Progressives Without Progress
January 31, 2014
There isn't very much progress in the progressive movement. Progress is the expansion of possibilities. Progressives however have a Malthusian obsession with the scarcity of all things. They believe that we are about to run out of everything from energy to water to wealth and education and that like starving survivors on a lifeboat we have to redistribute everything.
The progressive outlook predates the notion of progress. Its ideal is a static society, sustainable in its material practices and so utterly moral in its social attributes that it becomes immune to change. It is founded on the intertwining of the material and the moral through the insistence that the scarcity of material things makes their redistribution mandatory by an activist moral elite.
There is nothing as reactionary as utopia and no group as reactionary as utopians. A perfect society is a place that is immune to change. The search for such a society is the quest for an absolute way of living. Both the quest and the way of living become as unchallengeable as any theological utopia founded not on bad economics and political parochialism, but on a deeply spiritual faith.
The progress of progressives is not a rocket to the stars, but a slow elevator climbing up a constricted shaft to their ideal society. It's only progressive in the same sense that a television channel that moves from one show to the next within the confines of its programming is. It's programmed progress, not the progress of exploring infinitely expanding possibilities.
The left is actually deeply conservative. It is difficult for people in countries being contested by the left to see this because they observe the left as revolutionary and destructive. But every attempted conquest is accompanied by violent disruptions. The domestic left destroys everything it does not control as part of a cultural war; not because it seeks an open society of perpetual creative ferment.
Once the left achieves its dream of absolute power in a nation, that nation becomes socially backward, technologically backward and culturally backward. There is a reason that the USSR, Cuba and North Korea were not producing compelling new cultural products for export the way that their sympathizers in Hollywood did and do. It's the same reason that they don't keep having revolutions.
The creative energies harnessed by the left are a revolutionary tool for achieving an ideal society. Once that miserably ideal society is achieved, everything is regimented and unplanned change is locked out of the equation because reactionary progressive utopias have to be relentlessly planned. Science and culture are forcibly slowed down. Individuality is discouraged. Conformity produces mediocrity in all fields. Time slows down and utopia sinks into its own progressive muck.
Americans had trouble believing that the left of the counterculture had much in common with the conformist cultural factory of the USSR until the flower children became professional activists and politicians and ran a system of stale conformity interspersed with tedious displays of traditionally transgressive arts. The very slogan, Keep Berkeley Weird, is not revolutionary. It's traditionalist.
Nothing is more conservative than keeping things the way that they used to be.
On the opposite coast, the old radical artists and poets complain that the East Village isn't what it used to be and landmark everything in sight. Men and women who once did mountains of cocaine fight every bar liquor license with the outraged spleen of suburbanites threatened with a landfill.
The paradox of keeping weird things weird is that weird then just becomes another tradition and another proprietarian cultural impulse to avert a changing world by clinging to the way things used to be when you were young and everything made sense. It's not really keeping things weird, it's keeping the weird things that come from a changing outside world, out.
Utopians always carry that narrow-minded fragility with them. Their perfect society is always doomed by the rising tide of morality in the affairs of men. The more they try to hold on to it, the more it breaks apart right in front of their eyes. The left only believes in change when it moves in their direction. But once change has been achieved, then their ideal is a static changeless society.
Progress is confidence in human capabilities. The progressive movement however is tragic. It depends on the egocentric tantrums of individuals for its philosophy, its art and its activism; but it firmly believes that only the collective can make society work. And only the collective can lock it in.
Progressive utopians project their sense of fragility onto all material things. Fuel, water and even the atmosphere are all on the verge of running out. Everything must be safeguarded, counted and put in a locked box where qualified personnel will only distribute it at need. And that includes any and all human activities which might cause the warming of the planet.
Socially they are just as bad. Not only is wealth finite (except when they're spending it) but so is everything from education to employment.
The left doesn't think in terms of making more, but of redistributing what is available. Its goal is a static society in which everything is "fair", rather than a rapidly progressing society society that is unfairly distributed, but that focuses on creating, rather than sharing, and produces more for all.
Progressives equate progress to redistribution. They view the planet and every microcosmic society within it as a lifeboat with a finite amount of supplies to pass around for survival's sake. Their idea of progress is achieved when the redistribution achieves their ideal of fairness and no further bouts of redistribution are needed. Since that day will never come, utopia becomes an economic police state.
The progressive idea of progress is a sack race with a hundred feet in one sack. Progress must be communal. It must meet the needs of all stakeholders. It must comply with every detail of the plan. And so it is no wonder that we hardly build big things anymore or dream great dreams. Vision is individual and it's deeply disruptive. It changes the way that everyone lives.
Visions lead to utopias, but once utopia is achieved, there is no more room for vision. Visions, like viruses, are competitive creatures. When a Vision achieves a static order by killing all other visions, then vision dies, but that Vision remains with its dead hand on the wheel of history.
