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Thursday, February 27, 2020

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

Colin Baker Doctor Who Potato Chip Bags I've never heard of this promotion before, a series of Potato chips (or crisps) promoting the sixth Doctor's adventures. Who doesn't want a used Cheesy Corn Puff bag with Colin Baker on it? 

Bootleg Mexican Mego Thor- I used to collect this stuff and honestly remember getting really pissed off at losing one of these. I think that's when I realized I was pursuing madness because I stopped after that. Yeah, they're terrible and crudely made but there is some sort of charm there that once had me...

Remco Creature and Phantom Makeup- I know it's just a box of makeup but that's the box art from the 9" Remco monsters and that's well...dreamy...

Captain Action Knock Off Figure- I love these knock off Superheroes wearing discarded clothes from Mego or Captain Action or in this case a fashion doll's leotard.

Planet of the Apes Sleeping Bag-  I'm a sucker for stuff like this but I don't know how to display them and I rarely get invited to slumber parties anymore.

Salute to the Superheroes Water Ski Show

I found this great vintage Seaworld brochure on eBay recently, this beautiful page has some great shots of the DC Comics Superhero show that used to go on there. How I dreamed of going as a kid.

I did create a nice little gallery about it using photos from the lucky former children that did go. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Annual Reminder

One of the major responsibilities of the PlaidStallions Institute is to serve as a reminder that shag carpeting and toilets were once combined, we must ensure that this never, ever looks like a good idea again. Carry this grim reminder with you, my friends and share with everyone you know.

Don't forget to join our new facebook group.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Lee Majors Active Wear Collection

If I must jog this Spring (or so my Doctor says) let me do it adorning 100% Creslan Acrylic, as NATURE INTENDED! 

Don't forget to join our new facebook group.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Toy-Ventures: The Thrill Seekers

Who are the Thrill Seekers you ask? They're a very rare series of action figures knocking off both Mego's Action Jackson and Evel Knievel. They're also related to other notorious knock offs like Mr. Rock and the Lincoln Monsters. Also, you get to meet Big Bill! Join our FB Group Mego Knock Off HQ PodStallions FB Group:

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Space Trek:1999

I wonder if you could use the Communicators while wearing the chest pack radio or if it results in a devastating explosion of feedback, tearing you from earth's orbit? I gotta know....

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Toy-Ventures: Knock Off Superheroes

What's wrong with these superheroes?
This week I give you all I know about the "Heroes Accessories" line of toys, including their two waves and their relationship to Captain Action and the Mego World's Greatest Superheroes. Do you have any of these guys? Come talk about them in my new facebook group "Mego Knock Off Headquarters" an intimate group that is straight vintage toy talk:

Friday, February 14, 2020

Pod Stallions 75: Saturn 3

What happens when the director of "Singing in the Rain" directs an Alien knock off?

We're joined once again by David Weiner, former editor of Famous Monsters and director of the upcoming film "In Search of Tomorrow" for a rousing discussion of the 1980 classic(?) Science Fiction thriller "Saturn 3".

We discuss the interesting story behind the making, Farrah Fawcett, the Ed Bishop cameo,  Starlog, the internal conflicts, the resulting parody novel and well, did this film get better after 40 years? Join us.

Please  give us spirited debate in our new Facebook group.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

Toy-Ventures: AHI Super Monsters Discovery!

A bit of a departure this week, as we discuss this new find. I've heard of Azrak Hamway Super Monsters but who the heck is BBRB? Well, we find out this week. Special Thanks to Eddy Berst for solving this mystery for us. For more on the AHI World Famous Super Monsters Visit: Pod Stallions Facebook Group:

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

So what happened to those Last Starfighter Prototypes anyway?

You may recall that we had featured the amazing, never produced figures from Galoob's proposed Last Starfighter toy line a while back on this blog. 

Well, they've been sold but the good thing is, you can visit them anytime you like.

I was contacted by Mike, the owner of Batcave Comics and Toys in Santa Rosa California. The last starfighter figures are now on permanent display all together at his shop for everyone to enjoy. He bought them from the original owner who was just about to separate them.

So, if you're in the area, I highly advise you to visit Batcave comics and toys and visit a little bit of toy history.

Don't forget to join our new facebook group.

Monday, February 03, 2020

Toy-Ventures: Tarzan or Big Jim?

Time for another Toy-Venture, this week we talk about the very underrated line of Tarzan toys produced by Mattel in 1978, actually we talk about the whole series of action figures produced that year using European Big Jim tooling. Grab a vine and join me, won't you? Facebook Group: Pod Stallions Instagram: Plaidstallions Twitter: @plaidstallions

Don't forget to join our new facebook group.


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