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Tinybones, Trinket Thief
Legendary Creature — Skeleton Rogue
At the beginning of each end step, if an opponent discarded a card this turn, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.
[[symbol:4]: Each opponent with no cards in hand loses 10 life.
Jack-Frost on
The Cutest Thief That Ever Lived *Primer*
1 year ago
axxein I'm really glad to hear you liked the deck. To answer your question about Sanguine Bond and Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, I try to avoid having infinite combos in my decks as I don't really enjoy them and I wanted to keep the power level down. The other problem is that if people know you have an infinite combo in your deck, and see one of the pieces, they are immediately forced to target you to keep you from winning, something this deck can only sustain for so long. Truthfully though, i've never found I needed it. The deck is really consistent, does really well in multiplayer and even wins far more often in 1v1's than it makes sense to (I still have no idea how it beats full on aggro decks as often as it does), and is just fun to play. You deal a lot of damage from discard alone, have multiple other sources of damage, and i've never felt like I desperately needed Sanguine Bond to win. I never put the rest of the combo in as I felt that it would lose that. It would turn from an enjoyable game into one where if I draw 2 cards I just win.
In this case i'm actually running Exquisite Blood to help offset the life-loss from Tinybones, Trinket Thief. Once your engine is fully online you can easily lose 4 life per cycle just to him, which adds up quickly. In addition to that, we run Bolas's Citadel and Black Market Connections which both eat through our life fairly quickly. As such we have quite a bit of life gain in this deck to offset that. That's actually why we even run Gixian Puppeteer, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (Who I would cut if I could find a comparable alternative who doesn't drain my opponents as that draws too much attention to me), Twilight Prophet, and Faith of the Devoted among other cards.
Thank you so much for the question and suggestions though, and i'm really glad you liked the deck!
Last_Laugh on
Tergrid, God of Rude
1 year ago
Liliana's Specter, Noxious Toad (oracle text is each opponent), Sadistic Hypnotist (this could be especially ugly in a creature heavy meta), and Words of Waste are all good discard options. Tinybones, Trinket Thief is a good payoff for all the discard. Dictate of Erebos is probably worth running in addition to Grave Pact.
Archon_Bel on
Haha Trust Me Dude, I'll Help You
1 year ago
Gleeock Man, where were Dreamstealer and Needle Specter back when I was running my discard strategy? Those cards would have been amazing lol. Oh well, cards to keep in mind for a future deck; I've always wanted to run a discard-centered deck (that isn't Tinybones, Trinket Thief).
I immediately thought of tokens when I saw Breena since they would make for a reliable way to draw two cards off of her (and get 4 counters). It's worked pretty well so far, enough to the point that running the deck has actually become somewhat tedious due to all the book-keeping. Did you know I used to run Cathars' Crusade? Great card, but I ended up removing it because hot damn did it just overcomplicate my board. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is a much simpler and more effective card lol.
Speaking of Elesh, I've thought about making the deck more Phyrexian-themed since I already have several Phyrexians in the deck. It was unintentional, they just happened to work well with my deck.
I'll definitely be putting in that Guardian Scalelord. Card fits in great with my strategy, and it can revive things repeatedly too. Will probably cut Felisa, Fang of Silverquill, since the tokens she makes come in tapped.
zAzen7977 on zAzen7977
2 years ago
Hey Profet93! Good questions.
IMHO, I would not run either Anvil of Bogardan or Chains of Mephistopheles in a NDBMBD unless the deck has some reanimator combo lines and the self-discard is beneficial to the objective. Unless the discarding synergies with some other abilities, you are helping your opponents more than you are helping yourself, as you are allowing them to draw deeper into their deck to find their own combo pieces.
In my Tinybones deck, I discard cards so rapidly that opponents cannot play their hands fast enough, limiting their ability to plan for future turns, then I exile their graveyards to prevent utilization of their graveyard as a resource. In this way, my Tinybones, Trinket Thief deck breaks parity by handicapping opponents while I draw additional cards via Tinybones. My deck is designed to work around the exiling of my own graveyard, and as long as I can generate enough mana to activate Tinybones’ ability, I can win without cards in hand.
Other Monoblack decks are combo-based and break parity through life-loss and sacrifice effects. I run K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth and it breaks parity by having K’rrik on the board as fast as possible to require minimal mana and maximize combo speed. K’rrik is probably the most OP commanders around, period. Another popular commander is Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, who can also be utilized to assemble rapid sacrifice-based combos.
Monoblack decks have to either focus on combos and outrace other decks (especially multicolor blue/green decks with access to the best draw and ramp spells in the game), or hold faster decks back via stax while also benefiting from the stax effects somehow and gaining an advantage.
MafiozyA on
Tergrid Wheels
2 years ago
Thanx for your reply! Yes, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse is great. I've been considering changing Tergrid with her. =) Torment of Hailfire was opted out from the deck, because it was too strong and.. not very interactive, I guess. It somehow had the same outcome each time: generate 15+ mana, tutor > hellfire > win, if not counterd. I've decided it was not with the casual theme of the deck.
Geth's Grimoire is good, but the payoff of drawing cards seemed redundant in this deck. Tinybones, Trinket Thief is cheaper and at least gives black devotion for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Gray Merchant of Asphodel, but I do not like that his activated ability will probably never be used in such a deck.
Worst Fears is surprisingly good here, because with big draw engines it gives you a lot of options of messing up with opponent plans with there own cards (also you choose what to give to Tergrid, if she is in play)
NV_1980 on
Tergrid Wheels
2 years ago
Nice deck! Have you considered Sheoldred, the Apocalypse? Seems tailor-made for a deck that forces lots of draw. Geth's Grimoire can also be very beneficial for you, to profit from opposing discards even more. Same goes for Tinybones, Trinket Thief. I would also really recommend Torment of Hailfire as it's absolutely devastating in here on multiple levels.
To make room for these changes I would recommend top remove K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth, Murderous Rider, Profane Command and Worst Fears.
Ajuntoson on
Nicol Bolas, Lord of Discard
2 years ago
As a fan of Nekusar, the Mindrazer, I can confidantly say that this deck looks really solid. Something I've always liked is Library of Leng. It lets you discard cards you may want to keep back to the top of your deck, which allows you to keep your best stuff when you wheel everyone elses best toys away. Sangromancer can offer a bit of extra life in case you end up being a a target. Reinterpret is a wild counterspell that can lead to some fun plays and drop bombs while also interrupting your opponents plans. Feed the Swarm gives you another way to potentially deal with pesky enchantments. Burning Inquiry is just a pet card of mine. Can really mess up peoples plans. Wheel of Misfortune needs to be read and re-read 7 times, but it puts in so much work while being just a touch chaotic. Wheel and Deal can also really mess with people, especially since its a wheel at instant speed. You are already running Notion Thief, so Narset, Parter of Veils is just another way to lock out extra card draw. Bloodchief Ascension gets out of hand really fast, and very quickly ends the game. last thing, Tinybones, Trinket Thief is a nice little card draw engine that doubles as a wincon. If you are having a hard time trying to find cuts, I have noticed there are quite a few cards in the deck that have really high mana values. I would personally start there. I am not sure your budget, so feel free to take all of these suggestions as you see fit. From one Grixis player to another, I wish you the best of luck with your deck.