- Alessandra DEL BOCA, Michele FRATIANNI, Franco SPINELLI, Carmine TRECROCI The Phillips Curve and the Italian Lira, 1861-1 998 (giugno)
- Alessandra DEL BOCA, Michele FRATIANNI, Franco SPINELLI, Carmine TRECROCI Wage Bargaining Coordination and the Phillips curve in Italy (gennaio)
- Alessandro BUCCIOL - Raffaele MINIACI Household portfolios and implicit risk aversion (luglio)
- Alessandro BUCCIOL, Raffaele MINIACI Optimal Asset Allocation Based on Utility Maximization in the Presence of Market Frictions (marzo)
- Alessandro FEDELE, Francesco LIUCCI, Andrea MANTOVANI Credit Availability in the Crisis: The Case of European Investment Bank Group (ottobre)
- Alessandro FEDELE, Paolo PANTEGHINI, Sergio VERGALLI Optimal Investment and Financial Strategies under Tax Rate Uncertainty (ottobre)
- Alessandro FEDELE, Raffaele MINIACI Do Social Enterprises Finance Their Investments Differently from For-profit Firms? The Case of Social Residential Services in Italy (ottobre)
- Amedeo FOSSATI, Rosella LEVAGGI Delay is not the answer: waiting time in health care & income redistribution (gennaio)
- Aviad HEIFETZ, Enrico MINELLI Aspiration Traps (marzo)
- Carmine TRECROCI, Matilde VASSALLI Monetary Policy Regime Shifts. New Evidence from Time-Varying Interest-Rate Rules (gennaio)
- Chiara D'ALPAOS, Michele FRATIANNI, Paola VALBONESI, Sergio VERGALLI It is never too late . optimal penalty for investment delay in public procurement contracts (maggio)
- Chiara DALLE NOGARE, Matilde VASSALLI A Pressure-Augmented Taylor Rule for Italy (marzo)
- Chiara DALLE NOGARE, Matteo GALIZZI The political economy of cultural spending: evidence from italian cities (ottobre) Anno 2009
- Enrico MINELLI, Salvatore MODICA Credit Market Failures and Policy (gennaio)
- Federico BIAGI, Maria Laura PARISI, Lucia VERGANO Organizational Innovations and Labor Productivity in a Panel of Italian Manufacturing Firms (agosto)
- Federico BOFFA, Carlo SCARPA Exporting Collusion under Capacity Constraints: an Anti-Competitive Effect of Market Integration (ottobre)
- - Fran
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- Francesco MENONCIN The role of longevity bonds in optimal portfolios (gennaio)
- Francesco MENONCIN, Paolo PANTEGHINI Retrospective Capital Gains Taxation in the Real World (settembre)
- Francesco MENONCIN, Paolo PANTEGHINI The Johansson-Samuelson Theorem in General Equilibrium: A Rebuttal (luglio)
- Franco SPINELLI, Carmine TRECROCI Maastricht: New and Old Rules (luglio)
- Gianni AMISANO, Oreste TRISTANI Euro area inflation persistence in an estimated nonlinear DSGE model (maggio)
- Gianni AMISANO, Roberto CASARIN Particle Filters for Markov-Switching StochasticCorrelation Models (agosto)
- Gianni AMISANO, Roberto SAVONA Imperfect Predictability and Mutual Fund Dynamics: How Managers Use Predictors in Changing Systematic Risk (settembre)
- - Giulio PALERMO Il potere come relazione sociale. Il caso dell'universit
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- - Giulio PALERMO La valutazione dei titoli scientifici dei docenti del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche dell'Universit
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- J.H. DREZE, E. MINELLI, M. TIRELLI Production and Financial Policies Under Asymmetric Information (febbraio)
- John GEWEKE, Gianni AMISANO Hierarchical Markov Normal Mixture Models with Applications to Financial Asset Returns (luglio)
- Laura LEVAGGI, Rosella LEVAGGI Regulation strategies for public service provision (ottobre) Anno 2008
- Laura LEVAGGI, Rosella LEVAGGI Welfare properties of restrictions to health care services based on cost effectiveness (marzo)
- Laura PODDI, Sergio VERGALLI Does corporate social responsability affect firms performance? (luglio)
- Matteo M. GALIZZI Bargaining and Networks in a Gas Bilateral Oligopoly (aprile)
- Mauro GHINAMO, Paolo PANTEGHINI, Federico REVELLI FDI determination and corporate tax competition in a volatile world (aprile)
- Michele MORETTO, Paolo M. PANTEGHINI, Carlo SCARPA Profit Sharing and Investment by Regulated Utilities. a Welfare Analysis (aprile)
- Michele MORETTO, Sergio VERGALLI Managing Migration Through Quotas: an Option-Theory perspective (luglio)
- Monica BILLIO, Roberto CASARIN Identifying Business Cycle Turning Points with Sequential Monte Carlo Methods (agosto)
- Monica BILLIO, Roberto CASARIN Stochastic Optimisation for Allocation Problems with Shortfall Risk Constraints (ottobre) Anno 2007
- Ola ANDERSSON, Matteo M. GALIZZI, Tim HOPPE, Sebastian KRANZ, Karen VAN DER WIEL, Erik WENGSTROM Persuasion in Experimental Ultimatum Games (luglio)
- Paolo BUONANNO, Matteo GALIZZI Advocatus, et non latro? Testing the SupplierInduced -Demand Hypothesis for Italian Courts of Justice (dicembre)
- Paolo M. PANTEGHINI The Capital Structure of Multinational Companies under Tax Competition (marzo)
- Paolo PANTEGHINI Corporate Debt, Hybrid Securities and the Effective Tax Rate (luglio)
- Paolo PANTEGHINI On the Equivalence between Labor and Consumption Taxation (aprile)
- Raffaele MINIACI - Sergio PASTORELLO Mean-variance econometric analysis of household portfolios (luglio)
- Roberto CASARIN, Carmine TRECROCI Business Cycle and Stock Market Volatility. A Particle Filter Approach (febbraio)
- Roberto CASARIN, Domenico SARTORE Matrix-State Particle Filter for Wishart Stochastic Volatility Processes (agosto)
- Roberto CASARIN, Jean-Michel MARIN Online data processing: comparison of Bayesian regularized particle filters (aprile)
- Roberto CASARIN, Loriana PELIZZON, Andrea PIVA Italian Equity Funds: Efficiency and Performance Persistence (settembre)
- Rosella LEVAGGI Decentralisation vs fiscal federalism in the presence of impure public goods (agosto)
- Rosella LEVAGGI From Local to global public goods: how should externalities be represented? (marzo)
- Rosella LEVAGGI Tax evasion and the cost of public sector activities (settembre)
- Rosella LEVAGGI, Francesco MENONCIN A note on optimal tax evasion in the presence of merit goods (marzo)
- Rosella LEVAGGI, Francesco MENONCIN Decentralised provision of merit and impure public goods (luglio)
- - Sandye GLORIA-PALERMO Les consequences id
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- Sergio VERGALLI Dynamics in Immigration Community (luglio)
- Sergio VERGALLI Entry and Exit Strategies in Migration Dynamics (gennaio)
- Stefano CAPRI, Rosella LEVAGGI Drug pricing and risk sarin agreements (luglio)
- Vesa KANNIAINEN, Paolo PANTEGHINI Tax neutrality: Illusion or reality? The case of Entrepreneurship (maggio)
- , 355-374. Discussion Papers recentemente pubblicati Anno 2006
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