No spoilers here, but the "ending" to this final episode was absolutely ridiculous. It just basically stopped in mid-plot. No resolution of anything, no guarantee of a second season, it just abruptly ended right in the middle of a tense moment. Talk about frustrating.
At first, I assume there had to be more episodes, and was forced to come here to the IMDb and checked to make sure that this was actually the final episode. I was shocked to see that it was.
It makes no sense whatsoever, I' D like to know what idiot came up with the idea of just ending a series with nothing resolved one way or another.
The series has a lot of flaws (notably, the lead married couple both act like morons), but it was a fairly fun ride. At least until they completely blew the ending. What on earth were they thinking? It simply ends, as if the last episodes are missing. It seems insanely incomplete. A really bad decision on the part of whoever opted to end the season this way.