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Showing posts with label commercials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commercials. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2020

1978 Mattel Shogun Warriors Commercial (Series 2)

Another film reel from our archive that we've had digitized for your enjoyment, it's the 1978 Mattel Shogun Warriors Commercial featuring Gai-KIng, Great Mazinga and Daimos! I forgot I had this! Please enjoy, it's fist firing fun! Join our Facebook Group Pod Stallions: Toy-Ventures Magazine is coming this summer, for more information, click here:

Friday, July 07, 2017

Mattel Battlestar Galactica Action Figure Commercial

Happy Friday!

Here is another commercial transfer, this it the original Mattel Battlestar Galactica Action Figure commercial from 1979, a new transfer of the original reel. 

It's kind of ironic that this features mainly the 'peg warming" characters like Imperious leader, Ovion and Daggit. Also, why does Starbuck talk like a robot?

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Friday, June 30, 2017

Happy Friday, here is another one from the recently digitized archive, this is the revised for the Mattel Battlestar Galactica toy line that clearly states the missiles no longer fire. We all know why....

More frakking cool toys:

Friday, June 23, 2017

Mattel Suckerman Commercial

Happy Friday, here is another one from the recently digitized archive, the original commercial for Mattel's Suckerman. Suckerman definitely fit in with the gimmick figures like Stretch Armstrong and Krusher, they could have formed a League to stop Stretch Monster and Gre-Gory.


Friday, December 06, 2013

The Incredible Dr Steel Commercial

Today is an epic day for Plaidstallions.  I finally tracked down the film reel to a commercial that has haunted me since 1975 and I get to share it with all of you.

 I remember it vividly, watching Space:1999 on my parent's black and white TV when this commercial aired. Already a fan of the Big Jim toy line, the concept of a villian (although he really isn't clearly defined as such) just captivated me. I needed this toy, I had to have it!

Sadly, my mother took one look at that bald head and tattoo and nixed the whole thing. It's another thread in the tapestry of why I'm a toy collector and also probably explains why I have no tattoos.

While I finally did get that Dr Steel, tracking down this ad makes me even happier. I'll be including it free with my DVD package going forward.

More Big Jim than you can handle!
big jim pack comic mexican cipsa big jim

mego in spain 1977 Mattel Toyfair Showroom from 1975Mattel Big Jim figures 1975

Friday, November 08, 2013

Super Toe Football Commercial

Here is another recently converted reel from my commercial collection. Schaper Super Toe football starring Mongo himself, Alex Karras. (Link to commercial on Youtube)

We featured the Super Toe line a while back on the site, the catalog link is below:

These commercials will soon be available at our store (which is right here) along with our many other products. Everytime you purchase from us, a kitten is born.

Friday, November 01, 2013

Quick Curl Barbie, Mod Hair Ken commercial

Good news, I stumbled on some more toy commercial reels and after years of sitting on my desk, I had them converted. First up is a little something for the ladies in the form of this early commercial. Here is a link if you can't see the embed code.

I love how putting side burns on Ken makes him noble but a moustache means bad guy. You'll be hearing from my brothers at the anti-facial hair defamation league Mattel! The AFHD doesn't think kindly of unfair stereotypes!

More good news is that I'll soon be adding all these new commercials to my existing toy commercial DVDs, so they'll just be a bonus so to speak. I'll debut another in the coming weeks, trust me it's a good one.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Astro Blast Power Center Commercial

Uploaded this commercial from the 70s Toy Explosion DVD to our facebook page. So if it doesn't come up head on over here.

I totally remember this commercial, especially the awkward "almost four stories" line from the window washer, it's how I learned what a story was.

Next Sunday, I'll be launching another contest so stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Creepy Crawlers Thing Maker 2 Commercial

Mattel relaunched their popular Thing Makers from the 60s in a new version that wouldn't permanently scar you (seriously I know people with scars).

This commerical from our DVD is kind of bittersweet for me, the happy part is realizing that it's narrated by Jackie "Uncle Fester" Coogan. but I'm also reminded how quickly I was shot down by my folks when asking for one of these. I'd have made a real mess of things, so I forgive them...

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Disco Darci

It's raining here, all yard sales and outdoor fairs are cancelled and I'm feeling like just staying in and watching movies. So here is a movie for everybody, this is a 1979 commercial for Kenner's Disco Darci line, something I don't remember but love the fact that it's Disco.

More Video:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Girl's Toy Day!

Seeing as it's my darlin' daughter's birthday today and her long (and much missed) afternoon naps are what inspired me to create this blog three years and five days ago (which I probably should have mentioned) I thought I'd dedicate the day to her favorite subject, dolls!
In this case Barbie's with two classic commercials from our DVD, first is the Barbie Townhouse.

Most Mego collectors I know would liken this to the Wayne Foundation playset but did you also know it was released for Big Jim in Europe? It was a killer spy headquarters that makes you wish you born in Italy, You can see it here.

The second commercial is for the Fashion Face, which is one of those disembodied heads you put makeup on, they creep me out and my daughter wants one, in fact, she wants this one. Something tells me I won't find this at Toys R Us.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have go buy some toys...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cylon Day!

