning "myrtle" as per Strong's Concordance on-line.

Ecter pronounced as "es-tare'" is the Hebrew form of Esther, meaning "star" and has a Persian derivation. There was one other definition in Strong's: the queen of Persia, heroine of the book of Esther - daughter of Abihail, cousin and adopted daughter of Mordecai, of the tribe of Benjamin, made queen by king Ahasuerus (Xerxes) to replace divorced queen, Vashti.

I've tried to find out why and when Esther's name changed from Hadassah to Esther, and with my limited resources, I have not found out why. If and when I find this out, I'll post it. Perhaps some of you reading, already know and would be willing to share with the rest of us?

But getting to the heart of my thoughts today is when King Xerxes was drunk on wine after throwing a big banquet for 6 months, 180 days, he then held a "special banquet" for 7 days for those just in the compound of Susa. On the 7th day he orders, commands, demands that Queen Vashti be brought forth wearing the Royal crown because she is beautiful. Now mind you, she was busy these 7 days also, throwing her own banquet for the women, and now she is being called away from this private gathering to appease the king. She refused the command and the king burned with anger. Because Vashti refused the king, she was de-throned.

Many times through out the Old Testament books and teachings, we see women taking "life" into their own hands. Not showing respect to their mates and a couple of examples that come to my mind are Eve enticing Adam with the apple. Sarai taking the leaving of a dynasty into her own hands as she decides to give her maidservant, Hagar to Abram to produce offspring. These women not only didn't respect their mates, but taking it a step father they were found not listening nor obeying God.

We are never told that Queen Vashti was directed to disobey King Xerxes due to God. I'm still pondering why she refused, perhaps the motive behind being summoned. King Xerxes wanted to show off her beauty before the men. Yet, the one thing I know from this is that I want to VOW TO BE DIFFERENT! I want to honor my Man, and my God. Respect means high or special regards, admiration and compliment; I truly and honestly want to be different than the world.

**I believe respecting our husbands is in the fashion that pleases God. That our mates are aligning with God, and they aren't asking something of us that goes against God and His word. I am NOT advocating staying in an abusive home with submission & respect. God will show you, seek Him.**

Father God,

May I not only be found complimenting my Covenant Partner but may I also be found giving HIGH REGARDS to the Most High God. You are awesome, and I love when You reveal old things to me in a new way. Father, I have thrown out some ideas here today, and if they aren't in line with Your Word, I ask that they would not be remembered by those that are reading as they are simply that, ideas, hypothetical, simply a theory. I praise God for TRUTH and for the things that are black and white in Your Guide Book for my life. Father, may we be found, searching.....for TRUTH. I love ya Lord, like crazy! Amen.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Are we praising God?

Good morning! I'm wondering, where ever it is that you are this morning, enjoying your hot tea or coffee, have you taken a moment to sit in God's presence, thanking Him? I found myself, over and over this week, "Father, Thank YOU for this beautiful fall weather that You are blessing us with."

Some may disagree with me, but I believe our purpose is to love God and our lives to give Him HONOR AND GLORY. To simply praise Him, and by doing so we are letting our little light shine causing another to hunger for that which leads to seeking Jesus Christ.

Don't we all to often find ourselves in the negative instead of the positive? I know I am extremely guilty and this morning God really pressed upon my heart that I am to please Him not man. That He alone knows my thoughts, and sometimes they are stinky! Lord, forgive me, and forgive us.

From some alone time, I found myself in Revelations this morning and this so touched my heart. A scripture that I want to put to memory, because this is the life I want God to find me living.

"Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honour and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!" Chapter 7 verse 12 NIV.

I looked up the word Praise in the Greek and here is what I found: eulogia with the meaning of : blessing, praise, laudation, adoration, consecration.

Good stuff!

I want to be found by God, falling on my face, falling to my knees, falling in my thoughts and heart and mind.....because He alone deserves my praise!

**Update 9/22/08 Revelation 14:7 "He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water." **


My Sisters, Brothers and I come before You today, desiring to EXALT Your Name. We want to praise you through out this day, and every day that is yet to come. Cause our hearts to reflect this desire, cause our thoughts to align with Yours, cause our words and deeds to be pleasing to You. We can't do this on our own Father, we simply NEED You. Thank You Abba, thank You Daddy, thank You Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sisters & Brothers, what is it that you are praising Him for this day?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Holy and Blameless

Leviticus 11:44a NIV "I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy."

Hebrews 7:26 NIV "Such a high priest meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens."

Girlfriends, I can't seem to get this off of my mind, once again. I know that I know that God is SPEAKING TO ME, but perhaps, this may also resonate in your own spirits and confirm what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to you also. When God truly spoke to my heart that it was time to step out and teach FOR Him and OF Him, I knew that there would be times of "tough love" to share with each one of you, because these were things that I myself would be working through.

God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit never ever asks something of us, or commands, that they don't provide The Way. So with these two scriptures that we just read, you and I KNOW that God and Jesus Christ ARE OUR EXAMPLES to live this earthly journey.

If God is holy, and Jesus Christ our High Priest is holy and blameless, how would you and I step into that? First of all, by becoming an heir and co-heir by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Romans 8:17 confirms this by stating: "Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."