The vision of the left is a dead utopia, a tradition of weirdness and a hoarder's obsession with storing everything from the economy to the atmosphere in one lockbox before the sky falls. The utopian is really a cynic, certain that individualism will unleash everyone's worst impulses, and offering instead the iron order of his vision.
Utopia believes the worst of everyone and everything. It fears its own mortality and scents the taste of death on everything. It is convinced that the sky will fall, that everyone will starve and that the utter undoing of humanity is only a land use resolution or unrecycled plastic bottle away.
Progressives lock everyone into their narrow regimented and regulated idea of progress because they distrust people and they even distrust the universe. They are children certain that everything they love is about to be taken away from them and closet fascists obsessed with their moment of heroism when they rush out of the phone booth, biodegradable cape blowing in the wind, and save humanity from itself through a benevolent police state that extends into absolutely every area of human activity.
There is no progress in progressivism. There is instead a deep fear of progress. Utopians fear the unregulated and unplanned and they replace the true expansive progress of the human spirit with the false progress of social controls. Human genius is sold on the block in exchange for bureaucracy.
Progressives view every element of the world, from the grand vistas of oceans and skies to the minute intersections of human society as too fragile and limited for unregulated progress. Under their rule, progress in this country, once its secular faith, has slowed to a crawl outside of a few select industries that are able to move faster than the speed of progressive regulations.
The only way to resume progress is to fight the progressive movement.
he is said to dwell in the castle of Kronborg, his beard grown down to the floor, and to sleep there until some date when Denmark is in mortal danger, at which time he will rise up and deliver the nation
Showing posts with label Progressives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Progressives. Show all posts
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Progressives Without Progress
From Family Security Matters.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
We Are Those Who Stand for the Day
From Family Security Matters.
We Are Those Who Stand for the Day
We face two conflicts in the present day and against the present day. Both conflicts are being fought against ideologies dislocated in time, longing urgently for the past and the future.
Islamism is a reactionary ideology preaching a perfect world to be gained by stepping back to the 7th Century origins of its founding and seeks to recreate it by enslaving women and non-Muslims, making Mohammed's false treaties with Christians and Jews, this time no longer in Arabia, but around the world, and then subjugating them to usher in an age of perfect peace.
Progressivism looks for its utopias not in the splendors of the past, but in the wonders of the future, its fanaticism fueled by the wonders of the emerging technologies of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries fused with the delusion that these material technologies could be matched by social technologies of equal depth and effectiveness, bringing forth both a technocratic utopia of physical technology and social technology.
Utopianism is a matter of faith and perspective. One man's utopia is another man's nightmare. And like many matters of faith, those who cannot be convinced must often be compelled.
The Utopianist is dislocated, feels born out of his proper age and fervently at odds with the tenor of the time.
For the Muslim, this is a matter of pure culture, for Islamic civilizations were left behind in the great rush of forward momentum experienced by Western civilization within the past centuries. The modern world is a Western creature and though it boasts many comforts and achievements, the Muslims who inhabit it can never feel fully at home in it. Unable to dream of a great future, they dream instead of a wonderful past that will sweep away the alien complexities that they could rarely learn to live without, and replace it with the purity of the desert and the simplicity of the sword.
For the Westerner, the dislocation is also cultural, it is the clash between the mechanical accomplishments of the civilization that he lives in and the decay of the spiritual and aesthetic values of its culture. The artist and the sculptor despaired of matching the engineer in the last century. The cleric feels a trembling in his bones when he sees the visions spun by theoretical physicists. Rather than exceeding themselves, the bearers of the cultural traditions of the West have often chosen to diminish themselves, fleeing into ugliness and unbelief, defacing and distorting the traditions they bear, rather than rising to face the challenge of their civilization's material accomplishments and subsuming their fears of inadequacy in the expansion of their heritage's possibilities.
The sensitive soul of the middle class child bemoans the industrial revolution without realizing that the only reason that there is a middle class and that he isn't toiling in the fields and she isn't at the mercy of any passing knight is the very materialistic technological revolution that the sensitive soul bemoans. For centuries, the dislocated Westerner has physically or philosophically attempted to retreat to a pastoral Eden, to the garden and the field tended by the Noble Savage, erecting complex theories to promote a new simplicity.
The dislocated Westerner finds in the form of the Noble Savage, a fellow dissatisfied soul rebelling against the constraints of civilization, and discovers too late the cost of savagery and the alternative to the new world of freedom that Newton's Apple and the slide rule, and its rude children, the factory and the company have made. The Muslim is the latest in a long line of noble savages, fellow travelers on the road to a terrible Utopia that only one of them shall ever see.
Trying to synthesize a cocktail of the spiritual simplicity of the imagined past and the social technologies of the future, the dislocated Westerner invariably creates totalitarian horrors, monstrous bureaucracies and secret police forces who guard the efficacy of his philosophies, so that rather than escaping the factory, the life of men toiling in his utopias become the factory, slaving over flawed mechanisms of ideas, living as cogs in a broken machine that grinds up men and feeds their bodies to its own fallacies.
