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It Is Never too late: Optimal Penalty for Investment Delay in Public Procurement Contracts. (2009). Vergalli, Sergio ; Valbonesi, Paola ; moretto, michele ; Dalpaos, Chiara .
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Does the Project Design Matter for the Performance of Infrastructure Execution? An Assessment for Italy. (2019). Guccio, Calogero ; Cavalieri, Marina ; Ferrante, Livio ; Cristaudo, Rossana.
    In: Italian Economic Journal: A Continuation of Rivista Italiana degli Economisti and Giornale degli Economisti.

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  2. How to apply penalties to avoid delays in projects. (2019). Bergantiños, Gustavo ; Lorenzo, Leticia ; Bergantios, Gustavo.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  3. Time overruns as opportunistic behavior in public procurement. (2013). Vergalli, Sergio ; Valbonesi, Paola ; moretto, michele ; Dalpaos, Chiara.
    In: Journal of Economics.

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  4. Time Overruns as Opportunistic Behavior in Public Procurement. (2012). Valbonesi, Paola ; moretto, michele ; Dalpaos, Chiara ; Vergalli, Sergio.
    In: Working Papers.

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  5. Procurement with Unenforceable Contract Time and the Law of Liquidated Damages. (2012). moretto, michele ; Dosi, Cesare.
    In: Working Papers.

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  6. Bayesian Estimation of Stochastic-Transition Markov-Switching Models for Business Cycle Analysis. (2010). Casarin, Roberto ; Billio, Monica.
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. Competitive Markets with Private Information on Both Sides. (2009). Polemarchakis, Herakles ; minelli, enrico ; Meier, Martin.
    In: Working Papers.

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  8. Markets and Contracts. (2009). Polemarchakis, Herakles ; minelli, enrico ; Gottardi, Piero ; Bisin, Alberto ; Geanakoplos, John.
    In: Working Papers.

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  9. Credit availability in the crisis: the European investment bank group. (2009). Mantovani, Andrea ; Fedele, Alessandro ; Liucci, Francesco .
    In: Working Papers.

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  10. Optimal investment and financial strategies under tax rate uncertainty. (2009). Vergalli, Sergio ; Panteghini, Paolo ; Fedele, Alessandro.
    In: Working Papers.

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  11. Do social enterprises finance their investments differently from for-profit firms? The case of social residential services in Italy. (2009). Miniaci, Raffaele ; Fedele, Alessandro.
    In: Working Papers.

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  12. Retrospective Capital Gains taxation in the real world. (2009). Panteghini, Paolo ; Menoncin, Francesco.
    In: Working Papers.

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  13. Decentralized provision of merit and impure public goods. (2009). Menoncin, Francesco ; LEVAGGI, ROSELLA.
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  14. The Phillips curve and the Italian lira, 1861-1998. (2009). Trecroci, Carmine ; spinelli, Franco ; Fratianni, Michele ; del boca, alessandra.
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  3. Anderlini, L. , L. Felli, and A. Postlewaite, (2007), Courts of Law and Unforeseen Contingencies , Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 23: 662-684.

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