Revenge of the Mask is a direct sequel to the short film Rise of the Mask (2018) which was very brief effort showing two apparently viking warriors fighting over Loki's fabled mask.
Revenge of the Mask brings us to modern day where a lovable loser type finds the mask and uses its power to exact revenge on those who have done him wrong.
This short is more loyal to the comic book than the likes of the original Jim Carrey film, it's dark, it's bloody and it's unpleasant. However the latter is in more ways than one, what I mean by that is it was a bit of a chore to watch.
Costing almost 80k you'd expect it to look better. It's not that the cinematography looks cheap (Because it doesn't) but the Mask sfx are really quite dire and demonstrate yet again that financially you simply shouldn't swing above your weight.
The Mask (2017) was an independent feature length adaptation similar in style and though not great certainly mopped the floor with this. It's not funny enough to truly be "The Mask" yet at the same time the level of hyper violence from the comics is also considerably too tame.
Combine that with the shoddy sfx, instantly forgettable cast and lackluster writing and you have another very underwhelming Mask feature.
I'd say if the creator plans on continuing the franchise he should make a full feature length movie, go over the comics again to truly understand the comedy/violent tone and maybe get some more competent staff for the practical and computer effects.
Not awful, but certainly bad.
The Good:
A couple of funny moments (Literally, a couple)
The Bad:
Everything looks so ugly
Tone matches neither comic nor Hollywood feature