In this too the Muslim is his equal, resolving the contradiction between the comforts of the present and the purity of the past through an endless war whose irresolvable nature allows him to stand for the past while enjoying the comforts of the present.
The past was never pure and neither are those who long for it. It was always as flawed and marked by its mistakes as the present. And the future is no more pure than the present, it only appears pure because like a blank page, it is as yet unmarked by the disappointments and the crimes that have become a part of every era of existing history. Time cannot be rolled forward or backward at any pace but other than its own, its crimes and mistakes cannot be erased, only added to. The only better world that we can make is the one that we are making every day, not by tearing the world apart to form a new world, but by the laborious task of building up and holding up the world of the present day against its pressures and stresses.
In this task we are confronted by terrible forces, striving to tear apart our world, our civilization and our way of life, for the utopias of the past and the future, and against them we stand, the ordinary men and women of the present, not the children of the dawn or the night, but the happy offspring of the day who do not look to the sunrise or the sunset, but embrace the possibilities of the present.
We are the true moderates for we stand at the middle ground of the present day, respectful of the past and optimistic of the future, but refusing to sacrifice all we have in a mad dash for making another world.
The utopian is a fanatic, who at every opportunity informs us that he would rather die than go on living in this world, who makes a fetish of his revolutionary martyrdom, making his unreason into his crowning virtue. Like a stubborn child, he believes that his destructiveness and self-destructiveness will convince us to submit, when in actuality it convinces us only of the necessity to resist. He hoards his unhappiness and resists the world by making plans of how the world should be so as to make us as unhappy as him.
As the world trembles and civilization appears to be slipping away, as the sun darkens and the clouds throw back its sullen glare, the utopianists of both breeds and creeds have descended to bring on their terrible past or equally terrible future, tearing apart nations and civilizations, destroying knowledge and learning, killing in great number and deluding in equal number, for the fulfillment of their fanatical cause.
And against all this, stand we, the men and women of the day who refuse to cede our lives, our liberties and our nations to their mad dreams and madder schemes. We refuse to be subjugated, oppressed and terrorized. We refuse to accept their creeds, their tortured logics and their terror networks as proof of their inevitability. And above all else, we refuse to concede that their battle is won and the day is done. We refuse to concede our pasts to those who scheme for the future and our future to those who scream for the past.
Our ground is the earth under our feet, the hard soil of the present day and its harder won accomplishments extracted by sweat and toil, by genius and tremendous accomplishment from the obdurate obstacles that have stood in the way of our forefathers and foremothers, of those who have labored for all the achievements of the present.
Theorists theorize of the titanic conflicts that sweep the world and fill volumes with their categorizing of class wars and racial wars, of conflicts cutting across and through various lines and forms, and yet the most elemental conflict is the one between those who want to keep the world as it is and those who are driven to change and destroy it.
This fanatical impulse for which they will die and kill is not driven by necessity, for who in truth has prevented the Muslim from going into the desert to hoard his wives like his camels and to stone one another to death over trivial offenses.
The Muslim who truly wishes to live this way need travel only as far as the nearest Bedouin village, convert his capital into commodities and beg for admittance. But the most devout of the terrorists never even consider this option. It is not so much that they wish to live in a cave, as they wish to force us to live in caves. Like all murderous utopianists, they only imagine that they are builders, when they are actually destroyers. What truly drives them is not a wish to live in the 7th Century way but the power to foreclose any other alternative in a theological feudalism that will destroy all other ways of living, while allowing them to live comfortably in villas, while they preach the destruction of the world.
And the Western sensitive soul can go back to the land any time he chooses. There are no shortage of plots of land looking for cultivators and if the Amish can go back to the horse and plow, there is no reason that he could not do likewise. And if it is the future he seeks, there is no stopping him from setting up any social system backed by any philosophy he chooses, so long as it does not involve the active abuse of small children. But such experimenters inevitably burn out and go back to their plans for forcing us to live in a way that they themselves have no desire to.
We have taken nothing from them, as they incessantly claim, but they plot, struggle and strive to take everything from us, not least of all things, the right to maintain our stand in the present, rather than be driven into the dark nightmares of their pasts and futures.
Now is the twilight of our era, we stand at the uncertain point between night and day, between the life of our world and its death. While those around us struggle to bring about a perfect world, chanting their slogans and sitting on their committees, blowing up their bombs and screaming in their cities, we fight to hold on to the present. We stand against the fall of night and maintain the day.
We are ordinary people and our mission is a simple one. We are the preservers of the present. Our task is to stand against the destroyers, the dislocated in mind and body, drawing up their plans for mutant civilizations, their distorted visions of the past and future set in ideological dogmas, for the plain and simple things of the present. While they seek to take away our nations, our beliefs and our children away from us, we fight to preserve them and to keep our world with us.
