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After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century. (2014). Malleson, Tom .
In: OUP Catalogue.

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  1. Measuring freedom: towards a solution to John Rawls’ indexing problem. (2022). Ferretti, Thomas.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  2. Resisting Colonization: Worker Cooperatives’ Conceptualization and Behaviour in a Habermasian Perspective. (2020). Oashea, Noreen ; Dufays, Frdric ; Nelson, Teresa ; Huybrechts, Benjamin.
    In: Work, Employment & Society.

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  4. Democratic Governance Mechanisms in Cooperative Banks: A Reassessment. (2019). Catturani, Ivana ; Goglio, Silvio ; Stefancic, Mitja .
    In: Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity.

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  5. A Deliberative Case for Democracy in Firms. (2018). Felicetti, Andrea.
    In: Journal of Business Ethics.

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  6. Renewable inequity? Womens employment in clean energy in industrialized, emerging and developing economies. (2017). Baruah, Bipasha.
    In: Natural Resources Forum.

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