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Showing posts with label Jonah Hex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jonah Hex. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Scribblenauts Unmasked Reveal Part 1

Last week I spent two days naming the first 1o characters that I was going to look up in the video game Scribblenauts Unmasked.  I think you’re going to be surprised by some of the characters that made it into the game.  I know I was surprised by some of the things that were left out.  The character reveals will run Wednesday and Thursday.  As far as the game goes, it is a good deal of fun.  I haven’t played a Scribblenauts game since the first one.  At one point last night I tamed a bear.  Since it was tame I decided to ride it.  Then I pulled up my note pad and suddenly it was a rocket powered plaid bear wearing a red football helmet.  Enough of that though, let’s get to the list.

Walter West

Walter West is not in the game, not even as the Dark Flash.  I’m not going to lie; this surprised the hell out of me.  I figured it would be one of the easiest things on my list.  There are a lot of Flash characters though; heroes, villians, and supporting characters.  I will most likely be taking a look at the Flash content of this game on Friday.  There is a lot to it and I want to make sure I’m not missing anything. 

Comet the Super-Horse

Comet is in the game!  Not just as his horse form either; there is also the humanoid version from the Peter David Supergirl stories.  I’m not going into that version’s history, I wasn’t reading Supergirl and trying to understand it makes my head hurt. 

Jack O’Lantern

Jack O’Lantern is in the game!  Okay, the costume isn’t the same one I posted a picture of, but that’s because I used a picture of my favorite version and not the most recent.  On top of just being able to create Jack, you can also create his lantern.  Seriously, it has its own entry in the game.  That’s pretty impressive.

Haunted Tank

Haunted Tank is not in the game.  This one is a little disappointing.  You can create tanks.  Vehicles like the Bat-Tank are in the game.  War characters like the Losers and Blackhawk are in the game.  You can create a tank and then create a ghost to drive it.  It’s not the same but it is as close as you can get.

Tallulah Black

Tallulah Black is not in the game.  Although I figured she was a bit obscure she is a pretty recent character.  When the game didn’t find her I figured it might be because she was a western character and this is a game about superheroes.  There are some western characters in the game though; Jonah Hex, Bat Lash, El Diablo, Nighthawk, and two versions of Cinnamon are all included.  Also, I had to include a picture of Jonah Hex because he’s adorable.

That’s the first five!  Only two members of our list were actually included.  Check back tomorrow to see who else made it into the game.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scribblenauts Unmasked Part 1

Scribblenauts is an inventive puzzle game where you control Maxwell and his magical notepad.  Anything you write out pops into existence and can be used to help Maxwell solve his puzzles.  Later this month a DC comics themed version of the game is coming to 3DS, WiiU, and the PC.  One of the things they are boasting about is just how many characters are in the game.  The numbers thrown around are crazy.  There are supposed to be something like 130 Green Lanterns.   If they’ve been in DC comics then they are supposed to be in the game. 

Because I’m such a fan of DC’s C and D listers I’m incredibly excited for this.  I already have some credit lined up and will be getting this when it comes out.  I know there will be puzzles to solve but at soon as I get the game I’m going to be throwing names at it to see if they are included.  Because we’ve been doing Top 10 lists lately I’m going to list the 10 characters I want to see in the game.  These get a little long so I’m splitting the list up into two parts, so check back tomorrow for the next 5.  There will be a follow up when I get the game including screen shots of the characters that make the cut. 

I’m starting my list with the characters that I think have the best chances to make it into Scribblenauts.  As the list goes on the chances of the character showing up gets slimmer and slimmer.

Walter West

Deep down he is my favorite Flash character.  And let’s be honest here, the first hero name I type into the game is going to be the Flash just to see how many versions are available.  Walter was an alternate universe version of Wally who was driven mad when his version of Linda was killed.  His actual identity was a huge mystery when he first appeared but even without that mystery I really enjoy the character.  The “Dark Flash” suit is such a great look that I think this character has the best chance of being in the game.  It was also used in the game Justice League Heroes, I remember using it over all the other suits because I liked the look of it so much.

Comet the Super-Horse

I’ve really been meaning to write about Comet the Super-Horse because his story is so absurd that I’m in love with every second of it.  Comet first appeared in a 1962 Superboy story that was published in Adventure Comics.   After that he became more of a Supergirl character.  Comet was originally a centaur who was turned into a horse by Circe.  Circe actually wanted to turn him human so because she messed up she also gave him superpowers.  Another spell allowed him to turn human “while a comet passes through the solar system he is in.”  During these times he went by the name Bill Starr and dated Supergirl.  Despite that crazy story, Comet is attached to the Superman family so I’m guessing his chances of making it into the game are pretty good. 

Jack O’Lantern

There have been three different Jack O’Lanterns and he’s been on the Global Guardians, Primal Force, and the Ultramarine Corps.  That’s a lot of changes and affiliations for a character that really doesn’t show up very often.  The first two versions of Jack O’Lantern carried a mystic lantern that gave a huge list of different powers from creating fog to shooting fire.  The last version of the character was able to internalize his powers.  There isn’t much to the Jack costume and he’s been in the background of some pretty big events so he has a pretty good chance of showing up.

