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Garruk's Packleader

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Garruk's Packleader

Creature — Beast

Whenever another creature with power 3 or greater enters under your control, you may draw a card.

NV_1980 on Ursa Major *PRIMER*

6 months ago

Thanks for the recommendations Profet93; I can always count on your valuable support. For now, Nissa's Pilgrimage will definitely replace Kodama's Reach and Castle Garenbrig will definitely replace a forest (can't believe I overlooked that one!).

You're suggesting a lot of additional (or replacement) draw mechanisms for a deck that already has at least sixteen scry/draw/tutor resources. During play with this set, I've rarely lacked for enough cards to cast so I'm not sure whether adding more CA is necessary. Greater Goodfoil is the one suggestion I'd still like to find a place for, considering that it allows one to still make use of a card that might already be on its way to the graveyard (or in emergencies, when one is stuck). I get Elemental Bond is harder to remove than Garruk's Packleader, but I opted for leader because as a creature it can do more than just remain a static enchantment (so for me, multi-functionality trumps survivability, but I can still understand Bond's appeal).

As for Primeval Bounty; it's mostly in for sentimental reasons (I will mention this in the primer, because you're not the first person to mention it in a similar context). It was the first mythic my wife ever pulled from a pack (she unexpectedly passed away in 2020) and the above deck is largely based on her favorite mono-green build (which featured Yeva as its commander).

NV_1980 on Mean green

1 year ago

Imho, green good-stuff rly needs a Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma. Also, you have next to no cheap card-advantage options available in the deck. Some I would recommend: Garruk's Packleader, Garruk's Uprising, Soul of the Harvest, Elemental Bond, Tribute to the World Tree.

MurficWPN on Koma, Cosmos Serpent - Clones

1 year ago

Profet93 - I see where you're coming from but the 3 power is key for this deck as the Coil Tokens that Koma, Cosmos Serpent makes are all 3/3's. Also since I'm in Green/Blue Garruk's Packleader being a creature has some upside as it can be found with the few tutors I'm running.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Nikya, Thinking is Frustrating

2 years ago

I like this. Upvote granted!

Nyxbloom Ancient would be a powerful addition. Also, how about Garruk's Horde and Garruk's Packleader to draw cards?

x12721 on First EDH deck: Naya Cheat in Updated

2 years ago

Also, Garruk's Uprising is usually better than Colossal Majesty/Elemental Bond.

multimedia on Landfall

3 years ago

Hey, nice version with a very low budget.

Some budget changes to consider:

Rampant Elephant is a white card which can't be played when green/red Omnath is your Commander. The majority of these suggestions are good repeatable draw sources. I think you can afford to cut a few lands for some lower CMC spells. 46 lands is still a lot.

If interested I offer more advice. Good luck with your deck.

king-saproling on Forest fire

3 years ago

Assault Suit could be fun here. It allows you to keep the dragon spirit that it is attached to. The haste is nice as well.

You might like these too: Where Ancients Tread, Dragon Tempest, Rite of Passage, Skullclamp, Elemental Bond, Garruk's Packleader, Kavu Lair, Rile

multimedia on Ghired Quartermaster

3 years ago

Hey, nice version with such a low budget. Only 40 cents or less for each card is an interesting idea.

Even though you're building a very low budget deck still consider some basic deck building guidelines to structure your deck? A basic structure is helpful when building any causal Commander deck to give you a good start.

The numbers in this basic structure are just a start, not all areas are covered and the final numbers may be more or less for each part. A basic structure doesn't need anything but the basics, you can add other cards to make up other areas that you want specifically with your Commander after. 10 ramp and 10 draw sources help to make a smoother gameplay experience. The balance of extra mana from ramp with the draw sources theoretically helps to have mana and cards in your hand to cast with the mana. Creatures can be part of the numbers and cards that have more than one effect that can go in many different areas are excellent and should be priority for cards to play.

Compare the above example to your current deck structure:

  • 33 lands
  • 26 creatures
  • 16 removal sources
  • 3 ramp sources
  • 1 draw source

The amount of creatures is a fine number, but there's disproportionate amount of removal compared to other areas. 33 lands with only 3 ramp sources, two of which are 4 CMC and 5 CMC are risky numbers because you can potentially get land screw (not drawing lands) as well as mana screwed (not having enough mana to cast spells). Having major potential for both of these to happen in a game can be really frustrating and is really bad for gameplay.

I believe you can never have enough draw in Commander since draw keeps the game going for you making gameplay much more fun. Harmonize is a good card, but only having it for draw is not enough.

Ghired and the other impactful cards here are high CMC and you want to get to five mana for Ghired quicker than only relying on your land drops. More ramp can help and the best ramp to add such as Sol Ring and Arcane Signet are budget cards. Unfortunately, they aren't 40 cents or less though, here's some to consider:

3 CMC or less ramp is preferred to have these plays in the early turns of the game which is best time to cast ramp since then it helps you to cast Ghired and all the other high CMC cards you want to cast later on in the game. You don't want to be casting 5 CMC or even 4 CMC ramp instead you want to use that amount of mana along with ramp that you cast before it to cast other more impactful spells.

Lots of draw especially repeatable draw sources are important to have in Commander. Unfortunately, because of the budget restriction for cards doesn't give you a lot of options, but here some to consider:

  • Garruk's Packleader: repeatable draw any time a 3 or more power creature you control ETB including creature tokens. Rhino's have 4 power.
  • Voice of Many
  • Zephyr Boots: repeatable draw, can also give equipped creature flying evasion.
  • Mouth / Feed: only can cast Mouth first to create a 3/3 Hippo then Feed can only be cast from your graveyard.
  • Mask of Memory: repeatable draw, equip any big creature you control who has evasion such as trample or flying.
  • Shamanic Revelation

Creatures who can draw are nice with Flamerush Rider to make a copy of them to then populate with Ghired. This interaction is very good with Garruk's Packleader since the more Packleaders you control the more draw you get especially when you populate a Rhino as well as each Packleader triggers to draw from the other. Three of these suggestions care about the amount of creatures you control which is good when playing tokens.

I've given you a lot to think about, but I offer more advice in another comment if you would like, including cuts to consider. Good luck with your deck.

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