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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lazy Saturday

Lazy Saturday

Dog Blog Post #644: The boys lucked out today, as a scheduling conflict caused by hubby's nasty cold nixed the trip to the day spa.

That still left me running about like crazy to cover the slack, but totally let the boys off the hook.

Given that it was a rainy day, they tried to make the best of it.

At first, they just lazed around...

Lazy Saturday
We're bored.

But eventually some toys and snacks came out...

Ready... Aim...

... although they just couldn't see eye-to-eye as to which toys to play with.

Thankfully, a friend stopped by for awhile...

Ready... Aim...

Mischievous Dragon

A good time was had by all, and in the end, the Precious Puppy was quite exhausted.

Rubix Cube

Daily Dog Challenge "152. Lazy Saturday - For most of us, Saturday is a day to relax and have fun. Show us something you and/or your dog did for fun today!"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 31, 2012 - "Cube"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


Retriever Retrieving

Dog Blog Post #?: For the Daily Dog Challenge...

151. Happiness - Create a photo that makes you happy today!


Our Daily Challenge - Mar 30, 2012 - "Stereotype"


A Golden Retriever retrieving a ball - can you get any more stereotypical than that?

Retriever Retrieving

Fluffy Henry
We interrupt all this happiness for a shot of Henry doing what Henry does best... being fluffy.
This makes the photographer very happy as well.
Now, back to our previously scheduled Happiness pictures.

Retriever Retrieving

Sorry about the lack of words in the blog of late. We are now in the heart of my son's Lacrosse season, and it's a struggle to just get pictures, leaving little time for anything else at the moment.

Speaking of pictures - here's the final montage for Scavenge Challenge for the Month of March. April's list could appear as soon as today!

Scavenge Challenge March 2012

1. Sheep Shearing, 2. My Bowl, 3. Metalwork, 4. Dead Bolt, 5. Bath Time, 6. Rustic? Door
7. Once Upon a Time..., 8. Eh Hem..., 9. Tic-Tac-Toe, 10. Say What?, 11. Pup Tent, 12. Spring in Suburbia
13. The Day After, 14. Earth, Wind and Fire, 15. Abundance, 16. Stacked, 17. Red Solo Cup, 18. Mailbox
19. B is for Bike, 20. Spices, 21. Friday Night, 22. Mugging for the Camera, 23. Railroad Crossing, 24. My "Studio"
25. Hot Spots - Before, 26. Hot Spots - After, 27. End of the Rainbow, 28. Bath Prep, 29. Street Art, 30. Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

(27-30 are spares)

Made it here.

I also have a page correlates the pictures with the challenge items.

Without any doubt, my favorite shot was for the Magazine Cover...

Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

... which ironically was rejected by the Scavenge Challenge admin as not meeting the challenge (trains - Henry's blanket has little trains on it.) She's certainly well within her rights - the trains are small and hard to see - but I still think it's a cute picture. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Case of...

Dead Bolt
The Case of the Dead Bolt

Dog Blog Post #642:

Daily Dog Challenge "150. Feet - Show us a photo of your dog's feet today!"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar. 29, 2012 - "Oval"

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "4. Find some really big, heavy-duty nuts or bolts (think "construction"). Emphasize the size."

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#78. Hard or Tough"

Hubby was kind enough to lend me a "victim" of a stress/strain test.

I guess the poor fellow must have passed, as his brethren went on to illustrious careers holding up hundreds of thousands of pounds of "stuff".

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bath Prep

Bath Prep

Bath Prep
"Gee, Uncle Zachary, what's all this stuff?"

Bath Prep
"Oh no - it's BATH stuff. Maybe if I close my eyes it will all go away."

Bath Prep
"Not working!"

Bath Prep
"Oh, is THAT all she wanted? That's not so bad after all."

Dog Blog Post #641: Daily Dog Challenge "149. Mellow Yellow - Take a photo of your dog today with something yellow!"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 28, 2012 - "In Your MEDICINE CABINET"

Wipes, Cotton Balls (to keep water out of ears), Flea prevention, and (of course) some Luscious Locks shampoo.

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#50. Yellow"

Scavenge Challenge Mar 2012 - "5. Don't get your camera wet. It's bath time! Have fun with this one, please." (spare)

THIS time I used a black background so the bubbles would show up!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day in the Life

Trotting Along

Really Henry?
Really Henry?

Preparing to Go
Looking Suspicious



Railroad Crossing
Uh oh - what are they thinking about doing now...

Dog Blog Post #640:

Daily Dog Challenge 147. A Day in the Life - Be your dog's photojournalist today and capture a picture of some part of your dog's day for us. Feel free to add a creative spin to it!

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 27, 2012 - "On The Road"

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "20. The specialty is spice. Spice jars, spices, spicy foods...let's see some flavor."

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "24. Who doesn't love trains? Photograph a locomotive or something related to trains."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 26, 2012

Flower Power

Flower Power
Momma, why is there a Dandelion on my head?

Dog Blog Post #639: For Daily Dog Challenge

146. Flower Power - Take a picture of your dog with a flower. It can be one flower or a lot of flowers, real or artificial!


112 Pictures in 2012 - "#20. Wild Plant or Flower"

Henry was a very good sport.

Zachary was busy dropping the Lacrosse Ball at my feet.

I originally had this...

Flower Power

... to get this, too...

Our Daily Challenge - Mar. 26, 2012 - "Mono"

But just didn't care for the processing.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

Dog Blog Post #638: Had way too much fun. Spent way to much time. It is way too late (again).

For Daily Dog Challenge...

145. Cover Model for March - Because last month's cover dog assignment was so popular, we decided to make it a monthly addition. Take a photo of your dog that could be on the cover of a magazine. You can make it into a magazine cover if you like, but you don't have to. Please have fun with it! Last month's made us smile and laugh out loud.

