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Land Certification and International Migration: Evidence from Mexico. (2010). Valsecchi, Michele.
In: Working Papers in Economics.

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  1. Forced off the farm? Farmers’ labor allocation response to land requisition in China. (2020). Mu, Ren ; Ma, Shuang.
    In: World Development.

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  2. Land titles and violent conflict in rural Mexico. (2020). Pfutze, Tobias ; Dower, Paul Castaeda.
    In: Journal of Development Economics.

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  3. Land tenure insecurity and rural-urban migration in rural China. (2016). Shi, Xiaoping ; Heerink, Nico ; Ierland, Ekko ; Ma, Xianlei .
    In: Papers in Regional Science.

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  4. Village political economy, land tenure insecurity, and the rural to urban migration decision : evidence from China. (2014). Mu, Ren ; Giles, John.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  5. Delinking Land Rights from Land Use: Certification and Migration in Mexico. (2014). Sadoulet, Elisabeth ; Gonzalez-Navarro, Marco ; de Janvry, Alain ; Emerick, Kyle ; Dejanvry, Alain .
    In: 2014 Meeting Papers.

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  6. Village Political Economy, Land Tenure Insecurity, and the Rural to Urban Migration Decision: Evidence from China. (2014). Mu, Ren ; Giles, John.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  7. Land property rights and international migration: Evidence from Mexico. (2014). Valsecchi, Michele.
    In: Journal of Development Economics.

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  8. Migration and Financial Constraints: Evidence from Mexico. (2013). Angelucci, Manuela.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  9. Rainfall Patterns and U.S. Migration from Rural Mexico. (2013). Riosmena, Fernando ; Murray, Sheena ; Hunter, Lori M..
    In: International Migration Review.

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  10. Certified to Migrate: Property Rights and Migration in Rural Mexico. (2012). Gonzalez-Navarro, Marco ; Sadoulet, Elisabeth ; Emerick, Kyle ; Dejanvry, Alain ; de Janvry, Alain.
    In: Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, UC Berkeley, Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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