This is a very dark film (thematically as well as visually) whose imagery is, at times, hypnotic. Set in the director's home town of Split, it portrays the city in an extremely shadowy, surreal and drug-induced tone (a fact that may potentially put off some viewers). Nevertheless, the incredible strengths of the work cannot be ignored.
After coming out of the theater I found myself constantly thinking back to the poignant, elegant & graceful imagery of the movie. Some of the shots are so masterfully crafted, for a moment it seemed as though I was watching a Stanley Kubrick film. -Beautiful, moving crane and dolly shots that seem to know just where your eyes want to go- with lighting that stays artistically dramatic in the most visually compelling ways.
There are also some incredible performances, with most of the actors cast perfectly with faces to type. One that sticks out in particular is of a girl who turns to prostitution to pay for her drug habit. There's a scene where she breaks down after losing her chance to get a fix where I was transfixed by her performance. Her emotions were so genuine and natural it seemed almost like documentary footage rather than fiction.
With a very non-linear, "Memento" type of structure, the story keeps you guessing in many clever ways. Mr. Ostojic is clearly an extremely talented director who created a real work of art that is truly worthy viewing for any fans of Kubrick's early films.