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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Good Things Come...

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "The Master breathes deep and assumes a mantle of calm."

Good Things Come...
Zachary: "Come to…"

Good Things Come...
Zachary: "… papa!"

Good Things Come...
Henry: "Closer…"

Good Things Come...
Henry: "… closer…"

Dog Blog Post #1403

Good things to come to those who wait, is Some Good Advice for the boys, as they hope to intercept the Flight of Fancy Cookies.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 29 2014 - "Some Good Advice"

Daily Dog Challenge 912. "Flight of Fancy"

Why Henry Is Terrible At Catching Cookies...

Good Things Come...
Henry: "Houston…"

Good Things Come...
Henry: "… we have a problem."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Royal Retrievers

King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII

Royal Retriever
Zachary: "Crown me, wench."

Eh hem…

Royal Retriever
Zachary: "Love ya, Mom."

Royal Retriever
Zachary: "At long last my true greatness is revealed."

Dog Blog Post #1402

A Crown, a Symbol of Royalty, is What Goes Around the boys' heads.

I have no doubt this is how they envision themselves most of the time.

Scratch that.

ALL the time.

And the VIII? Why, Henry was one of eight boy puppies in his litter!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 29 2014 - "Symbol"

Daily Dog Challenge 911. "What Goes Around..."

Henry: "I think I like being just me."

A rather rare (at least for me) front-on standing pose.

This is what happens when your highly trained (cough) Golden Retriever gets up from his sit-stay after you turn your back and walk away.


But with a face that sweet and a temperament to match, Henry can get away with pretty much anything.

And he knows it.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 28, 2014

Under Paw

Hint: Today's challenge was "Under"…

Under Paw





Henry: "Again?"
Zachary: "You're on."

Dog Blog Post #1401

A Golden layer "cake"?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 28 2014 - "Under"

Daily Dog Challenge 910. "Take Twelve"

I took 12 shots, and these were my top seven.

My favorite, of course, was the one where the lighting didn't turn out...


… hence me turning it sepia so I could push some sliders and bring out what light there was.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Jail Bird Dogs

Bird Dogs
Henry: "What a perfect Sunday."
Zachary: "Don't say that."

Jail Bird Dogs
Henry: "Well, at least it can't get any worse."
Zachary: "Don't say that."

Dog Blog Post #1400

When Henry (in Orange) was just a wee pup, he managed to get his head through that little square you see in the lower left panel in the picture below.

Off to the vet we went, with Hubby holding entire left panel (square and above) and little Henry wearing it like a huge necklace.

Fortunately, with a liberal application of K-Y Jelly and a VERY patient puppy, the vet was able to pull first one ear and then Henry's head back through the opening.

No vets nor puppies were hurt in the operation, and they even cleaned him up for us before we went home.

To this day, when Henry shows up at the vets I get: "Is he the one?"

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 909. "Show Us Those Lines"

Our Daily Challenge - April 27 2014 - "Fence"

Mischief Monday

Jail Bird Dogs
Zachary: "Not another word."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pie in the Sky

What's up, guys?

Pie in the Sky
"We're going…"
Zachary: "Backpacking!"
Henry: "Car Camping!"

Oh dear.

Pie in the Sky
Zachary: "I have my Bear Can, Backpacking Stove, and Headlamp."
Henry: "Dutch Oven,  Lantern, and Ice Chest."

Pie in the Sky
Zachary: "We'll hike for miles."
Henry: "Feet."

Dog Blog Post #1399

You guys want to do what?

I think going Zachary backpacking or Henry Car Camping to enjoy the…

Daily Dog Challenge 908. "The Great Outdoors"

… is a bit of a PIe...

Our Daily Challenge - April 26 2014 - "In The Sky"

… idea.

And you certainly can't do both at once!

Photography Assignment

Pie in the Sky
Zachary: "You can't even carry that stuff ONE foot."
Henry: "That's what Momma's for."

Editor's Note:

In the end, I did NOT upload a shot to Our Daily Challenge. I felt my pictures were just tooooooo much of a stretch for the days topic ("In The Sky") even though the challenge did suggest "Pie in the Sky" as an option. Mine just didn't seem to fit with all the REAL sky pictures that everyone else had uploaded for the day.


Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, April 25, 2014

Just One?

Shopping List

Dog Blog Post #1398

Looks like I Remembered everything on the boys' shopping list.

Busy evening, so yes, there really is just ONE picture in this post and a grand total of four taken in the shoot.

But don't worry, the boys got a full evening's pay for their Modeling efforts - which means almost all of the Cookies you see in that bowl split between them.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 25 2014 - "Remembered"

Daily Dog Challenge 907. "Focused"

… as in they are very Focused on their lists.

Well, Henry is.

I think Zachary's attention might be Focused more on the Cookies.

Hmmm… seems a bit empty down here without another picture.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April Showers

It would sure be NICE to get some showers!

Under the Umbrella
Zachary: "Showers? I need my hat."

Under the Umbrella
Zachary: "A Gentledog must look…"

Under the Umbrella
Zachary: "… dignified… "

Under the Umbrella
Zachary: "… no matter what the weather."

For some reason, I pictured Gene Kelly wearing a Top Hat as he Sang In The Rain.

Clearly, should have consulted YouTube before I started shooting.

Dog Blog Post #1397

We've seen sadly little of the Wet Stuff this year.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 906. "April Showers..."

Our Daily Challenge - April 24 2014 - "Umbrella"

Under the Umbrella
Henry: "Rain?"

Under the Umbrella
Henry: "Momma, I'll melt."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Makes Me Smile

Henry's Fan
Henry: "Wow! Streamers!"

Henry's Fan
Henry: "Cool!"

Henry's Fan
Henry in Hat - because it made the photographer smile.

Dog Blog Post #1396

Henry loves his fan, spending most of the summer parked in front of it despite our keeping the house at 78F on the hottest days and cooler when possible.

FWIW: The fan is usually kept safely positioned behind an ex-pen (fence) to keep fan and fur well apart.

… and the streamers are normally not there, either!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 905. "Makes Me Smile"

Our Daily Challenge - April 23 2014 - "Comforts of Home"

In Other News…

Zachary has zero interest in the fan, and after skimming Henry's pictures and realizing SOMETHING in there would work, I opted to just run Zachary through his favorite tricks instead of setting up an entirely different shoot.

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "Ready!"

Stick out Your Tongue
Zachary: "High-5!"

Zachary's Tongue
Mr. Zachary

Yes, believe it or not, the last two pictures (above) are NOT the same shot, although they were taken consecutively.

What are the chances???

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Recycling Retrievers

Whatcha doing, guys?

Recycling Retrievers
"Recycling for Earth Day."

Recycling Retrievers
Zachary: "First you pick up the wad of paper…"
Henry: "Careful now."

Recycling Retrievers
Zachary: "And then you drop…"
Henry: "Watch your aim."

Recycling Retrievers
Zachary: "… drop… (ack) … drop…"
Henry: "Excuse us for a moment."

Recycling Retrievers
Zachary: (Ack Ack Ack!!!!)
Henry: "Heimlich Maneuver?"

Recycling Retrievers
Zachary: "Will you grab the corner."
Henry: "Ewww… it's soggy."

Dog Blog Post #1395

In honor of Earth Day the boys decided to Transform a grocery store bag into a receptacle for recyclables, which will someday be transformed into something else.

Yes, Zachary really will fill a bag with wadded up paper balls, although for some reason these kept sticking to his mouth.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 904. "Earth Day"

Our Daily Challenge - April 22 2014 - "Transform"

Second Verse Same and the First?

Recycling Retrievers
Zachary: "See… all gone."
Henry: (Ack!)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 21, 2014


Henry: "… and then what happened?"

Whatcha reading?

Henry: "Gulliver's Travels!"
Zachary: "By Jonathan Swift."

Is it good?


Dog Blog Post #1394

Looks like the boys have settled down to a good book - Gulliver's Travels - with a fancy Illuminated cover.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 16 2014 - "Illuminated"

Daily Dog Challenge 903. "Play With Your Light"

This is a no flash, large aperture, relatively slow exposure shot.

Henry: "Read faster, Zachary, or he's not going to escape in time!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved