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- Table 29: Structure of the Public-Use HSLS:09 Wave Base Year 1st Follow-up 2013 Update HS Transcripts 2nd Follow-up PS Transcripts + SR Calendar Year(s) 2009 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2013 (Summer) 2013-2014 2016 2015-2016 Academic Year (if enrolled) 1st year HS (Fall) 3rd year HS (Spring) Graduated HS Graduated HS 3rd year PS (Spring) Summer after 3rd year PS Questionnaire Student X X Parent X X Student/Parent X Sample Member X Counselor [1] X X Aministrator [2] X X Teacher [3] X Institution Attended X X 1 Lead counselor at student’s high school. 2 Administrator (principal) at student’s high school. 3 Math or science teacher at student’s high school.
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- Table 31: Educational attainment outcomes versus expectations Panel Sample Skill Sample obs Group obs % Persisted BA % Expect BA Over-optimism A Fall 2013 enrollees 1 2,356 155 48 76 29 2 659 71 80 9 3 1,542 83 93 10 B Ever enrolled 1 3,531 404 21 62 41 2 1,080 51 76 25 3 2,047 74 91 16 C Expect MA+ 1 1,356 57 44 100 56 2 310 70 100 30 3 989 83 100 17 D Parent expectations 1 1,021 62 38 76 38 2 277 71 92 21 3 682 81 94 13 Notes: Table 31 compares realized and expected bachelor’s degree attainment. Samples vary across panels. Weights are PETS-SR student records longitudinal weights. Source: HSLS:09.
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- Table 32: Grant aid by persistence status Panel A: dollar amounts Persistence status Group obs Total Need Merit Share of $ Did not persist 501 7,790 3,373 4,417 0.20 Persisted 1,855 9,889 4,463 5,427 0.80 Panel B: uptake rates Persistence status Group obs Either Need Merit Both Did not persist 501 0.78 0.18 0.32 0.29 Persisted 1,855 0.75 0.21 0.28 0.27 Notes: Table 32 reports grant aid by persistence status in the HSLS:09. Panel A gives dollar amounts and share of total grant dollars by persistence status; panel B gives the composition of grants received by persistence status, on average. Sample: students who enrolled in a four-year program in the fall of 2013. Weights are PETS-SR student records longitudinal weights. Source: HSLS:09.
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