We have no grand schemes or manifestos, no glorious visions of caliphates and socialist republics, our vision is of our homes and our stores, our families and our friends, the communities that we have built and the small things that we have done every day of our lives for the sake of all these things. These small things, the little uncounted freedoms and the self-chosen responsibilities are our manifestos, they are our battle cries and they are what we fight for. They are our world and we hold them now in the light of day against the destroyers who would bring against us the fall of night.
Friday, March 11, 2011
What Happens When Progressives Don't Get Their Way?
If there is one thing that the drama in Madison, Wisconsin has shown the entire country and actually, the whole world, is this - that American Progressives, when they do not get their way turn to the most natural reaction there is to them...tantrums. Look at the actions of the Wisconsin state senators who fled the state and tell me that is not the reaction you would expect from seven year old children.
This article at Family Security Matters details all of the bad behavior by the country's Left - from threats of government shutdown to threats of killing members of the GOP. Let's put it this way, when a Democrat Congresswoman gets shot, the Left implores all of us on the Right to curtail our rhetoric and vitriol, but when a bill passes in Wisconsin that the Left doesn't agree with, it's okay for them to threaten the lives of the GOP politicians in that state.
Look at this from the article:
WEAU-TV, NBC’s affiliate in Eau Claire, WI, has published an email attained by Wisconsin radio station Newsradio 620 WTMJ-AM. I am leaving the spelling and grammatical errors in the email as they presented:
“Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.
“WE want to make this perfectly clear. Because of your actions today and in the past couple of weeks I and the group of people that are working with me have decided that we've had enough. We feel that you and the people that support the dictator have to die. We have tried many other ways of dealing with your corruption but you have taken things too far and we will not stand for it any longer. So, this is how it's going to happen: I as well as many others know where you and your family live, it's a matter of public records.
“We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head. However, we decided that we wouldn't leave it there. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the message to you since you are so "high" on Koch and have decided that you are now going to single handedly make this a dictatorship instead of a demorcratic process. So we have also built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent. This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won't tell you all of them because that's just no fun. Since we know that you are not smart enough to figure out why this is happening to you we have decided to make it perfectly clear to you. If you and your goonies feel that it's necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families and themselves then We Will "get rid of" (in which I mean kill) you. Please understand that this does not include the heroic Rep. Senator that risked everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do. We feel that it's worth our lives to do this, because we would be saving the lives of 300,000 people. Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and say goodbye to your loved ones we will not wait any longer. YOU WILL DIE!!!!”
It would seem that whoever wrote this letter – along with “the group of people” that are working with the individual – didn’t hear or didn’t understand Pres. Obama’s Arizona speech, you know, the one where he said we needed civility in our political discourse.
I ask you, where is the speech from President Obama calling for calm in the wake of the Wisconsin vote? Where is the unity of Democrat leadership hitting the airwaves for the people of the Left to rein in their harsh words and threats? Why hasn't anyone on the Left lamblasted Michael Moore for calling all of this a war?
I think we have all seen parents who are at the end of their rope in dealing with unruly children - I'm not talking about the scenario where the kids act up all night at, I'm talking about parents who deal with it every day and have tried everything from time outs to banishment to a room to counseling and yet the kids still are out of control. Well, that is what it is like to live in America as a conservative right now. We live next door to, we work in the next cubicle to and we share the freeways with spoiled bratty children of the Left who unfortunately wear suits, own businesses and worse than anything, vote.
The outlook in America is not good because the Left is in store for many, many letdowns in the next several years. Wisconsin has been just the first appetizer. And I make this prediction - there will be significant violence before this is all done and said. Did you actually think America wasn't infested with the same Progressives that Greece is?
Government Shutdowns and Death Threats...Bring It On
Maybe you’ve heard this one. What do you get when fourteen Democrat Senators go AWOL from their jobs in Wisconsin? You get fiscal responsibility, the tools to balance an out-of-control budget and a boatload of evidence that the Progressive Left is prone to violence and thuggery over process. Thank you very much and goodnight. Be sure to tip your waiters, waitresses and bartenders on the way out. You’ve been great.
Seriously, does anyone else find it abhorrently hypocritical for Progressives and Democrats to proclaim an abdication of process in the Republican’s out-maneuvering of them on the issue of limiting – not eliminating – collective bargaining rights for public-sector union employees, especially when their own national leadership just jammed Obamacare down our throats? Wasn’t “deem-and-pass” an abdication of “the process?” Weren’t behind closed door meetings used to craft Obamacare; meetings where Republicans were excluded in total, an abdication of “the process?” Wasn’t the democratic “process” abandoned when lawmakers were given a 2,700 page piece of legislation and less than 72 hours to absorb its content?
Spare me the tears about “abandoning the process”...and if you’re a Wisconsin Democrat and a State Senator, dry your eyes in Illinois. Elections, as the Obama Democrats have espoused, have consequences. Remember Mr. Obama’s “I won” and “You can ride with us if you want, but you’ve got to sit in the backseat” comments?