Looks like BZ Dogs has expanded, and is now offering a Special Interest Publication subtitled "The Secret Life of the Suburban Dog"

Coming to a newsstand near you!

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "24. Who doesn't love trains? Photograph a locomotive or something related to trains."

And what train loving kid doesn't have a choo-choo train blanket?

Our Daily Challenge - Mar. 25, 2012 - "Shadows"

Believe it or not, I specifically tried to create interesting shadows - particularly on the paper bag. Alas, I might have been a bit heavy handed with "brighten". :(

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#23. Technology"

Darned expensive keeping up with the kids' interests.

Monday Mischief: They know better than to go out for fast food!

(And yes, they split the Ultimate Cheeseburger that was in that wrapper. How mean would that be if they hadn't!)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

In the Land of Suburbia

In the Land of Suburbia

Dog Blog Post #637: Once upon a time, in the Land of Suburbia, there lived a pair of Golden Retrievers.

They were a happy pair (for the most part) spending their days doing, well, whatever it is that Suburban dogs do, and yet deep inside they longed for something more.

One day, when the sun and the moon where just right, and the stars where perfectly aligned, they got an idea.

And it wasn't just any idea.

No, this was a special idea. And it began with a special feeling. A feeling that things were about to change...

The Journey Begins
"Gee Uncle Zachary, I feel a bit different," observed Henry, solumnly.

(Stating the obvious was a special talent of Henry's.)

But he did feel different. And so did Zachary.

So they put their heads together to try and decide what it meant.

The Big Idea

Time passed...

"I got it!" said Zachary, "We must going on an adventure!"

"Now, wait a minute, boys," warned their mother, whose job it was to say such things. "It's a very big world out there and kibble doesn't grow on trees."

A Warning Given

"Are you sure you are up to the challenge?"

So they thought and they thought, and they thought some more - at least Zachary did, as thinking was his special talent - until they - or rather he - decided an adventure was definitely the way to go.

"Yup!" Zachary announced, and he gave his mom a cheerful wave goodbye.

Saying Goodbye

There were a few tears shed...

Some Tears Shed Henry wasn't at all sure it was a good idea to leave mom, or home, and he certainly didn't feel up to any challenges, whatever those might be.

He also wasn't excited to find out that kibble didn't grow on trees, although he made a mental note to check a few out just to be sure.

But in the end, the allure of adventure was just too great for the pair that day, and so they decided to set off...

Ready to Go

(To Be Continued...)

Daily Dog Challenge 145. Fairy Tale - Our dogs all lead charmed lives in some way. Take a picture today that shows us some aspect of your dog's fairy tale life. It can be the happy ending, the enchanted forest or any other interpretation of a fairy tale that comes to mind when you think of the assignment. Most importantly, have fun with it!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Street Art

Street Art

Dog Blog Post #636: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

144. Arts and Crafts - Our dogs all have some form of inner artist - paw prints, "carved" sticks, home "redecorations", etc. Show us your dog's handiwork today!


Our Daily Challenge - Mar. 23, 2012 - had "Street Photography"

I just love it when challenges line up nicely!

Street Art

I was strolling down the rustic byways of town when I chanced across this pair of street artists.

They obviously had put much thought into their work, and devoted many happy hours shredding the necessary paper products.

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - 21. You have guests from out of town. What would you like to show them? (spare)

Yes, we just might be a bit tongue-in-cheek, today!

Street Art

And now, as promised, the full story from the other day...

Once upon a time, in a kitchen not so far away, there were two young princes enjoying an afternoon nap...

Once Upon a Time...
Zzzzzz Zzzzz Zzzzzz
When one of them heard something...

Once Upon a Time...
Zachary: "Psst. Henry. Wake up!"
Now, the princes were rather uninspired to see a green dragon sitting atop their box of cookies, and even less so when they thought he had filched one from the cookie jar...

Once Upon a Time...

Luckily, it turns out the dragon was merely trying to earn a few extra bucks by working for the postal service delivering packages.

Once Upon a Time...

And, being Golden Retrievers and thus incapable of being anything other than friendly, they soon were fast friends with the dragon.

Once Upon a Time...
"Want to go out for a beer?
But that's a story for another day.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mugging for the Camera

Mugging for the Camera

Dog Blog Post #635: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

143. "Simple" - Take a photo of your dog with a simple composition today. Don't overthink it!


Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "22. Mugs and cups are the theme. They may be full or empty, but glasses are not allowed."

For the record, we have many mugs, but I felt these were pretty good fits for their respective "owners". And yes, there's a cookie in each mug. :)

I know. That's not exactly "Simple". The shots below are probably closer...

Simply Waiting
"We're soooooooo bored."

Simply Waiting

... but I thought the mug shot was cute. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Once Upon a Time....

Once Upon a Time...
(... to be continued)

Dog Blog Post #634: From the Daily Dog Challenge...

142. Do Over - Redo a past assignment today and tell us which one you're doing over.

This is a repeat of #98. Three Things - incorporate these three things in a photograph with your dog -- a pillow, something green and something made of wood.

Last time...

The Sporting Dog

... while I did like the shot, I barely had any green, wood, or even a pillow!

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 20, 2012 - "Connections and Attachments"

The dragon looks pretty attached to that cookie, to me!

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "7. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, make a photo of something green. No St. Pat's decorations!"

St. Pat did snakes, not dragons.

110 Pictures - "#64. Childhood"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hello, Down There

Hello, Down There!

Hark! Who goes there?

Hello, Up There!

Squishy Face

Dog Blog Post 633?: Daily Dog Challenge "141. Up High - On a chair, on a stair? On a hill, for a thrill? What high place can you take a photo of your dog from today?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved