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The empirical evidence against neoclassical utility theory: a review of the literature. (2012). Zaman, Asad ; Karacuka, Mehmet.
In: International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education.

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  1. Exploring the Effects of Consumption Expenditures on Life Satisfaction in China. (2023). Zhang, Hanwen ; Huang, Xiaoguang ; Li, Qian.
    In: Journal of Happiness Studies.

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  2. Why Herbert Simon Matters for Policymaking. (2021). Love, Patrick.
    In: Computational Economics.

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  3. Islamic Alternatives to the Secular Morality Embedded in Modern Economics ??????? ????????? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ?? ???????? ??????. (2021). Zaman, Asad.
    In: Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics.

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  4. Models and Reality: How Did Models Divorced from Reality Become Epistemologically Acceptable?. (2020). Zaman, Asad.
    In: International Econometric Review (IER).

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  5. New Directions in Macroeconomics. (2020). Zaman, Asad.
    In: International Econometric Review (IER).

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  6. Launching a Revolution, based on Islamic Foundations ????? ???? ?? ????????? ???? ??? ????? ?????????. (2019). Zaman, Asad.
    In: Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics.

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  7. The Methodology of Polanyis Great Transformation. (2016). Zaman, Asad.
    In: Economic Thought.

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  8. Markets and Society. (2016). Zaman, Asad.
    In: PIDE-Working Papers.

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  9. The Methodology of Polanyi’s Great Transformation. (2016). Zaman, Asad.
    In: PIDE-Working Papers.

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  10. Achieving Job Satisfaction through Spirituality: A Case Study of Muslim Employees. (2015). Hamdani, Nisar ; Awan, Ashar .
    In: EconStor Open Access Articles.

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  11. Do Employment Protection Reforms Affect Well-Being?. (2015). Drager, Vanessa .
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  12. Building Genuine Islamic Financial Institutions. (2014). Zaman, Asad.
    In: PIDE-Working Papers.

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  13. An Islamic Approach to Humanities مقاربة إسلامية للعلوم الإنسانية. (2014). Zaman, Asad.
    In: Articles published in the Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics..

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  124. Zaman, Asad and Ismail Saglam (2010) The Conflict between General Equilibrium and the Marshallian Cross. MPRA Paper No. 33256 Online at

  125. Zaman, Asad and Syed Kanwar Abbas (2005) "Efficiency Wage Hypothesis – the case of Pakistan." Pakistan Development Review, Vol 44 (4), pp., 1051-1066.


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  8. Labour Markets and Firm-Specific Capital in New Keynesian General Equilibrium Models. (2005). Thoenissen, Christoph ; Nolan, Charles.
    In: CDMA Working Paper Series.

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  9. Fairness and the labour market; A theoretical and empirical analysis of layoffs in Germany. (2005). Pfeifer, Christian.
    In: Hannover Economic Papers (HEP).

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  10. Can Wages Signal Kindness?. (2005). Kranich, Laurence ; Arbak, Emrah.
    In: Working Papers.

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  11. Corruption as Betrayal : Experimental Evidence on Corruption Under Delegation. (2005). Jacquemet, Nicolas.
    In: Working Papers.

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    In: Public Economics.

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  13. A Menu Of Minimum Wage Variables For Evaluating Wages and Employment Effects: Evidence From Brazil. (2004). Lemos, Sara.
    In: Labor and Demography.

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  14. Wages and Reciprocity in the Workplace. (2004). Serneels, Pieter ; Barr, Abigail.
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  15. Charitable Giving as a Gift Exchange: Evidence from a Field Experiment. (2004). Falk, Armin.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  16. Are Wage and Employment Effects Robust to Alternative Minimum Wage Variables?. (2004). Lemos, Sara.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  17. Wages, Length of Relationship and Bargaining Power: An experimental study in a world of complete contracts. (2004). Dittrich, Dennis.
    In: Papers on Strategic Interaction.

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  18. Charitable Giving as a Gift Exchange – Evidence from a Field Experiment (new title: Gift-Exchange in the Field). (2004). Falk, Armin.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  19. Fair Wages and Human Capital Accumulation in a Global Economy. (2004). Kreickemeier, Udo.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  20. Do Job Security Guarantees Work?. (2004). Lucifora, Claudio ; Cappellari, Lorenzo ; Bryson, Alex.
    In: CEP Discussion Papers.

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  21. Ethical altruism and redistribution: an experimental approach. (2003). Mittone, Luigi.
    In: CEEL Working Papers.

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  22. Relational Contracts and the Nature of Market Interactions. (2003). Fehr, Ernst ; Falk, Armin ; Brown, Martin.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  23. On the Hidden Costs of Incentive Schemes. (2003). Sliwka, Dirk.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  24. Endogenous Wage Rigidity. (2003). Bennmarker, Helge ; Agell, Jonas.
    In: Research Papers in Economics.

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  25. Why are Small Firms Different? Managers Views. (2003). Agell, Jonas.
    In: Research Papers in Economics.

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  26. Why are Small Firms Different? Managers’ Views. (2003). Agell, Jonas.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  27. Determinants of the use of financial incentives in investment banking. (2003). Nash, David .
    In: Working Papers.

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  28. Shirking the Issue? Efficiency wages, work discipline and full employment. (2002). Spencer, David A..
    In: Review of Political Economy.

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  29. Wage Policy and Endogenous Wage Rigidity: A Representative View from the Inside. (2002). Bennmarker, Helge ; Agell, Jonas.
    In: Research Papers in Economics.

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  30. Wage policy and endogenous wage rigidity: a representative view from the inside. (2002). Bennmarker, Helge ; Agell, Jonas.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  31. Bargaining Structure, Fairness and Efficiency. (2001). Rabin, Matthew.
    In: General Economics and Teaching.

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  32. Why Do Overtime Work, Overtime Compensation and the Distribution of Economic Well-Being Evidence for the West Germany and Great Britain. (2001). Wagner, Gert ; Pannenberg, Markus.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  33. Relative payoffs and happiness: An experimental study. (2000). Grosskopf, Brit ; Charness, Gary.
    In: Economics Working Papers.

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  34. Commodity Taxes, Wage Determination and Profits. (2000). Sanfey, Peter ; Delipalla, Sophia .
    In: Studies in Economics.

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  35. Gift Exchange and the Business Cycle: The Fair Wage Strikes Back. (2000). de la Croix, David ; Collard, Fabrice.
    In: Review of Economic Dynamics.

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  36. Wages, Supervision and Sharing. (2000). Sessions, John ; FAKHFAKH, Fathi ; Brown, Sarah.
    In: Discussion Papers in Public Sector Economics.

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  37. Employment Stability via Annualized Hours Contracts. (2000). Carstensen, Vivian.
    In: Hannover Economic Papers (HEP).

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  38. Investigating Rationality in Wage-Setting. (2000). Bhalotra, Sonia.
    In: Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers.

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  39. Relative Payoffs and Happiness: An Experimental Study. (2000). Grosskopf, Brit.
    In: Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers.

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  40. Trust Breeds Trust: How Taxpayers are Treated. (2000). Frey, Bruno ; Feld, Lars.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  41. Beschäftigungssicherung durch Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung. (1999). Carstensen, Vivian.
    In: Hannover Economic Papers (HEP).

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  42. Is the Efficiency Wage Hypothesis Valid for Developing Countries? Evidence from the Turkish Cement Industry. (1998). Saygili, Seref.
    In: Studies in Economics.

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  43. Bargaining Structure, Fairness and Efficiency.. (1997). Rabin, Matthew.
    In: Economics Working Papers.

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  44. Complementarity and Cost Reduction: Evidence from the Auto Supply Industry. (1997). Helper, Susan.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  45. Gift exchange and the business cycle: the fair wage strikes back. (1997). de la Croix, David ; Collard, Fabrice.
    In: Discussion Papers (IRES - Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales).

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  46. The effects of democratic determination of wages : theory and evidence from self-managed firms. (1992). Vodopivec, Milan.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  47. Charitable Giving as a Gift Exchange - Evidence from a Field Experiment. (). Falk, Armin.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  48. Corporate Governance for Crooks? The Case for Corporate Virtue. (). Frey, Bruno ; Osterloh, Margit.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  49. Contractual Incompleteness and the Nature of Market Interactions. (). Fehr, Ernst ; Falk, Armin ; Brown, Martin.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  50. Reputation and Reciprocity: Consequences for the Labour Relation. (). Gächter, Simon ; Falk, Armin.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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