One thing that is abundantly clear through the recent Progressive onslaught in government is this: If Progressives don’t get their way, if they aren’t allowed special privilege in the process, if their cronies and benefactors aren’t positioned to get rich off of the taxpayers so they can fill their political coffers, they cry about “the process”; the “evil that has befallen the democratic process.” They can disenfranchise their minority constituents, usurp and waive established rules in governmental chambers and falsely demonize anyone who doesn’t tow their line of thinking and that’s just politics; their version of the “democratic process.” But confront them with the US Constitution – or a state constitution, for that matter – and hold them to the rules as they are established; demand that they take their elected seats and honestly debate the issues, and we get the waa-waa-waa that is Harry Reid bemoaning a threat to a Nevada cowboy poetry jamboree, Nancy Pelosi tearfully recalling “the violence” in 1970s San Francisco and now, death threats for Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin for their audacity to hold true to their campaign promises of executing fiscal responsibility in a bankrupt state.
WEAU-TV, NBC’s affiliate in Eau Claire, WI, has published an email attained by Wisconsin radio station Newsradio 620 WTMJ-AM. I am leaving the spelling and grammatical errors in the email as they presented:
“Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.
“WE want to make this perfectly clear. Because of your actions today and in the past couple of weeks I and the group of people that are working with me have decided that we've had enough. We feel that you and the people that support the dictator have to die. We have tried many other ways of dealing with your corruption but you have taken things too far and we will not stand for it any longer. So, this is how it's going to happen: I as well as many others know where you and your family live, it's a matter of public records.
“We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head. However, we decided that we wouldn't leave it there. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the message to you since you are so "high" on Koch and have decided that you are now going to single handedly make this a dictatorship instead of a demorcratic process. So we have also built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent. This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won't tell you all of them because that's just no fun. Since we know that you are not smart enough to figure out why this is happening to you we have decided to make it perfectly clear to you. If you and your goonies feel that it's necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families and themselves then We Will "get rid of" (in which I mean kill) you. Please understand that this does not include the heroic Rep. Senator that risked everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do. We feel that it's worth our lives to do this, because we would be saving the lives of 300,000 people. Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and say goodbye to your loved ones we will not wait any longer. YOU WILL DIE!!!!”
It would seem that whoever wrote this letter – along with “the group of people” that are working with the individual – didn’t hear or didn’t understand Pres. Obama’s Arizona speech, you know, the one where he said we needed civility in our political discourse.
And as Progressive and union activists, unwashed and belligerent as they are, continue to trash the Wisconsin State Capitol Building, even as Wisconsin State Troopers remove them from the grounds so that the people elected to office by the whole of the Wisconsin electorate can do their jobs, Progressive Democrats in Washington DC are threatening to “shut the government down.” Oh, they are doing everything in their power to blame it on the Republicans in Congress, but, once again, all the congressional Republicans, Conservatives and Libertarians are doing is being faithful to the voters in the last election – the whole of the voters in the last election – who demanded fiscal responsibility so that we, as a nation, don’t leave the next generation destitute...broke...bankrupt.
It has been reported that the “government shutdown” being threatened by congressional Democrats isn’t really a complete shutdown. The Associated Press reported that:
Social Security checks would still go out. Troops would remain at their posts. Furloughed federal workers probably would get paid, though not until later. And virtually every essential government agency, like the FBI, the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard, would remain open.
The key word here is “essential.” As envisioned by our Framers, the federal government was only supposed to be about “essential services.” It wasn’t supposed to be about an out-of-control, all-encompassing bureaucracy encroaching into every avenue of our lives. For that matter, state government wasn’t meant to exist at a level that caused any undo financial hardship on the populace but for the “essential services.” The dream of America – or the American Dream (and no, not Van Jones’ Progressive “American Dream”) – was about opportunity and equal justice – not social justice – for all. When government hinders those constitutionally guaranteed rights, government has crossed the line; become too big, too powerful.
I for one welcome a “shutdown” of the federal government. I know this sounds anarchic, but hear me out.
First, if the government is “shutdown,” as it were, spending would be dramatically decreased; at least excessive spending would be decreased.
But more importantly – and understanding that the “essential services” would continue to function – it would seem to me that, should one of the GAO bean-counters chronicle which services were mandated as non-essential, we would have a workable blueprint from which to make budget cuts and downsize federal government. Yes, it would have to be tweaked but if all of the “essential services” were still to be running, and American government by definition was designed to be limited to “essential services,” well...
There is one more thing to note about the inanity of the Progressive Left, their bullying tactics and their propaganda. Do you recall all of the fear-mongering that the Progressive Left stoked-up about the Tea Party, you know, the “gun-toting,” “militia,” “domestic terrorist,” “prone to violence” rhetoric? If they truly believed that, if it were really true, would they be levying death threats to a group they believed to be so violent and so well armed? Doubtful.
Truth be told – and history bears this out as fact, Marxists, the parent ideology of the Progressive Movement, have always advanced their cause through violence in the end. Germany. Russia. Wisconsin. Look it up.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Childish Version of Chess Played By the Liberals
Imagine a game of chess being played between a mature adult and a 9 year old with ADD. That is a bit of the angle that this story at Family Security Matters takes in discussing the approach that Liberals take when confronting Conservatives on the issues of today.
