Shawn (YouTube), 11/2/23; Xochitl, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Siberian cousins of Native Americans: The Ket People
- 0:00 - Introduction
- 01:12 - Where do the Kets live?
- 03:18 - Chums and shamans
- 05:44 - 1580s-1850s: A Swedish army captain, a German scientist, and a Finnish linguist
- 10:11 - 1920s-1940s: Collectivization and boarding schools
- 16:37 - 1980s-2000s: Mini-resurgence
- 17:59 - Statistics and status today + introduction to Ket language
- 22:53 - Ket number system
- 26:15 - Phonology
- 27:41 - Morphology: classes, cases and the Ket verb + examples
- 35:38 - Dené-Yeniseian [Navajo-Ket] Hypothesis: family and DNA
- 42:12 - Extra #1: The Last Ket Poet
- 43:24 - Extra #2: Japanese and mushrooms
- 45:57 - Conclusion
- 46:59 - Host Shawn reads a poem in Ket
both languages
- Website Archive on everything to do with Selkup, Ket, and Evenki:
- YouTube channel archive of native speakers of Selkup, Ket, and Evenki: @siberian-lang
- - English: Ket Language (Alexandra A. Sitnikova, Journal of Siberian Federal University)
- - The role of position class in Ket verb morphophonology (Edward J. Vajda, Tandfonline)
- - The Ket language: from descriptive linguistics to interdisciplinary research (Elena A. Kryukova, Tomsk Journal LING & ANTROPO 2013)
- - Typology of the Ket finite verb (Edward Vajda, Western Washington University)
- - A descriptive grammar of Ket (Yenisei-Ostyak) (STEFAN GEORG, University of Bonn)
- - Historiography of Ket Language (Kistova & Pimenova, Siberian Federal University)
- - Siberian Landscapes in Ket Traditional Culture (Edward J. Vajda, Western Washington & Leipzig)
- Кетский Язык: современный социолингвистический статус и причины, приведшие к нему (на материале полевых исследований) (Юлия И. Козиорова, Институт языкознания РАН, 2013)
- Хакасско-Кетские Лексические параллели. (Aikakauskirja Journal de la societe Finno-Ougrienne, 1992)
- Этнореальность в Фотообъективе, Кеты Енисея (Окстябрьская, Шубская, Рудаков)
- Традиционная Культовая Культура Кетов (Викторовна, МКУ ДО Аист)
- English: - Ket Language Structure (Edward Vajda) - Language Connection Between Asia and the Americas?
- – The Dené-Yeniseian Language Family Explained (Agma Schwa) • Language Connection Between Asia and ...
- - Ket Shamanism (The Brofessor) • Ket Shamanism
- - Edward Vajda - Tlingit and Dené-Yeniseian Hypothesis (Sealaska Heritage Institute) • Edward Vajda
- - Tlingit and the Dene-Y... Русский:
- - Юлия Галямина
- - Кеты и кетский язык (MAFUN Academy) • Юлия Галямина
- - Кеты и кетский язык
- - Кеты. Фильм Дениса Жемчугова • Кеты. Фильм Дениса Жемчугова
- - Счастливые Люди (Happy People documentary) • Счастливые люди | Енисей | Весна (сер... Ket:
- - Kotusov singing • Алла Пугачева - Lady talking about her grandparents, used in video • В Бахте
- - Ket Language example with subtitles and translation (ILoveLanguages) • Ket language, people, and culture
- “A Bit Lost” in the Siberian Ket Language (Chris Haughton)
- The Ket and Other Yeniseian Peoples (Edward Vajda)
Русский (worth checking out even if one does not speak Russian):
- Вернер Г.К., Николаева Г.X. Букварь для 1 класса кетских школ
- Каргер Нестор Константинович, биография
- Песни и фольклор на Кетском (50 pages of songs and poem in Ket)
- 1934: Языки и письменность народов севера, Крейнович и Алкор (The Languages and Literature of teh Peoples of the north, Kreinovitch & Palkor)
- Scan
- [Tons of photos of dolls] Алэл
- кетская кукла, хранительница домашнего счета (Двурченская)
- Последний бард последнего народа
- Котусов (Юлия Галямина)
- Встреча с писателем Михаилом Тарковским
- Счастливые Люди (Часть 1)
• Счастливые люди | Енисей | Весна (сер...
- Poem read in the end of the video (Cyrillic):
#language #navajo #siberia #endangeredlanguages #ket