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Drinking is Different! Examining the Role of Locus of Control for Alcohol Consumption. (2020). Hennecke, Juliane ; Caliendo, Marco.
In: CEPA Discussion Papers.

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  1. .

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  2. Performance pay and alcohol use in Germany. (2022). Jirjahn, Uwe ; Heywood, John S ; Baktash, Mehrzad B.
    In: Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society.

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  3. Performance Pay and Alcohol Use in Germany. (2021). Heywood, John ; Jirjahn, Uwe ; Baktash, Mehrzad B.
    In: GLO Discussion Paper Series.

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  4. Performance Pay and Alcohol Use in Germany. (2021). Jirjahn, Uwe ; Heywood, John ; Baktash, Mehrzad B.
    In: Research Papers in Economics.

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  5. Childhood Adversity and Energy Poverty. (2021). tani, max ; Smyth, Russell ; Guo, Liwen ; Cheng, Zhiming.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  6. Performance Pay and Alcohol Use in Germany. (2021). Heywood, John ; Jirjahn, Uwe ; Baktash, Mehrzad B.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  7. Locus of control and energy poverty. (2021). Smyth, Russell ; Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi.
    In: Energy Economics.

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