Yay, it's Cylon day, not the sexy Cylons of recent times but the old school kind (which if you find them sexy, I guess that's ok). First off is the new Cylon Trading card, (#21 for anybody counting) I never had these 12" electronic figures but they make for a more interesting card then the 3" figures, so there you go.

Even as a kid I found this figure kind of off model, it's because it's a recycled "Captain Lazer" from the 1960s "Major Matt Mason" line of toys. The Colonial Warrior from this line even has the Captain's head (and white hair presumably to make him look like Lorne Green?)

Here is the Original Commercial for these guys which is, of course, from our DVD 70s Toy Explosion Volume 2 [/plug]

Sunday, March 29, 2009

70s Toy Explosion Volume 2

70s toy commercials Sorry, this is a shill post.

Thanks to a good find and the amazing help of my pal Dave, I'm releasing another volume of 1970s toy commercials all transferred from the original 16 mm reels. The majority of these are from 1979 and from Mego, Mattel and Kenner.

Barbie Star Traveller

Stretch Monster
Barbie Superstar Traveler (Judy "Dyna Girl" Strangis)
Mego Buck Rogers Action Figures
Elastic Hulk and Spiderman
Mego Micronauts Giant Acroyear

Barbie Star Traveller
Mego Micronauts Hornettroid
Mattel’s Hawaiian Punch Board Game
Sit N Spin
Sweetie Face
Elastic Superman and Batman
Hot Wheels 1979
Magnetic Batman and Robin

Kenner Mini Wave Oven
Mattel Godzilla Game
Mego Speed Burners Stunt Set
Mattel Battlestar Galactica Viper Launch Station
Super Star Barbie Fashion Face
Astro Blast Power Center

Barbie Star Traveller
Mego Micronaut Aliens
Mattel Shogun Warriors Godzilla
Mattel Power Shifters
Play Doh Dr. Drill and Fill

Barbie Star Traveller
Hot Wheels Scorcher Chamber
Shogun Warriors Daimos
Hot Wheels Incredible Hulk Scene Machines Offer
Mego Micronauts Trons
Mattel Thingmaker 2

Barbie Star Traveller
Battlestar Galactica Cylon Centurion and Colonial Warrior dolls
Mego Fashion Candi Make Up Center
Mattel Baby Grows Up
Star Wars Land of the Jawas Playset
Mattel Sew Perfect
Kenner Alvin the Aardvark
Star Wars Darth Vader Tie Fighter
Kenner Darci Disco
Spider-Man Web of Terror Playset from Hot Wheels
Barbie Star Traveller
Micronauts Rocket Tubes
Mattel Mork from Ork Dolls’and figures
Mego Speed Burners
Mego Panic Button Board Game
To offset the costs of buying all of these films, I'm selling copies of this DVD at my online store. I'll be showing off some of these commercials all this month on the blog (I'm lazy that way, it's easier than scanning). Sorry for the sales post, I promise to keep those down in the future.

And now, I'm going to give away two sets of the DVD. It's pretty simple, answer this trivia question and email it to me, I'll draw the names on Tuesday.

The Mattel 12" Cylon and Colonial Warrior were retooled versions of a popular 1960s Space toy by Mattel, what was it's name?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bullet Man Commercial from the UK

Well, the gods have decided they don't want me to do coloring book threatre today, it's complicated but I haven't had power for much of the day. So in it's place I offer this 1976 British commercial for Action man (the UK name for G.I. Joe)

While stateside,
G.I. Joe was going into "Super Adventure", Action Man was always close to the military roots. Even integrating goofy characters such as Intruder seemed a little more plausible somehow. Plus Mike Power Atomic Man has a bitching fro!

More on this: 1976 Hasbro G.I. Joe Catalog

Friday, November 02, 2007

Six Million Dollar Man Kenner Maskatron Commercial

New to the web today is the 1976 Maskatron commercial from Kenner. Every child should know the joy of owning a robot doll that becomes John Saxon. That's not sarcasm, I really mean it!


These are scans from the 1976 Kenner catalog, click on the link for more. Expect more Bionic Man and Woman stuff in the new year.


Friday, August 31, 2007

Stretch Armstrong Day!

kenner stretch monster

It's a double shot of Corn Syrup today as we take a look at the 1978 Kenner Stretch Armstrong Catalog, which features such memorable sights as Stretch Monster and Octopus

If that wasn't enough, we have the world wide web premiere of the original Stretch Monster Commercial from 1978 as well.

What a perfect way to start a long weekend, have a great one!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Kenner Stretch X Ray Commercial

This commercial is predictably from the DVD I made last month and is possibly one of my favourites. I don't remember Stretch X Ray as a kid but as an adult collector, I must have had five of these. I couldn't pass him up! Stretch Monster on the other hand, is the one that always got away.....

One more day until the World's Greatest Mego Convention.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Oscar Goldman's Exploding Briefcase Commercial

Another one from my new DVD this time it's the awesome Six Million Dollar Man's boss, Oscar Goldman with his fancy sportcoat and exploding briefcase. I spent hours with that thing!


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