Haunted Tank

First appearing in G.I. Combat back in 1961 the Haunted Tank is exactly what the name suggests.  The ghost of Confederate general J.E.B Stuart watches over Lieutenant Jeb Stuart and his Light Tank M3 Stuart.  G.I Combat ran for over 20 years, so the Haunted Tank is pretty well known.  I don’t think the game will have any problems creating the tank or the ghost, but we probably won’t see it flying a Confederate flag.

Tallulah Black

Tallulah first appeared in a 2007 issue of Jonah Hex.  A female bounty hunter with a tragic past Tallulah ran across Jonah Hex a few times and eventually the two became lovers.  I have no idea if Scribblenauts will be including DC’s western characters, they may just be sticking to the spandex bunch.  Tallulah’s chances may or may not have been helped by being included in the Jonah Hex movie.

That’s our first five!  Come back tomorrow and see our list get even weirder than a girl dating her horse!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tales from the Brain Jar, #10

It has been almost a whole month since we’ve done a Tales from the Brain Jar. This one will be a little shorter then the others. Not because I don’t love it, in fact it is one of my favorite pieces in my sketchbook. In each Tales from the Brain Jar I try to say a little bit about the character, incase you are unfamiliar with him. The star of this sketch is Jonah Hex. Who I’ve talked about here, here, here, and here. Needless to say that he is one of my favorite characters. Yes, yes I know about the movie, let's move on.

It was at the Orlando ComicCon in 2006 when I got this amazing Phil Noto piece. The convention was a tiny one and I don’t think they even had one the year after. As a retailer that sucks. As someone hunting for sketches it was fantastic. I run into Phil all the time, we used to go to the same comic shop. He is fantastically humble, I highly recommend his art book, and if you ever get a chance to check out a showing of his paintings I can not recommend it enough. And one day I’m going to get him to do a Tallulah Black sketch to go with my Jonah.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jonah Hex: The Movie Review

So the Jonah Hex movie came out Friday and made an underwhelming 5.38 Million. Rotten Tomatoes has it listed at 14%. Not a very good percentage. I had made a promise to myself to give the movie a chance; to go into the theater and not expect to see a direct translation of one of my favorite characters. I had two surprises Monday morning when I walked into the theater at 11:45. First, there were actually other people there. Not a lot sure, but I was expecting an empty theater. The second surprise; despite all its flaws, I enjoyed the movie.

I’m not saying it is a masterpiece. Maybe my expectations were so low it would be hard to make a movie as bad as I was expecting. But as I watched there were moments in the film that had me grinning widely; even cheering. There were things that made me roll my eyes too. A few times I even received a sympathetic pat on the arm from my wife. Bottom line though, I left the theater and enjoyed most of what I had just seen.

Spoilers after the jump.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Double shot of Hex

The Jonah Hex movie opens today, well I suppose some places did midnight releases so technically it opened this morning. In case the movie gets you interested in the books the character came from I’ve been going over some easy jumping on points. Yesterday I talked about the earliest Jonah Hex stories collected in the Showcase format. Today I’m going to cover two more current stories. Face Full of Violence and the just released No Way Back.

Face Full of Violence, besides having an awesome name is the first trade paperback collecting the new Jonah Hex series. Written by Justin Grey and Jimmy Palmiotti the comics are usually self-contained one and done stories. The fantastic part is at almost any time you could grab one issue and read it without feeling lost in a sea of continuity. They also have no permanent artist, so the style is constantly changing. Phil Noto has been one of my favorites, but the series artist list is full of big names.

More Violence after the jump.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Showcase Presents: Jonah Hex, Vol. 1

The Jonah Hex movie comes out this Friday and commercials are all over the TV. Earlier I talked about the different cartoon versions of Hex that are out there. I plan on seeing the movie Monday afternoon, so expect a review Monday or Tuesday. I’ve been a Hex fan for years, but I realize that there may be some people seeing that scarred visage for the first time. If they like what they see they may want to jump into the print version of the character. So over the next couple days I’m going to cover some great books that are fairly easy to pick up.

The first book that we’ll look at is Showcase Presents: Johan Hex, Vol. 1. The Showcase Presents books are fantastic deals. They may be in black and white, but the Hex book is 528 pages long. That is a whole lot of Hex for 17 bucks. In this book you get the earliest Jonah Hex stories, well before he even got his own series. The stories come from Weird Western Tales, although the first is listed as All-Star Western that book changed its name to Weird Western Tales with issue 12.

More leather slapping after the break.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jonah Hex

I think one of the things that gives geeks a bad name is that nerd rage when one of the properties that we love is brought into another medium. We hold so tightly onto continuity that any changes send comic fans running to forums and screaming how the film adaption raped their childhood. We need to learn to loosen up a little bit. No movie is so bad that it ruins the memory of something you love. It doesn’t go into your room and burn all your old comics so that you can’t read them anymore.

Jonah Hex is coming out later this month and I’ll be there opening weekend. Am I expecting my vision of Jonah Hex? No, the horse mounted Gatling guns and crossbow thingie have proved to me this is a different interpretation then I’m used to. But I’m going to try to be open-minded and see if I can enjoy something from this version.


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