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Showing posts with label romans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label romans. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Mob financed CIA's secret army

Operation Gladio | How the Mobe financed the CIA's secret army
(The Why Files) July 6, 2024: After World War II, the CIA hatched a covert plan to stop Soviet expansion in Europe. It created a secret army, recruiting an unexpected mix of allies. This clandestine operation, known as Operation Gladio, spanned across all NATO countries. What began as a defensive strategy quickly morphed into something far more sinister. Innocent civilians became casualties in a shadow war fought on European streets.

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Jesus used drugs: Bible scholar Dr. Hillman

You don't understand. This is how it was, leading a Mystery cult, magic, trying to see GOD.

Ancient language expert: Jesus Christ used children as drugs | Dr. David Ammon Hillman
Jesus: She-Male Gods of...
(Danny Jones) May 20, 2024: KONCRETE Podcast (S1 E239). Watch this episode uncensored and ad-free on Patreon: dannyjones

Dr. David C. Ammon Hillman, Ph.D. earned his master's degree in bacteriology from the University of Arizona and a master's and doctoral degree in classics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he specialized in Ancient Greek and Roman medicine and pharmacology (Greek pharmakos = sorcery, potion brewing, dosing).

His first book, The Chemical Muse, was published with St. Martin’s Press immediately after his dissertation committee forced him to delete all references to recreational drugs from his thesis. Dr. Hillman was recently investigated by the Vatican for demon possession and portal opening while teaching as a professor of Classical Languages.

  • British John Marco Allegro
    00:00 - Religious history
  • 11:24 - Tal Megiddo excavation [site of Armageddon]
  • 16:39 - Original meaning of "Christ" [anointed with drug]
  • 17:51 - Neuropeptides
  • 23:25 - Ancient pharmacology; John Scarborough
  • 28:23 - Galen (Marcus Aurelius doctor) 
  • 33:44 - Drugs in ancient Rome
  • 38:02 - The Chemical Muse
  • 47:11 - Greek Septuagint vs. the Dead Sea Scrolls
  • 55:57 - Greek drug cults
  • 01:03:08 - Solon and the creation of democracy
  • 01:10:21 - The ancient Bible
  • 01:16:40 - Greek came before Hebrew Old Testament
  • 01:19:08 - Interpreting ancient texts
  • 01:24:15 - John Marco Allegro (The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross)
  • 01:28:39 - Why ancient Greek is superior language
  • 01:33:59 - The "Purple" (drug reference)
  • 01:38:23 - Christian cults and revisionism
  • 01:46:49 - The Christ
  • 01:55:52 - Zeus [Je'Zeus, Son of Zeus]
  • 02:05:59 - The Garden of Gethsemane
  • 02:16:46 - The "Burning Purple"
  • 02:27:52 - Death of Jesus
  • 02:41:31 - Using the human bodies to produce drugs
  • 02:43:58 - The men crucified next to Jesus
  • 02:52:08 - Demon possession and opening portals
  • 03:02:03 - Alexander the False Prophet
  • 03:08:46 - Lucifer: The Dawn Bringer
  • 03:17:38 - Modern enlightenment
Original Sin: Ritual Child Rape
ABOUT: Dr. Ammon Hillman earned his MS in bacteriology and Ph.D. in classics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he specialized in Ancient Greek and Roman medicine, pharmacology, and endocrinology. His first book, The Chemical Muse, was published with St. Martin’s Press immediately after his dissertation committee forced him to delete all references to recreational drugs from his thesis. Dr. Hillman was later investigated by the Vatican for "demon possession" while working at Mount Saint Mary's in an effort to expel him.
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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Vikings had welfare and other odd history, Oct. 28, 2023; Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom  Quarterly

  1. Vikings had a welfare program taking care of one another, unlike Republicans or the Ayn Rand Society would do for them but quite like DINOs or actual Democrats or Greens or Socialists or even Communists would do for them.
  2. Persian Empire had air conditioning
  3. Ancient Rome wasn't "white"
  4. Ancient Greece wasn't all about reason
  5. Neanderthals used plant medicines
  6. Native Americans figured out the Enlightenment before it was cool
  7. Christians weren't thrown to the lions in the Colosseum
  8. Eskimos (Innuits) had sunglasses
  9. Ancient Greeks had alarm clocks
  10. The past isn't what is used to be:
They 'll say you guys fought all the time, but will they know how we loved one another?

