Hey, Kids! Comics from 50 Years Ago!
April 28 & 30, May 1, 1970
Groovy Age Splash Page of the Week
Groovy Age Spotlight On: Alex Niño
"Search for a Werewolf" Written by George KashdanHappy 80th Birthday to Alex Niño! As long-time citizens of Groove City know, Alex is one of Ol' Groove's most favoritest artists ever! he's still trucking along, posting "how-to-do-it" videos on FaceBook, making it look so easy--and stunning--as he still produces masterpiece after masterpiece! Of course, this being DotGK, we're going way back to Weird Mystery Tales #13 (May 1974) to dig on a short shocker Mr. Niño laid upon us--one with his unique take on another of Ol' Groove's favorite things--a werewolf! Have a howlingly awesome birthday, Mr. N!!