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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Geth's Grimoire
Whenever an opponent discards a card, you may draw a card.
NV_1980 on
Tergrid - Mean, but not too Mean?
2 months ago
Nice deck. Fell Specter can add some additional value to opponents discarding (in them receiving damage for that as well as lose cards to the GY). Geth's Grimoire is exceptional value in a deck like this. Also, Cunning Lethemancer works really well when combined with Tergrid, I think. Good luck with the brew!
TheVectornaut on
Tergrid - making cuts
4 months ago
You say you're going for more sacrifice than discard but the current list feels very much the opposite to me. If you are serious about wanting to make the deck more casual friendly, cutting all of the cards that exclusively care about discard does seem like the easy way to get down to 100. Having cards that do both like Rankle's Prank will probably be more palatable, even if the outcome is actually even more lopsided. As an aside in the event you do keep some discard spells, you'll be better off paying a little extra for the multiplayer focused options like Delirium Skeins vs. something targeted like Duress. Obviously, if you want to do a lot of 1v1, that evaluation changes. I like the idea of focusing on a sacrifice shell with all of Grave Pact, Dictate of Erebos, and Butcher of Malakir to ding opponents while you're sac looping your own creatures with various reanimator tools. Cards like Hell's Caretaker or Whisper, Blood Liturgist are favorites of mine since you can easily convert your chumps into discarded bombs or re-trigger ETB and death triggers. You have a ton of cheap Fleshbag Marauder-type cards and that's the real reason I'd recommend this angle. If you stick with at least some of the discard package, you can run plenty of Burglar Rat and Virus Beetle 1/1s to take advantage of Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker which is also conveniently good with Valgavoth's Faithful and other potential synergy pieces like Viscera Seer, Blood Artist or Zulaport Cutthroat.
I'll also list some other cards I'd consider cutting, regardless of the focus on discard or sacrifice. Crypt Ghast feels excessive here since by the time you can play it and untap on the following turn, there's currently only two cards that you wouldn't be able to cast anyway. Since I'm also recommending the cut of All is Dust anyway for being too symmetrical of a wipe for its high cost, I don't know that you'll need all that mana very often. The obvious counterpoint here are the x spells, but I'd urge caution on keeping too many of those too. Unless you're ending the game with a final enormous Torment of Hailfire, these types of effects can fall squarely under the "feels bad" category, or at least that's my experience. If you do want to keep them as wincons, you probably want even more cards like Ghast to improve consistency in reaching that goal. For somewhat similar reasons, I'd also consider cutting Dark Ritual
and Culling the Weak. Turbo-ing out your oppressive commander is exactly the kind of play pattern that earned the recent commander bans their new status. If the other players at the table feel like they have time to prepare potential answers to Tergrid, I think people will be much happier to play with you. And if you feel you need more mana and a way to sac guys you want in the yard, Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar are always an option. In terms of draw, I like engines that play off your deck's existing themes like Waste Not, Geth's Grimoire, Grim Haruspex, Harvester of Souls, etc. as opposed to once a turn effects like Dark Confidant or Phyrexian Arena. They may not always be more efficient but they're certainly more interesting. Necrodominance is an option I'd be careful with though since it has some anti-synergy with self-reanimator strategies. I like the idea of Deathgreeter to recoup some of the life loss from symmetrical pox effects and to benefit from mass sacrifice. I just think some of the previously mentioned options at two mana do the job better. Similarly, I feel that Osseous Sticktwister will accomplish less than some similar cards in the deck since your opponents are free to choose the life loss in a format that offers them plenty of life to spare. If you were going for a more explicit life drain strategy, I think the card could pair nicely with other 8rack staples. Unstoppable Slasher is another card that is only good if you're focused on dropping life totals quickly, and with no obvious ways to guarantee the damage gets through, I don't see this guy as being too impactful. The final card I'll mention is Mithril Coat. It makes sense on paper to protect your commander when you know it's going to get targeted. However, Tergrid is so feared at many tables that she's likely to get targeted and removed before you even have the spare mana to equip her. For this reason, I'd prioritize cheaper protection like Boots/Greaves. You could even try one of the many instants and auras that offer a one-time reanimation effect since those will also protect against your own sacrifice effects where equipment will not.
legendofa on Any discard payoffs on mono …
6 months ago
Waste Not and Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal Flip are probably the best ones, and Liliana's Caress and Geth's Grimoire are worth considering.
Keep in mind that if you want to ensure that your opponents keep discarding, you need to make sure they have cards to discard. That Waste Not doesn't do anything if your opponents aren't moving their hands. If you want to keep your opponents' hands empty so they can't do anything, Shrieking Affliction and The Rack are the win cons of the 8-Rack deck.
So my next questions are, do you want to punish discarding and gain tempo and resources, or do you want to enforce empty hands and play control? Commander has room for overlap, but it's common to lean toward one or the other. And how competitive do you want this to be?
Necrosis24 on
Tergrid, God of Grave Robbing
2 years ago
I personally like Rankle, Master of Pranks he plays into all three aspects of this deck. Plus its optional which modes you choose so you can adjust according to the board state. Although he does have to deal combat damage he has built in evasion.
Geth's Grimoire + Fateful Handoff can be a fun combo although depending on how the game is going it might hurt you more than you benefit. But say you pair it with Dark Deal when they have a massive hand you can get some good value, but they also will draw up a bunch of cards again. You may actually be able to use that as a win-con against one player to mill them out.
Alternatively Fateful Handoff + Vilis, Broker of Blood + Underworld Dreams will be an Auto-kill. If you were running an esper deck Fractured Identity would let you kill everyone instead of one player.
MafiozyA on
Tergrid Wheels
2 years ago
Thanx for your reply! Yes, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse is great. I've been considering changing Tergrid with her. =) Torment of Hailfire was opted out from the deck, because it was too strong and.. not very interactive, I guess. It somehow had the same outcome each time: generate 15+ mana, tutor > hellfire > win, if not counterd. I've decided it was not with the casual theme of the deck.
Geth's Grimoire is good, but the payoff of drawing cards seemed redundant in this deck. Tinybones, Trinket Thief is cheaper and at least gives black devotion for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Gray Merchant of Asphodel, but I do not like that his activated ability will probably never be used in such a deck.
Worst Fears is surprisingly good here, because with big draw engines it gives you a lot of options of messing up with opponent plans with there own cards (also you choose what to give to Tergrid, if she is in play)
NV_1980 on
Tergrid Wheels
2 years ago
Nice deck! Have you considered Sheoldred, the Apocalypse? Seems tailor-made for a deck that forces lots of draw. Geth's Grimoire can also be very beneficial for you, to profit from opposing discards even more. Same goes for Tinybones, Trinket Thief. I would also really recommend Torment of Hailfire as it's absolutely devastating in here on multiple levels.
To make room for these changes I would recommend top remove K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth, Murderous Rider, Profane Command and Worst Fears.