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Half of teen girls addicted to TikTok: study

Nearly half of teen girls who use TikTok feel "ADDICTED": Study
(The Hill) Aug. 11, 2023: WASHINGTON Jessica Burbank and Amber Athey weigh in on a recent study revealing the impact of social media on teen girls. #socialmedia #teengirls

Is it genius to mandate cars all be EVs without sufficient
electrical power to charge them? Then build nuclear plants?

ABOUT: Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. The show leans into the day's political cycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders who can predict what is going to happen. It also sets the day's political agenda by breaking exclusive news with a team of scoop-driven reporters and demanding answers during interviews with the country's most important political newsmakers. Follow Rising on social media: Website: Hill.TV Facebook: Instagram: @HillTVLive Twitter: @HillTVLive

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Pagan origin of Valentine's Day (Get the whip)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly, VD, Feb. 14th, 2023, Wiki edit Lupercalia;
I just want us to celebrate Lupercalia the traditional way, Dakota. - OK, Christian, okay.
I'm down to be whipped.
"Be my bloody Valentine's," we say. What is the origin of Valentine's Day? It's the worship of wolves and purification by whipping called Lupercalia.

(TDS) Valentine's Day marks the "season of love" and courtship, but its ancient roots in the Roman festival of Lupercalia reveal a bloodier and wilder history.

It is no coincidence that across different cultures and religions there are festivals and holy days (or "holidays" as we now call them) that fall around similar dates.

Valentine's Day spanking? No, thanks.
Whether it be Samhain (pronounced \sao-win\) and Halloween, Yule and Christmas, or Lupercalia and St. Valentine's Day, a lineage of tradition can be traced back to these specific times of year.

Taking a look at the festivities of our ancient human ancestors tends to reveal the cultural twists and turns we have taken over the years and allows us to inspect our own modern traditions to see their irrationalities and idiosyncrasies more clearly. More

This was a pastoral festival that Ancient Rome observed annually on February 15th to purify the city, promoting health and fertility [1].

Lupercalia was also known as dies Februatus, after the "purification instruments" called februa, the reason for calling this month Februarius.

Skull of Catholic Saint Valentine at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Dublin (TDS)
The worship of wolves and wolfmen/dogmen?
The festival was originally known as Februa ("Purifications" or "Purgings") after all the februum used on this day [2].

It was also known as Februatus and gave its name variously as an epithet to Juno Februalis, Februlis, or Februata in her role as patron deity of the month to a supposed purification deity called Februus [3], and to February (mensis Februarius), the month during which the festival occurred [2].

Women of Rome shrink back as men use purification whips to purge them (Museo del Prado)

Ovid connects februare to an Etruscan word for "purging" [4]. The name Lupercalia was believed in antiquity to evince some connection with the Ancient Greek festival of the Arcadian Lykaia, or wolf [and wolfman] festival (Greek λύκος, lýkos, Latin lupus), and the worship of Lycaean Pan, assumed to be a Greek equivalent to Faunus, as instituted by Evander [5].

Justin describes a cult image of "the Lycaean god, whom the Greeks call Pan and the Romans Lupercus," as nude except for a modest goatskin girdle [6].

Rome founded thanks to a she-wolf
Spank, OK, but whips and chains? I ain't Rihanna
The statue stood in the Lupercal, the cave where tradition held that Romulus and Remus were suckled by the she-wolf (Lupa). The cave lay at the foot of the Palatine Hill, on which Romulus was thought to have founded Rome [7].

The name of the festival most likely derives from lupus, "wolf," though both the etymology (the study of a word's origins) and its significance are obscure.

Despite Justin's assertion, no deity named "Lupercus" has ever been identified [8]. But the whipping of women in the public square is still on. Line up, ladies. More

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Jerusalem, Israel: City of Scams (video)

Conor Woodman (Free Docs); Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Jews stole our Palestinian land with the help of the American military-industrial complex

