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Field Experiments in Markets. (2016). list, john ; Al-Ubaydli, Omar.
In: Artefactual Field Experiments.

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  1. “Smarter information, smarter consumers”? Insights into the housing market. (2019). Lizieri, Colin ; Gong, Cynthia M.
    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  2. Information, Switching Costs, and Consumer Choice: Evidence from Two Randomized Field Experiments in Swedish Primary Health Care. (2018). Kjellsson, Gustav ; Ellegård, Lina Maria ; Dietrichson, Jens ; Anell, Anders ; Ellegrd, Lina Maria.
    In: Working Papers.

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  3. Do you mind me paying less? Measuring Other-Regarding Preferences in the Market for Taxis. (2016). Grosskopf, Brit ; Pearce, Graeme .
    In: Natural Field Experiments.

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References cited by this document

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  38. Le difficoltà d’accesso all’abitazione da parte degli immigrati Una indagine di campo. (2011). Bertolini, Paola ; Pagliacci, Francesco ; Giannuzzi, Serena .
    In: Department of Economics.

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  39. Rental housing discrimination and the persistence of ethnic enclaves. (2011). Farre, Lidia ; Carnero, M. Angeles ; Bosch, Mariano ; Olalla, Lidia Farre ; M. Angeles Carnero Fernandez, .
    In: Working Papers. Serie AD.

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  40. Do Landlords Discriminate in the Rental Housing Market? Evidence from an Internet Field Experiment in U.S. Cities. (2011). Hanson, Andrew ; Hawley, Zackary.
    In: Experimental Economics Center Working Paper Series.

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  41. Do landlords discriminate in the rental housing market? Evidence from an internet field experiment in US cities. (2011). Hanson, Andrew ; Hawley, Zackary.
    In: Journal of Urban Economics.

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  42. Subtle discrimination in the rental housing market: Evidence from e-mail correspondence with landlords. (2011). Hanson, Andrew ; Hawley, Zackary ; Taylor, Aryn .
    In: Journal of Housing Economics.

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  43. Ethnic discrimination in the Italian rental housing market. (2011). baldini, massimo ; Federici, Marta .
    In: Journal of Housing Economics.

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  44. Can Discrimination in the Housing Market Be Reduced by Increasing the Information about the Applicants?. (2010). Hammarstedt, Mats ; Aldén, Lina ; AHMED, ALI M. ; Andersson, Lina.
    In: Land Economics.

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  45. The Effects of Competition and Information on Racial Discrimination: Evidence from a Field Experiment.. (2010). Owens, Mark ; Nunley, John ; Howard, Stephen R..
    In: Working Papers.

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  46. Information and discrimination in the rental housing market: Evidence from a field experiment. (2010). Farre, Lidia ; Carnero, M. Angeles ; Bosch, Mariano.
    In: Regional Science and Urban Economics.

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  47. Information and discrimination in the rental housing market: evidence from a field experiment. (2009). Farre, Lidia ; Carnero, M. Angeles ; Bosch, Mariano ; Olalla, Lidia Farre ; M. Angeles Carnero Fernandez, .
    In: Working Papers. Serie AD.

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  48. Terrorism and attitudes towards minorities: The effect of the Theo van Gogh murder on house prices in Amsterdam. (2009). van Vuuren, Aico ; Siegmann, Arjen ; Gautier, Pieter.
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  49. Ethnic Discrimination in the Market Place of Small Business Transfers. (2009). Hammarstedt, Mats ; Aldén, Lina ; Ahmed, Ali M ; Andersson, Lina.
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  50. How Important is Access to Jobs? Old Question - Improved Answer.. (2009). Zenou, Yves ; Östh, John ; Åslund, Olof ; John Östh, ; Aslund, Olof ; Osth, John.
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