Yesterday, I happened to catch part of the radio broadcast of Sean Hannity and he had Congressman Anthony Weiner on his show. I don't know if I've really ever heard anything quite like that exchange - it was LITERALLY as if Sean Hannity had a seven year old boy on his show. This wasn't an adult man talking about the next political year...this was Anthony Weiner throwing a tantrum, acting up in as snarky a way as he could. I swear, I was almost embarrassed for Hannity for having to deal with the situation. At one point in the interview, Weiner explained that he would vote with the Republicans on not raising the debt ceiling and his reasoning was an absolutely childish retort that the Right had won and he would be sure to help them because they certainly have the right ideas - it dripped with sarcasm and sour grapes - the only thing I can liken it to is when you inform your seven year old kid that he HAS to go along to Grandma's house this weekend and NOT go to a snowboarding trip with his friends - there's a combination of defiance and pouting and snark.
I've had it with interacting with the Left and one part of the article that I thing is absolutely spot on is this:
Liberals pretend to respect and value their pawns but, more often than not, they use and perceive those pawns as mere ends to a means, tools for a task, marketing dummies for a store front, or collateral damage to a greater cause which just happens to be their cause of the week. African-Americans, Latinos, women, pets, trees, children, the physically challenged, the poor, natural disaster survivors, war civilians, and those who enter this country illegally have all been and will continue to be used by liberals as their pet pawns of the week or month to further their own selfish agenda. Like logs to a fire, these pieces are only valued for how they can be used to further the larger liberal plan, typically with no concern for their own individual welfare.
There is a recent interview by Cenk Uygur who I believe was filling in on MSNBC of a gentleman from the conservative gay group "Go Pride." In that interview, Uygur attacks the gay man for being "crazy" enough to support Republicans who obviously hate gays (in the terms of the interviewer). In that exchange and interview, we see the childish chess game played by this Leftist journalist - he uses the gay community as a log to a fire as the article refers above...I mean, seriously, here we have a muslim journalist laying into conservatives for the treatment of gays - a muslim, who's very "religion" condones the execution of gays.
Let me end with this - have you ever noticed how a Liberal will NEVER answer a question? Try it out sometime. When you run into an argument with a Liberal, simply start peppering him or her with questions...perhaps one like "why is it that Liberals never do anything to reduce the deficit in this country?" What you will get back will be either them asking YOU a question, like "Wasn't it the Republicans who increased the deficit under Reagan and Bush?" or you will get a snarky laugh and then a comment like "Go google the Reagan deficit." You will NOT get an answer. You'll never get any answer.
Liberals Have Their Own Version of Chess
Nearly four decades ago, I was introduced to the game of chess by my sixth grade teacher. He wanted to hold a class chess tournament and, as an afterthought, offered to teach chess to those poor, deprived souls who thought that chess was a more sophisticated version of checkers. I was one of those poor slobs, but I was hungry to learn the game. There was a two week gap between the end of the chess lessons and the tournament, and our teacher encouraged those of us who had just learned how to play to enter the tournament. He reasoned that locking horns with experienced players would accelerate our development from pure novices to bruised novices. After all, who in their right mind would expect someone who had just learned how to play to make any noise in a chess tournament?
Well, I managed to shock a few overconfident players on my way to the final match, where I played to a draw before a crowded room of onlookers and then, in an anticlimactic rematch, lost before five students and Harold the gerbil, our class mascot. I had chess fever in those days, playing friends and family at least 10 times a week and getting decent at the game. Eventually, life got in the way of chess time, and I now play sporadically and, sad to say, often haphazardly, to much less impressive results.
Despite my recent disloyalty to this fascinating game, I am still fascinated by the nuances, strategy, and life lessons it instills. This beautiful game teaches us to be patient, plan our moves a few steps ahead of the present, be willing to work hard, be realistic, take responsibility for our moves, learn and apply the rules of the game effectively, think of the greater good, maintain tradition and history, learn from our mistakes, accurately assess and measure our opponents, and respect the value and power of all pieces, whether they be a pawn or a King. It occurs to me that true conservatism teaches us these very same values.
Looking the Left, however, we see a different version of chess which is based on vastly different values and motives. For all of its hype and bluster, Liberalism is steeped in impatience, the here and now, finding the easy way, delusion and fanciful thinking, excuses and pointing fingers at others, cheating and bending the rules, selfishness, mocking tradition and history, ignoring mistakes and not letting the truth get in the way of propaganda, demonizing and destroying opponents, and giving value to pieces based on what they can do instead of their own unique, inherent qualities.
