Well I bought six bags of figures, cleaned a few and started painting. I then realized that I was looking for a more toy soldier look and that these sculpts were just too nice to not paint in the shading/highlighting that they deserved. I sold off the lot and started looking again.
This next search brought me to the Home of Spencer Smith makers of the Shiny Toy Soldiers range. This range looked like the answer and I thought I could build a Mexican American War army with this line. Ordering from England took a few extra steps than I could find the motivation for so figures were never ordered. Then out came the Little Britons range. These hit home, the right size, uniforms, style and, variety.
The order for some samples went out. I painted them up and was ready for more. The first unit is ready
A second unit is ready to base and the third is primed. By mid 2014 I hope to have a game.