"A Flea in Her Ear" is a comedy set in Paris during the same era in which "Gigi" was set...and it even has Louis Jourdan playing one of the supporting roles. Unfortunately, the similarity between the pictures pretty much ends there, as "A Flea" is a rather tiresome comedy with a lot of energy but very, very few laughs.
The story is about Mr. and Mrs. Chandebisse (Rex Harrison and Rosemary Harris). The pair are rich and have everything to be happy about...though Mrs. Chandebisse is so worried that her husband is having an affair that she is too preoccupied to have her own affairs! He has shown some serious ennui regarding her...but he still adores her and is not cheating nor does he have any intention. Mrs. Chandebisse comes up with a stupid plan to PROVE her husband is cheating and has her friend pen a racy letter to Mr. Chandebisse...and when he shows up for this supposed rendezvous, she can catch him in the act. It all turns into a crazy free for all when the friend's husband recognizes her handwriting and swears to kill her lover. What's next? I really didn't care.
When the funniest story element is a guy without a palate who talks strangely, then you know you're in for a long and bumpy ride. Not only is it gross to feature this guy for laughs....but it isn't funny either. Nor is the joke about rape! A film with lots of energy and very, very few laughs.