Scam City: Jerusalem - The Dark Truth about the Sacred Sites of the Holy City
(Free Documentary, Dec. 7, 2022) Scam City: Jerusalem Conor Woodman discovers the holy city of Jerusalem, where scam artists have been perfecting their craft for thousands of years. From fake holy men at the Western Wall, to pickpockets on the Mount of Olives, Woodman uncovers the dark truth about the sacred sites of the Palestinian city taken over by Israeli nationalists. In the city’s souvenir markets and upscale antiquities shops, artifacts from Jesus’ time are being sold to tourists eager to bring home a piece of the holy land. Fakes abound, and unscrupulous shop owners will say anything to make a sale. It’s "buyer beware" in this criminal town, where being a "believer" can be a pricey affair. #FreeDocumentary #Documentary

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Why we hate math and dates (video)

Scott Flansburg (, 10/12); Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

The Human Calculator
(Superhero You) Re-Learning Math with Scott Flansburg: Remember hating math in school? The Human Calculator says it's because we were all taught the "wrong," least intuitive, and most complex ways of solving for answers. Why did they do this to us? They had their reasons. In reality, math is simple. Calculating (without a calculator) is simple. It can even be magical...when learned the "right" way, the better, more intuitive, easier way. Watch as he, the world's fastest human calculator, makes us fall in love with dreaded math in a whole new way.

The Human Calendar
Moon-based time is better. We had it from time immemorial because it works infinitely better than Catholic Empire time (Gregorian), which was the pope's calendar to accurately calculate Easter (Saturnalia) and the hell with everything else. There are 13 months (full moons) in a year, 7 days (a lunar phase) in every week, and four weeks in every moonth. This adds up to (4 x 7 = 28; 28 x 13 =) 364. What about the 365th? That's day zero. All counting begins with zero.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Indonesian pyramid found (video) Transformational Voyage Cruise Lecture by (ZEG TV Hidden from the Public, Aug. 6, 2019; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
It really is an ancient pyramid covered in jungle in Java, Indonesia (

The Indonesian Pyramid: Gunung Padang
The Gunang Padang megalithic site (wiki)
Gunung Padang ("Mountain of Light or Enlightenment") is a hidden pyramid in a Sumatran hillside in Indonesia. It could rewrite ancient history.

Egypt's oldest pyramid was built (according to standard sources) 5,000 years ago. If archaeologists are correct, the Indonesian pyramid could be as much as four times older.

It is one of many megalithic monuments in the area. Buried beneath this megalithic jumble is the ancient pyramid. The structure is older than 9,000 years and could be up to 20,000 old.

The ruins of Gunung Padang ("Mount Parang") are almost covered. It is known as the place with the most megalithic structures in Indonesia.

Geologists and archeologists are currently keen to test its age to see if it is the oldest pyramid ever discovered. In any case it is proof of an advanced ancient civilization in Java.

The majority of the stepped site is human-made, perhaps built by generations over many centuries.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Pope re-conquers Peru for Catholicism (photos)

World News (Associated Press,; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

The Latest: Pope departs Peru, concluding South America trip
LIMA, Peru - Here's "The Latest" on Pope Francis' visit to Peru (all times local).

7:12 PM: Pope Francis is heading back to Rome after a weeklong South America trip marred by violence and fallout from a clerical sex abuse scandal.
The pope's plane took off from the Peruvian capital Sunday evening following a Catholic ritual mass before 1.3 million faithful, a warm ending to an otherwise restive trip.

Francis traveled first to Chile, where he met with and apologized to victims of clerical sex abuse. But he later stoked outrage when he said victims' claims that a bishop knew about abuse and did nothing to stop it were "all calumny."
Several churches were set on fire during Francis' trip in Chile, and police fired tear gas at protesters outside a mass in the capital, Santiago.

Francis received a far warmer welcome in Peru as he traveled deep into the Amazon to defend the rights of indigenous people and spoke against corruption.
4:45 PM: Authorities say more than 1 million people are gathered at an airbase for Pope Francis' final mass in Peru as he concludes a restive trip to Latin America. More

We're marching against patriarchy because "well behaved women rarely make history"!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Story of Humanity's Past (Ancient Origins); Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Flammarion engraving.
The Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: Were Humans the First? Part 3: Science in Antiquity
(Sam Bostrom) The achievements by modern science are phenomenal. But with our background of spaceships, skyscrapers, wonder drugs, and atomic reactors we are apt to minimize the scientific accomplishments of the...

Why We Can’t Resist the Lure of Mermaids

Mermaids are everywhere. In the past month alone they have surfaced in New Brighton, caused controversy in Asda, reinvigorated toast, partied with the Kardashians , transformed maternity and wedding...