I was very surprised when I found the web page for "Linda" on IMDb. Usually, IMDb shows a photo from the movie or a poster but this time here's a poster from some porno film with a naked brunette on it! This has absolutely NOTHING to do with this made for TV film...nothing!
This film begins on a secluded California beach. Linda and and Jeff (Stella Stevens and John Saxon) are shooting at beer cans as Linda's husband, Paul, and Jeff's wife watch. Then, out of the blue, Linda turns the gun on the wife and Jeff---killing them both! Paul takes the gun away from her and then phones the police to tell them his wife murdered the two folks. When the police arrive, however, they only find the dead woman and no beer cans. A few moments later, Linda and Jeff come walking down the beach with a stringer of fish-- and they say they have no idea what's happened. The police think Paul is nuts and must have killed the lady--and Linda and Jeff play it up! Obviously this is a set-up but will the police figure this out or is Jeff destined to be some inmate's new love interest?
This is a very good thriller. It's well written and has a nice payoff. In fact, it's very good for a made for TV film and holds up very well today thanks to excellent writing and acting.