Perhaps the next step would and should then begin the sanctification process. By praying, being in God's word and applying The Word of God to our lives and obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I can just sense someone might be in the process of saying, whoa Yolanda, aren't you being just a little bit like the Pharisee's? Don't we live under Grace and not the Law? Sorry.....we do live under grace, but grace....G-R-A-C-E does not give us the freedom to live sloppy lives. Living sloppy doesn't make us any different than the world, and doesn't that put the BIG H on our chests?

We had both an Old Testament scripture and a New Testament scripture at the beginning of this Higher Grounds of the Character of God, and then we have two New Testament scriptures of how we are to be living.

Ephesians 1:3-4 NIV "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."

1 Thessalonians 3:13 NIV "May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones."

I pray, honestly, that you and I will arise to this challenge. To begin purifying our lives to be HOLY and BLAMELESS before Our God, Lord & Savior, and the Holy Spirit. I looked up the definition of pure: Free from impurities; free of dirt, defilement or pollution; free of foreign elements; containing nothing inappropriate; having no faults, sinless. We all know that we have faults and that on this earth we will sin....but God still calls us to be pure and set apart.

1 Cor 15:57 NIV "But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." We can't get into works, we have to allow God and Jesus Christ to change our want to, into obedience. Romans 6:13 NIV "Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness."

For Yolanda, it's time to allow God's Word to wash me, how about you?

Father, Cleanse me, mold me, and may I be seeking You in the way You would have for me to go and to be. Amen.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

How easy it is to get off the path!

Girlfriends, how in the world are you? Yes, I am ok, just have had a full plate the past 10 days or so. We traveled to see some of our closest friends in Kentucky and what a GREAT time we had. I was home less than 48 hours before I was then in the car traveling for a Women's retreat with a dear Sister in Christ.

As I've been out of my immediate circle here at home, I have found myself over hearing conversations from others that are in the path of "drama" and "frustrations". I wonder why that is? I truly believe it is due to the point that we aren't taking our thoughts captive and being obedient to what God asks of us. Zechariah 7:10b "In your hearts do not think evil of each other."

Ouch...ouch....ouch. Does that step on someone's toes besides just me? It is so easy to find our thoughts traveling in the negative instead of the positive and when we aren't PUTTING ON CHRIST we are stepping off the narrow path.

What happens when we do so? Don't we have a train wreck? When our minds are wandering far from the things of God, we get derailed....EVERY TIME! Farther down to verse 13 "'When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,' says the LORD Almighty."

Has God been speaking to you, calling your name? Are you listening?

I would like to challenge you to pick up God's word, HEED THE WARNING, and step back on track.

"Finally, brothers (SISTERS), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9

**I added Sisters to hit home to my heart and yours what I see here for us THIS DAY**

Girlfriends, may we silence the negative and pour forth the positive!

Father, because I/we have fallen short by not always putting into practice what we have learned from Your word we come to You asking for forgiveness. Thank YOU Father, for we want to trust and obey You. To answer Your call, for when we need to call....You will answer also. Lord, place us once more on that beautiful narrow path and may all that are watching us proclaim...THE LORD IS NEAR. Giving YOU the Honor and Glory. Amen.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Has God spoken to you lately?

Today I was in Jonah; can you tell that I've been in the Old Testament most of the summer? Jonah is a short book, only 4 chapters, but let me tell you Girlfriends, it packs a punch!

Do you and I act/react the same as Jonah? Jonah right off the bat was told by God to go to Nineveh. What did Jonah do? He ran away from God. He went to Tarshish, that doesn't sound like Nineveh to me, does it you? He ran away from God. The word of the LORD came to Jonah, and he ran away.

Do you and I run away from God also, when He speaks a word to us? We run, but you know what, we are like Jonah in the fact that we can't hide!

The LORD sent a storm that affected not only Jonah, but the others that were on the seas were affected also by Jonah's decision. WOW, this hit me afresh this morning, because when we run from God, who else are we causing to be affected by that very decision?

I also was pondering and wrote a sticky note to be plastered in Jonah..What is it that is causing me to flee? Perhaps not wanting to face someone, perhaps sin, perhaps consequences from a previous decision, or even..what You are asking me Lord is just plain hard!

Jonah announced when confronted by the sailors "I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land." Vs 9 of Chapter 1. He wasn't afraid to tell them that the God of heaven is his God. Yet, he was fearful of going to Nineveh.

We all know that Jonah was thrown into the sea to calm the waters for all the others, and that God caused a fish to swallow him. God caused this to happen, I think, to get Jonah all alone to be able to see that what God was asking is where he needed to be. In his prayer he recognized that it was God who brought his life up from the pit. *Jonah 2:6b* Do you and I realize that it will be God that brings our lives up from the pit?

God then speaks to Jonah a second time to go to Nineveh proclaiming God's message given to him. I wonder, what has the Lord provided for you and me, to get our attention? That when He speaks, we listen and walk in the direction He asks of us. Sisters, remember that we can run, but we can not hide from the God of heaven who made the sea and land.

Father, Thank You that Your word speaks to our hearts and is relevant for this very day. Cause us Lord to let go of our fears and walk the path You have for us. To allow Your LONG OUT STRETCHED ARM to lift us up and out of our pits. Father, You are compassionate, abounding in love and my Maker. Thank You Abba, In Christ's Saving Name, Amen.