One only need look at the way the Left rushes forth half-baked, poorly defined, selfishly motivated legislation such as the Dream Act and the Fair Use Doctrine. These people slap together a few social good mantras, prop up a handful of weeping families with tearful tales, wave a few signs displaying clever accusations and supposedly profound insights, add a few violins and pathetic strips of patriotism, and expect the sea to divide, mountains to spread, and the populace to either bow at their feet or roll over and play stupid. Typically, the Left’s definition of strategy is to run over, mock, demonize, terrorize and/or ignore the opposition, which is proclaimed to be and painted by their pet media as ignorant, intolerant, stupid, and/or dangerous.
The Left’s impatience is most probably born from the fact that even they realize that their ideas, insights, and pet agendas have the shelf life of vanilla ice cream under a hot July sun. They cannot plan a few moves ahead because they either do not care what is around the bend or figure that the car wreck they will eventually cause is not something they want to foresee. One does not push myopia while offering glasses, telescopes, or microscopes. Likewise, being realistic and taking responsibility is not how the Left rolls. Theirs is a world of illusions, delusions, excuses, and pointing fingers which, consistent with the Left’s genetic makeup, are incapable of pointing inward. In addition, liberals treat history and tradition like annoying, vile weeds to be pulled from the ground and flipped into the trash bin. Rules, unselfishness, mistakes, and the truth are all similarly annoying thorns in the Left’s side which more often than not get in the way of their agenda, mission, crusade, and fanciful march toward the kind of society they envision while admiring images of Marx or Bill Clinton. Lastly, Liberals often believe in the motto that if someone is not on their side, that someone must be an idiot, hick, religious fanatic, intolerant moron, or any combination of the above. Any valid voice or reasoned disagreement is often drowned by the constant drone of patronizing mockery or smug accusation.
Liberals pretend to respect and value their pawns but, more often than not, they use and perceive those pawns as mere ends to a means, tools for a task, marketing dummies for a store front, or collateral damage to a greater cause which just happens to be their cause of the week. African-Americans, Latinos, women, pets, trees, children, the physically challenged, the poor, natural disaster survivors, war civilians, and those who enter this country illegally have all been and will continue to be used by liberals as their pet pawns of the week or month to further their own selfish agenda. Like logs to a fire, these pieces are only valued for how they can be used to further the larger liberal plan, typically with no concern for their own individual welfare.
Liberals play a different form of chess in our society. It is based on bullying, mocking, patronizing, manipulating, and demonizing others and pretending, excusing, and ignoring away reality and the truth. Rules are either twisted, bent, ignored, or created to serve the greater agenda, and those who break the rules are glorified, coddled, and served. Welcome to the Left’s version of chess, where rules are decorations, people are pieces to manipulate, and the only things that apparently matter are personal comfort, finding shortcuts, and playing the victim. For the sake of our children and our country, we need to take the chess board away from these toddlers before they checkmate our future.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Celebration of Class Warfare
By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle
On October 2, 2010 so-called Labor Leaders, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Code Pink, and otherMoonbat Idiots Members of the far-left gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to condemn the United States, Glen Beck, The Tea Party, and the people who attended and supported the Restoring Honor event with the One Nation Rally.
I was not at either event but Robert Ringer was. These are his observations on the October 2nd rally:
On November 2nd the people will tell the leftist elites a loud message.
On October 2, 2010 so-called Labor Leaders, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Code Pink, and other
I was not at either event but Robert Ringer was. These are his observations on the October 2nd rally:
The weather was perfect — 72 degrees and sunny — for the "One Nation Working Together" rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Oct. 2. I was determined to go with an open mind because I wanted to try to understand what would motivate someone to attend an event sponsored by unions and self-proclaimed socialist and communist groups.Although many news agencies and networks claim that the picture below is of the 10/2 rally, in reality it is of the 8/28 rally. The left is losing on all fronts and can only produce lies to feed the people.
The first time I heard about the rally the thought crossed my mind how embarrassing it was that union bosses and their counterparts in a wide variety of extremist, left-wing organizations would put on an event to counter one sponsored by a television commentator, Glenn Beck. It was like a third-grader trying to one-up a popular rival on the playground.
Of course, the organizers would now deny they were responding to Beck’s 8/28 Restoring Honor event, but that in itself would be embarrassing given that they’ve been talking about it being their answer to his hugely successful rally since they first came up with the idea. On Saturday, I only heard bits and pieces of a few speeches, but at least one of the speakers shouted, "Somebody tell Glenn Beck there are more people here than at his event."
The rally started at noon and, as planned, I arrived in Washington just before 2:00 p.m. As I entered D.C. from the Virginia side, the first thing I noticed was that people were walking away from the rally site in droves. Not a good sign for an event that was scheduled to last until 4:00 p.m.
As I stopped at the first light after coming across the Teddy Roosevelt Bridge, I glanced to my left and was surprised to see a number of vacant parking spaces on 23rd Street — something unheard of in a city where you can drive around for an hour in search of a parking spot. I did a quick left onto 23rd and promptly backed into one of the available spaces.
My wife and I then started walking toward the Lincoln Memorial, an easy trek compared to the exhausting walk we had endured for the 8/28 Restoring Honor rally when the closest parking we could find was at the Willard Hotel on 14th Street. As we walked toward the Lincoln Memorial, people wearing T-shirts emblazoned with logos and wording in keeping with the theme of the rally continued streaming by us in the opposite direction.
On arriving at the site the first thing I did was try to estimate the crowd size, which I’ve become pretty adept at. This particular case, however, was unusually difficult because of the nonstop flow of people leaving the event early. At any given time, however, I estimated that the density of the crowd ranged from one-fifth to one-tenth that of the Restoring Honor gathering.
At the Beck rally it was strictly shoulder-to-shoulder, virtually impossible to walk in most places. That crowd was no less than 500,000 — and perhaps as high as 750,000. But one of the many differences with the 8/28 event was that virtually everyone stayed until the rally was officially over. They were there by choice.
To be as fair as possible, I generously factored in the large number of people who had departed two hours or more before I arrived at the One Nation rally and came up with a crowd estimate of between 75,000 to 150,000 — far more than the 30,000 to 50,000 I had guessed might show up. Clearly, I had underestimated the power of union bosses handing down mandates to their rank and file to attend.
But to me the crowd size didn’t really matter, because they were two totally different events. Beck is just one individual — a radio and television personality — who produced a rally (primarily using his own money) with a theme of restoring honor to America and to honor fallen U.S. soldiers. By contrast, the 10/2 event was a political rally sponsored by a wide array of well-funded, far-left organizations.
The big question is not who had the largest crowd; that wasn’t even close. The more important question is why rally organizers like Al Sharpton would be so focused on trying to show the public they could outdraw a media personality.
To the crowd’s credit, though the signs and rhetoric were brazenly anti-freedom and anti-free market, people were generally well behaved, though clearly lacking in enthusiasm. To their discredit, however, trash was everywhere, which I have found to be a trademark of those on the left — especially the environmental crowd.
Again, by contrast, it was hard to find any trash on the ground at Beck’s 8/28 event. There are many conjectures I could draw from this observation, but due to space limitations, I’ll leave that psychological endeavor up to you.
Tabloid-size "newspapers" were all over the place. One was called The Militant, which featured the headline: "Public education is a birth right, not a corporate profit."
Another one, Challenge: The Revolutionary Communist Newspaper of Progressive Labor Party, sported a logo that read "Fight for Communism." Mind you, this was a rally called "One Nation Working Together" — in the capital city of the United States of America!
Then there were the signs:
* "Wages that are rightfully ours."* "We demand $$$ for jobs and education."* "The American Dream promises a free education."* "Black Is Back."* "Capitalism is failing. Socialism is the answer."
At one of the many tables where books were being sold I wrote down such titles as Bolshevism, What Is Marxism, The Communist Manifesto, Four Marxist Classics and Black Liberation and Socialism. Quite an array of reading material for an event titled "One Nation Working Together."
Then there were the pamphlets, with such patriotic verbiage as:
* "Fight for a Two-Year National Moratorium to Halt All Foreclosures and Evictions."* "Jobs for All! Public-Works Program Now!"* "Make the bosses pay for their crisis!"
I could fill a book with what I saw at the rally, but to me the bottom line is this: The Oct. 2 "One Nation Working Together" event was simply a celebration of that age-old disease, class warfare. Unwittingly, the hate peddlers who promoted it provided a public-service by letting us know they are still out there, alive and well. And they are poised and ready to bring down the American way of life — especially freedom and the free-market system.
As I walked back up 23rd Street after my short stay at the rally, the little security guard inside my brain whispered to me, "This was a reminder that America is irrevocably split into those who want to put a stop to the government’s policy of redistributing wealth and those who demand that the government use force to give them even more of other people’s wealth.
The latter group (which I estimate at nearly one-third of the current U.S. population) is fully prepared to sell their souls to a totalitarian regime in exchange for the "stuff" they think they deserve. I’m not sure how they define deserve, but it matters not. What does matter, sadly, is that they are nothing more than pawns in a power game that has existed probably since the Neolithic Age.
These pawns have long been referred to — by everyone from George Orwell to Alvin Toffler to Saul Alinsky — as the Have-Nots. This is what the "One Nation Working Together" rally was all about, nothing more and nothing less. It’s an old theme that will continue to be with us until the last breath of humankind has been extinguished.
And the truth that many people do not want to believe is that there is no solution to the problem. The only hope is containment. Right now, a majority of Americans are poised to push back and try to contain the radical left from bringing down the curtain on capitalism and individual sovereignty. But no matter what happens on Nov. 2, no one should be deluded into believing the war is over. The war will never be over.
Start preparing your mind now for what’s coming after Nov. 2, and teach your children what Ronald Reagan said back in 1964:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."After what I saw and heard in D.C. on Oct. 2, I can vouch for the Dutchman’s words.
On November 2nd the people will tell the leftist elites a loud message.
Code Pink,
Labor Leaders,
One Nation Rally,
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